Is this obsession healthy?


DIS Veteran
May 11, 2001

I can't help thinking DVC creates an unhealthy obsession. Since joining a few months ago, I find myself thinking about DVC or Disney World AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!!! As a usually skeptical person, I can't help thinking I am just a pawn in a brilliant marketing scheme! Disney is insidious. The selling point is what makes it so consuming. If they would just give you x week in x accomodations, I doubt any of us would think much about it. It's all the mathmatical possibilities that keep us figuring and re-figuring to get the maximum out of our points, and then when we realize we just can't stay in a grand villa for a week with the points we currently have we MUST BUY MORE! Oh, those Disney folks are good...

So I'm just wondering what it is that keeps people thinking about it and returning to these boards? Is it the hope that there will be some announcement of a "point special"? Or a new perk, like free passes for a year? What keeps us tuned in???

So I'm just wondering what it is that keeps people thinking about it and returning to these boards? Is it the hope that there will be some announcement of a "point special"? Or a new perk, like free passes for a year? What keeps us tuned in???

Vacation...I want to be on vacation, so I come here, and it gets me a little closer to Old Key West.

Since I have my screen saver showing pictures from my previous Walt Disney World trips, yes, I think of DVC at least once, twice, three times a day, or more :D
A Disney diversion in my den is what keeps me on these boards, no stress and many reminders of past magical vacations. Plus anticipation of the next adventure to WDW....spruce
Relax the Disney obsession is a healthy one with many symptoms:

1. You find yourself visiting DIS daily
2. You plan future trips to WDW well in advance
3. You may find yourself humming Zip-Pa-Dee-Doo-Daa
or other Disney songs

The only cure is Pixie Dust and a little Disney Magic.

:crazy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earseek: :wave:
(humming) Don't drink, don't smoke....what do I do????

I Dream of WDW. ;)

It's safe and legal! As long as it doesn't take priority over God and my family, I'm doing OK! :)

ohiominnie :p
If you are only thinking of DVC and WDW once a day you have your obsession under control
Now there are those sick puppies like myself who think of DVC and WDW about EVERY OTHER

There is no cure except constant treatment (DVC vacations) and the DIS boards!

Welcome Home!

Larry Poppins:bounce:
I don't think you can go wrong with time spent on these boards. I have found that the information I have gotten has given me the opportunity to turn a great vacation into an even better one. The saying here for going to a DVC resort is that "you are going home." The help from the good folks that use this board make you feel as if you have been to a resort before, even though you are making your first visit. That's why the DVC resorts feel like "home."
I also want to be on vacation!:cool: The boards help take me closer to home when all I'm doing is dreaming of being there. :jester:
KLR-wlv, I think you are smart to question this. ANYTHING can become an obsession. If you wonder about it, you would probably benefit from a little time & space apart, to keep your perspective healthy. DVC will still be there later! :D

The Disney marketing machine is certainly powerful. When we first bought DVC, I found myself watching and re-watching the DVC video and spending an awful lot of time playing with points and figures. We no longer own DVC but do still enjoy Disney vacations and we still have Fairfield points and other timeshares.

The FF video, larger (FF points resorts) catalog and RCI "wish book" are all a LOT of fun! So is TUG (another bulletin board website, about timesharing in general). But even a daily dose of enthusiam there doesn't match the DIS-to-DVC loyalty and the endearing music/images of the DVC video. It's not as compelling. FOR ME, it's actually more fun to play with our other timeshare interests because my DH & children get involved too. They tire of Disney, preferring the chance to explore new places.

Anyway, I can really see what you mean about DVC being set up to encourage a compulsion (and perhaps more profits to Disney resulting from it). I agree. JMHO.
We have a lot of stress in our family with medical issues etc and a hectic life!

My faith, Disney, and DVC keeps me sain! I count down to the next vacation and R&R ! It helps during those difficult days.

Others reach for alcohol or drugs-- we :) know we can head to WDW or HH!

It is a drug, but a good one. The memories of WDW and DVC vacations are the things that have pulled me through some tough times, even a recent Kidney Stone. It did not make the pain go away but the diversion helped me pull through it. All I remember is saying over and over again, OKW< OKW< OKWW.

I have recently had the same's adicitive!
The best I can figure is that we have so much fun at Disney that it's hard not to do some reminissing about your last trip, which leads to thinking about your next trip and so on...As far as coming back to these boards,

I just found them about a week ago, I return to read whats going on in disney, Is there something I don't know of, someplace I haven't been, a quiet place at a park, whats good to eat, I can go on and on.

We will be at OKW in Nov. and we already have a count-down board! We look at it as going "Home"
I check these boards usually several times a day. I have one bathroom with a PO theme, the other with A BWV theme. My living room may soon become reminiscent of the WL. But I am not obsessed! ;)
(We could have habits that are much worse, we're not hurting anyone, and we're just hanging out here with people like ourselves. I don't see anything wrong with this.)

Now, back to that living room... :p
I am completely obsessed with wdw vacations!!! Not a single day goes by that I don't visit these boards, think about WDW, think about our upcoming trips!!!

There are a lot worse things to be obsessed with than vacations and WDW!!! dh and I have the most fabulous vacations at WDW!!! and we get real quality time together when in wdw, which is more than can say for the rat-race life we live at home!!! our vacations are our life saver!!! we love wdw, and it makes us very very happy to go as often as we can!!!

what's wrong with that?? i think it's great!!!!

live the Magic!!!! :)

Laura :D

only 18 days til next trip to WDW!!! yipeeeeeee :D :D :D
Dear KLR,

You are right on the money (or points, whichever currency you choose to trade in) and I urge everyone to join me now mass exodus. Just turn your kilobyte contraptions off right where they stand. Do something...anything more constructive with your time and energy. We are not your significant others...Hey, I said now!...although, since we're all still here lets have last little look see. Maybe BCV point will be free for the taking for DIS veterans in light of their unswerving loyalty to the mouse...Guess that was just wishful thinking but so long as your still here I may as well make my final post. Ive always wanted to convince y'all that VWL could take OKW and BWV even with one geyser tied behind its back...OK, its over...fini...Hey, you got a problem? its bye bye time, later gator, hit the road toad...OK, now I'm getting as mad as richyams in a girlyman studio and I'm not gonna take it anymore.
Just go away. It was fun but now its done...Alright, I give. If you aint leavin' I aint leavin.

P.S. Those of you who think I'm just being sarcastic are just as coDISpendent as I am.
Very Funny Geyser Gazer!
Thanks for the replies everyone...I feel slightly better about my addiction and loyalty to a mammoth corporation.....

We DIS the whole day through.
We never lose control....

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to DIS we go .........

One Hundred and eighteen days,
14 hours,
23 minutes,
37 seconds
Till VWL

Are we there yet?????


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