If you're trying illustrate which months organically sell the most points, there are a variety of things which should probably be done to normalize the data. For example, removing the early sales bump for any new resort. VGF sold 177k points in April 2022, but by September it fell to just 47k. People weren't waiting until they got a tax refund check to purchase in April...it just happened to be the month DVC decided to start selling.
Same with VDH which sold 0 points in April 2023, 162k in June and 31k in September.
Also, one could argue that all of 2020 should be removed. Sales were quite good in January - March. Not so much the rest of the year.
Incentives also play a role, like the VGF deals last summer that caused it to rise to 180k one month after languishing in the mid 5-figures. IMO, you'd have to massage the data pretty thoroughly to get some sense of when random walk-in purchases actually occurred. Without that, each year is a series of peaks and valleys driven by the quality of incentives, new resort intros, economy, etc. And that's not even getting into the psychology of people thinking "I'm not going to buy Riviera / CFW / VDH until I know what the pricing is for the Poly." Judging by the commentary here, there were a ton of purchases in early 2022 seemingly waylaid as people held out for more details on the Grand Floridian re-introduction.