It'll Be All Right -A May 2012 TR Closing Thought and PTR Link 8/12*

I'm sorry you're not going on your Disney trip. :( Hopefully you will get to go later this summer! That might actually be better, less crowds right? :banana:
Boooo. I'm sorry you didn't get to go on your weekend getaway, but here's hoping you can take a slightly longer trip in a couple of months!
That stinks, Alicia!:sad2: I'm really sorry that things didn't work out, but very glad to know that you may be able to switch it to August!!:)

Aww, I'm sorry that you can't go this weekend. It's good that you're positive about it and that you can still go sometime this summer though!

Sorry your weekend get-away fell through! But, yay for a fun birthday night for your mom!

Sorry about your weekend .. hopefully you'll get there real soon ! :goodvibes

awe :( I'm sad you won't be going this weekend :headache: but glad you are still able to plan a trip very soon. Maybe you'll have to do something special anyway this weekend to make sure you don't have a "missed Disney trip" funk. LOL. Dinner and a movie or something else special?? I don't have a clue what is special around your area (we have a mineral spa almost an hour drive away so that's where we go for special times) so not sure what's available to you to avoid the funk but there's got to be something right?? :)

Uggg, the military can ruin the best laid plans! :headache: I'm so sorry you had to cancel, but I hope you can go again soon!

I'm sorry you're not going on your Disney trip. :( Hopefully you will get to go later this summer! That might actually be better, less crowds right? :banana:

Boooo. I'm sorry you didn't get to go on your weekend getaway, but here's hoping you can take a slightly longer trip in a couple of months!

Thanks, everyone! Alex and I were a bit bummed about not getting away, but we still had a good weekend. Went minature golfing, and I took my dad out to eat for Father's Day.

We had to call Disney and move our reservations, which was an adventure. We couldn't do it in July, because Alex has a weeklong trip for work, and in September we already have to take a few days off for anniversaries/birthdays/and family visits.
So, we had to pick the easiest dates, which were Sept. 30th-October 2nd. Kind of random times to go, but we figured why not? It'll be near the time of our cruise/Disneymoon, and by October it'll be cooler out. :thumbsup2
Thanks, everyone! Alex and I were a bit bummed about not getting away, but we still had a good weekend. Went minature golfing, and I took my dad out to eat for Father's Day.

We had to call Disney and move our reservations, which was an adventure. We couldn't do it in July, because Alex has a weeklong trip for work, and in September we already have to take a few days off for anniversaries/birthdays/and family visits.

So, we had to pick the easiest dates, which were Sept. 30th-October 2nd. Kind of random times to go, but we figured why not? It'll be near the time of our cruise/Disneymoon, and by October it'll be cooler out. :thumbsup2

Also, it's Food & Wine time! By far my favorite time to be at WDW.
Aww too bad about your weekend plans. At least it doesn't sound too hard to re-schedule!
Also, it's Food & Wine time! By far my favorite time to be at WDW.

Aww too bad about your weekend plans. At least it doesn't sound too hard to re-schedule!

I couldn't remember if the first of October was F&W time or not, because I remember reading that they pushed the dates back some to accomodate for the Tower of Terror 10-miler. I need to go check on that! :rotfl:
Sorry about your weekend plans getting canceled, but I think late September is a great time to go! So Yeah!:banana:
Thanks, everyone! Alex and I were a bit bummed about not getting away, but we still had a good weekend. Went minature golfing, and I took my dad out to eat for Father's Day.

We had to call Disney and move our reservations, which was an adventure. We couldn't do it in July, because Alex has a weeklong trip for work, and in September we already have to take a few days off for anniversaries/birthdays/and family visits.
So, we had to pick the easiest dates, which were Sept. 30th-October 2nd. Kind of random times to go, but we figured why not? It'll be near the time of our cruise/Disneymoon, and by October it'll be cooler out. :thumbsup2

How very awesome--we'll be there at the same time for the ToT race!! You'll have to let me know if you think y'all may have some time to try and meet up one day!
Sorry about your weekend plans getting canceled, but I think late September is a great time to go! So Yeah!:banana:

I think we'll have fun in September/October. Right now we visiting at various times so we can determine which month we like best.:rotfl: Plus, we're hoping since this trip is 3 months out we can extend it by a few days.

How very awesome--we'll be there at the same time for the ToT race!! You'll have to let me know if you think y'all may have some time to try and meet up one day!

I wish I could participate in the ToT race, it looks like so much fun! We'll definitely have to try and meet up, if only so I can congratulate you on the race!:thumbsup2
It's been a very long time since I posted an update on this TR, and it is kind of hard to believe that I'm still on arrival day, but life has a funny way of getting in the way of productivity. All I'll say is that a family member of mine is having some medical issues right now, so my posts might be a bit sporadic for awhile. This is also why I haven't been commenting as much as I have been.

Plus, this little fellow is messing up my weekend plans to see Brave:
Seems Debby is heading right towards me, meaning it's been rainy and windy at my house. I'm no stranger to hurricanes/tropical storms, though, so I'm ready for it. The nasty weather has just given me some free time to post an update.

May 4th Evening Pt 1:

Weeks ago, I left off with my mom, Alex, and I riding Spaceship Earth and taking in the wondrous fact that we were finally in Walt Disney World.

Epcot, to be more precise.

We did not have any set goals in mind, just that we wanted to enjoy some park time before we needed to get a good's night rest. So as we walked by the Fountain of Nations, I saw Club Cool in my periphs and figured Mom needed to meet Beverly.

I thought about capturing the moment on camera, but my mom is no idiot; she would have immediately suspected something was awry if I stood in front of her, camera poised at her face. I bit the bullet chose to see her genuinely shocked over capturing the semi-confused photo.

Her reaction was worth it, though. She scrunched up her nose and proclaimed, "Alex Kuchnia!"


In her disgust, my mom spewed out the name of an old family friend, mixing up my last name with theirs. You know how that goes, like when you're trying to yell for a family member and you call them by everyone else's name, then the cat's, then the mailman, until finally they say, "I'm So-And-So." This wasn't the only time she did that, so it quickly became a joke of the trip, anytime we needed to say Alex's name we put in the wrong last name.

Look at that, you go to Disney World and get a new name. That doesn't happen every day.


A CM was standing by us and asked me if I'd given her the Beverly. We walked towards the exit and talked with the woman, and she told us that her favorite thing to do was to suggest the Beverly to guests and watch their reaction.

Gotta get your thrills somewhere...

It was past time to head to the World Showcase and see some more of the Flower and Garden Festival.

Where the Cars display was last year was Farmer Mickey and his pals.



They were well done, and if you notice in the second photo, Epcot wasn't super busy. I had predicted it would be pretty crowded due to evening extra magic hours that night, but it looked like the other guests had made other plans.


We veered to the left, because I wanted to check out the wait time for Maelstrom, but before we got to Norway, I spotted this beauty:

I asked Mom if she'd ever gone on the Gran Fiesta Tour before and she couldn't recall, so I dragged the three of us inside the Mexico pavilion. The line for the ride was nonexistent, so we were hustled into the first row of a boat.

I should say now, my mom and I are so similar, it's uncanny. In my May 2011 TR, I talked about how much I love the beginning of Gran Fiesta, when you're circling around the temple and can look up and almost believe you're under a night sky. Well, as we were going by hungry guests eating their dinner, my mom exclaimed, "Too cool! I could go on this ride over and over again and see this view."

Me too, Mom. Me too...


The ride ended (whoo 2nd ride of the trip knocked out!) and we walked back outside into the 6 o'clock evening.

My mom and Alex began walking ahead of me while I went to the railing of the Lagoon and took in the sight for a few seconds.


It was great.

The water was great, the sky was great, the temperature was great, I was great.

I only wished I could have stayed there longer, but I knew I had 7 amazing, magical, exciting days ahead of me, and the idea that I could simply walk into Epcot anytime I wanted to see that view again was exhilarating.

The week seemed like eons. There were no thoughts of departures or home or leaving on my mind.

Not on arrival day.

My two party members noticed me being all sappy and introverted and dragged me away. No time for deep thoughts, we hadn't even made it past the first World Showcase pavilion!

The wait time for Maelstrom was longer than we wanted to wait that night, (probably ten minutes:rotfl:) so we kept going, realizing that food was necessary before we went on any more adventures.

Because I'm a person of habit, I stopped us at:

The restaurant was empty except for a school group, and I stepped in line with my mom to show her how to use the Dining Plan. We got a very nice CM who asked us what table service places we were eating at and when I mentioned Via Napoli, he said it was absolutely delicious.

Which in turn made me want to eat there right that minute, but alas, I had 5 days to wait.


The three of us were original and ordered Chicken Strips, fries, and S'mores mousses for dessert.


I was the only who branched out and got a water with my meal while the two others got coke.

My mom's eyes bugged out a little when she saw the amount of food on the tray. She realized really quickly that if one was to go hungry at WDW, the resort was not to blame.

Both her and I ate about half our chicken and gave the rest to Alex.

We ate all of our mousse. Alex only had his to suffice.

Having spent 4 months running and be conscientious about my meals, stuffing myself with all that food was literally painful. I needed to get up and waddle around for a bit.

So, we continued on our walk around World Showcase, and I finally remembered to take a few pictures of the topiaries:

I was glad to see Epcot kept the Toy Story theme, because it was just too cute to discard.

These guys weren't topiaries, but they were too adorable to not take a photo of:


Having finally seen Cars 2, I understood why Mater was in Japan:


Even though it was past 7 o'clock and we were all a bit tired, I still had one more trick up my sleeve. It proved to be one of my highlights of the trip, as well, but it'll have to wait until my next update.

Up next: Have Fun at Wishes!
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Ugh. Can't see your pics right now so I'll come back.

Hope things are going OK with the storm. I've been watching it on the Weather Channel.

I know what you mean about that first meal after weeks/months of diet and exercising. It does hurt. The sad thing is that two or three meals later I'm right back where I started before dieting and I can eat anything that doesn't move and want more. :rotfl:
Love the new nickname ;) hehe

So glad that Epcot was so nice and quiet for you!!! We eat at the same place - and out of habit just like you. LOL. We're not huge chicken nugget fans though so we do the burgers. That's funny you all got the same thing :laughing:

I think I just posted about that same duck family in my Epcot post! LOL. I don't think anyone can resist their cuteness :)

Sorry about all the chaos going on - I can totally relate to not having alot of time to get your posts up so don't worry - I'll be here. I am only on day 5 out of 19 so at a post a week I'll be here alright - for a long long time!!! haha.
Haha, I haven't seen Cars 2, so I am glad to hear there is a reason for the Cars topiaries in Japan- it was seriously confusing me!

Great update, I can feel the joy of being at Epcot!
I love looking at your pics of the's actually kind of funny because we took pics of the same ones! lol

The Beverly story had me cracking up! The Alex Kuchina thing was pretty darn hilarious, and then to hear about the CM recommeding the Beverly is just too funny...that never gets old for me!!

We've never eaten in the American pavilion, so we may just have to try it sometime.

Oh, I just can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

Sorry that Debby is putting a damper on things. I hope you and everyone else in the path stay safe!
Hope the storm is gentle to you guys!

Oh I love the GFT so much, and that night sky is really pretty. So well done!
I haven't seen Cars 2 and I wondered what the heck Mater was doing in Japan. Good to know there's a reason!
Love Epcot updates so much <3
Im enjoying your trip report. I sure hope everything is ok. we have been going through some stuff with my dads health lately too. We will be in the world sept 20-sept 30th!
This is turning out to be an exciting trip---Your mom got a new husband, and you got a new name! :laughing:
Hello :wave2: remember me?

Woohoo on starting your next TR and having another trip coming up. Love that you started your trip with a meal at EoS and all your pics of Epcot are making me miss that park.
Sorry to hear about your family member. I hope everything turns out okay. :goodvibes:

I live in Virginia, AKA not even in the radar for the storm, and yesterday we still got hit with some of it. We had this freak 10 minute storm and our power was out for 8 hours. It was crazy! Anyways, hope you stay safe!!

I love seeing all the topiaries... I would LOVE to visit F&G sometime. Beautiful! Sounds like yall were having a nice day so far. YAY ARRIVAL DAY.
Ugh. Can't see your pics right now so I'll come back.

Hope things are going OK with the storm. I've been watching it on the Weather Channel.

I know what you mean about that first meal after weeks/months of diet and exercising. It does hurt. The sad thing is that two or three meals later I'm right back where I started before dieting and I can eat anything that doesn't move and want more. :rotfl:

I hear ya about the food. It didn't take me long to become adjusted to Disney meals. The worst is when you return home and you have to control yourself. Alex and I will never forget when we went out to dinner with his family the day we left Disney. We both demolished our plates and were still hungry.:eek: It was terrible!:rotfl:

Love the new nickname ;) hehe

So glad that Epcot was so nice and quiet for you!!! We eat at the same place - and out of habit just like you. LOL. We're not huge chicken nugget fans though so we do the burgers. That's funny you all got the same thing :laughing:

I think I just posted about that same duck family in my Epcot post! LOL. I don't think anyone can resist their cuteness :)

Sorry about all the chaos going on - I can totally relate to not having alot of time to get your posts up so don't worry - I'll be here. I am only on day 5 out of 19 so at a post a week I'll be here alright - for a long long time!!! haha.

I laughed when I saw the duck pictures in your TR, how could anyone resist taking pictures of them?!:laughing:
Haha, take your time with your TR, I am enjoying hearing how you managed such a long trip. So far it sounds wonderful!

Haha, I haven't seen Cars 2, so I am glad to hear there is a reason for the Cars topiaries in Japan- it was seriously confusing me!

Great update, I can feel the joy of being at Epcot!

Hah, yeah, I didn't even think anything of the Cars topiaries being in Japan until I overheard a confused mother in front of it.

I love looking at your pics of the's actually kind of funny because we took pics of the same ones! lol

The Beverly story had me cracking up! The Alex Kuchina thing was pretty darn hilarious, and then to hear about the CM recommeding the Beverly is just too funny...that never gets old for me!!

We've never eaten in the American pavilion, so we may just have to try it sometime.

Oh, I just can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

Sorry that Debby is putting a damper on things. I hope you and everyone else in the path stay safe!

I kind of slacked when it came to taking pictures of the F&G Festival sights, because a lot of them were the same as last year...whoops.:confused3

The American Pavilion isn't anything to write home about, but as far as burgers and chicken goes, I think it's better than the Electric Umbrella. I really wanna try Sunshine Seasons on our next trip.

The storm turned right on Monday, so we only had that one day of bad weather, thankfully.

Hope the storm is gentle to you guys!

Oh I love the GFT so much, and that night sky is really pretty. So well done!
I haven't seen Cars 2 and I wondered what the heck Mater was doing in Japan. Good to know there's a reason!
Love Epcot updates so much <3

I think maybe Epcot should've put Cars in a less confusing place, because you weren't the only one going, "What the heck?" :laughing:

Epcot updates are great to read; I think it's because they can go either way. In some people are getting a bunch of stuff done and it's exciting, and in others, people are taking it slow and soaking up Disney's beauty. We ended up visiting Epcot a lot more than I expected on this trip, and I definitely miss it.

Im enjoying your trip report. I sure hope everything is ok. we have been going through some stuff with my dads health lately too. We will be in the world sept 20-sept 30th!

Thank you for reading! Sorry about your dad's health, it can be a stressful time, I know. But as least you have a Disney trip to look forward to! 10 days in the world...I bet that is going to be amazing. :love:

This is turning out to be an exciting trip---Your mom got a new husband, and you got a new name! :laughing:

:rotfl2: And that's only on the first day!

Hello :wave2: remember me?

Woohoo on starting your next TR and having another trip coming up. Love that you started your trip with a meal at EoS and all your pics of Epcot are making me miss that park.

Hi Tanz! Of course I remember you! I'm so happy to see you back on the boards, it's been lacking without a PTR or TR from you.

Starting our trip with EoS was nice, and Alex really enjoyed going to DTD.

Sorry to hear about your family member. I hope everything turns out okay. :goodvibes:

I live in Virginia, AKA not even in the radar for the storm, and yesterday we still got hit with some of it. We had this freak 10 minute storm and our power was out for 8 hours. It was crazy! Anyways, hope you stay safe!!

I love seeing all the topiaries... I would LOVE to visit F&G sometime. Beautiful! Sounds like yall were having a nice day so far. YAY ARRIVAL DAY.

That's crazy that you got hit with a bit of the storm. Lucky for us, the storm veered right Monday morning, so we're just getting the good side effects of it. Meaning, amazing weather here. It was at least 10 degrees cooler than normal, which in Florida in the dead of summer is heavenly.:love:

I would definitely suggest to anyone to visit during the F&G Festival at least once. The park is gorgeous, and the best perk of it is that it's not crowded. An empty Epcot is an awesome Epcot! :thumbsup2


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