It happens every year...


A Disboards original...
Aug 20, 1999
My in-laws take my son overnight so he can go to the State Fair with Grandpa and his cousins, then keep him an extra day so I can get things ready for his birthday parties.

Before he goes, I think, "oh goody, some time to myself. I can watch something besides cartoons on TV." And I look forward to it.

After he leaves, I'm happy for about 5 minutes, and then I miss my little buddy. :(

No hugs for mommy this morning. Sigh!
Here's a BIG hug for you!!

Not the same as your little guy, but maybe it will help.. :)
I love the smell of his hair. I think that's what I miss the most.

Hugging him and sniffing his head.
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} Is he home yet? Or is it tomorrow?
{{Hugs}} When DH and I went to Las Vegas everybody told us what a great time we'd have without the kids. We did have a good time, but by Sunday we were both ready to come home and see our little darlings! :D


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