Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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No, he didn't cheat but regardless that is not the reason. The reason for the wedge is that Harry got serious about Meghan fairly quickly, and cautious William advised Harry to slow down and get to know her better first. That offended Harry, as if William thought Meghan wasn't good enough for the family. In particular, he took offense to William saying, "take your time and get to know that girl" (the same way William had taken his time to very thoroughly get to know Kate, her character and her intentions, before getting engaged). Harry thought Meghan was being dissed and it's only gone downhill from there in their relationship as William has disapproved of Harry's relatively quick marriage to Meghan and a lot of the choices and behavior of them as a couple, particularly their behavior in relation to the Queen.

You seem to know the royals personally, believing what you hear about Meghan is no different than me believing William might have cheated....
I am a bit taken aback by the level of nastiness that is being directed at MM. This is their life, they did not choose to be born to whom they were born to. If they as a couple decide to live their life as they want, then go for it, you only get one life and they owe no one any explanations... certainly not a bunch of folks who really come off as jealous and snide.

The way some of these posters talk about what the KNOW what is going on.... it is like they are friends with the very queen herself lol...

If you cared to look these young people have been very active while in America. Doing a wide variety of charity work.

Besides the link a page or two back I posted about the most recent aid to Texas and a woman's shelter

there is....

Baking bread for a food charity in LA...
Partnering to build food centers in disaster areas ....
Using their status to advance a charity that clothes needy kids by using them for their Christmas gifts...
Dec 2020...
Archewell collaborated with neurosurgeon James Doty from Stanford University to support his center's research on "promoting altruism" in society.

Loveland Foundation collaborations, which provides mental health resources to black women, and the Center for Humane Technology, which promotes ethical technology use

January 2021...
Archewell Foundation Fund to support the goals of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry known as,efforts and creative media ventures.

I know they do a hell of a lot more for charity than I do... and most likely more than ANY of us on this thread.

I have no idea what the truth of the matter is about MM. I never heard of her until suddenly she was dating Harry. Personally I've never believed the narrative that she's terrible and the architect of everything that's gone on in their lives.

I will however judge her by what she puts forth as her own words and feelings, such as the op ed she released about her miscarriage. That was a very glossy, very self serving little tale she spent a lot of time polishing up before she served it up for public consumption. That alone made it clear to me she wants public attention completely on her own terms. The world doesn't work that way. Maybe she didn't get a fair shake from the palace bureaucracy or the British press or whoever else. She's fine with public attention as long as she's shown in precisely the light she wants to be seen in. She clearly thinks the public should be accepting of the truth as she tells it to us and doesn't credit the public with being able to recognize when something isn't genuine or truthful.

I'd hazard a guess that plenty of the people participating on these boards are involved in various charitable efforts, probably without seeking out public attention for doing so.
I am a bit taken aback by the level of nastiness that is being directed at MM. This is their life, they did not choose to be born to whom they were born to. If they as a couple decide to live their life as they want, then go for it, you only get one life and they owe no one any explanations... certainly not a bunch of folks who really come off as jealous and snide.

The way some of these posters talk about what the KNOW what is going on.... it is like they are friends with the very queen herself lol...

If you cared to look these young people have been very active while in America. Doing a wide variety of charity work.

Besides the link a page or two back I posted about the most recent aid to Texas and a woman's shelter

there is....

Baking bread for a food charity in LA...
Partnering to build food centers in disaster areas ....
Using their status to advance a charity that clothes needy kids by using them for their Christmas gifts...
Dec 2020...
Archewell collaborated with neurosurgeon James Doty from Stanford University to support his center's research on "promoting altruism" in society.

Loveland Foundation collaborations, which provides mental health resources to black women, and the Center for Humane Technology, which promotes ethical technology use

January 2021...
Archewell Foundation Fund to support the goals of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry known as,efforts and creative media ventures.

I know they do a hell of a lot more for charity than I do... and most likely more than ANY of us on this thread.
MM wasn’t born into it...she chose to marry into it. She’d also followed Princess Diana for many years. She’d definitely been around the block a few times ...not clueless or naive. And she made the choice to profit from her prestigious royal in-laws.
Part of the purpose of publicizing their charity work, though, is to use their fame to bring more attention to the charities.

Ironically I was just reading the thank you for your service thread where someone mentioned their spouse struggles with being thanked and believes people do so to make themselves feel good instead of genuine expressions of gratitude. Yet the only reason celebrities make their charity public is to publicize the charities themselves, not to garner praise themselves. Yet everyone on this board was just told we couldn't possibly live up to the charitable efforts of two public figures merely because regular folks toil in the shadows instead of the glow of PR campaigns.
Ironically I was just reading the thank you for your service thread where someone mentioned their spouse struggles with being thanked and believes people do so to make themselves feel good instead of genuine expressions of gratitude. Yet the only reason celebrities make their charity public is to publicize the charities themselves, not to garner praise themselves. Yet everyone on this board was just told we couldn't possibly live up to the charitable efforts of two public figures merely because regular folks toil in the shadows instead of the glow of PR campaigns.

They also have a lot more free time and money to spend on charities than your average person. I know I just don't have the resources to do anywhere near as much charity work as they do.
MM wasn’t born into it...she chose to marry into it. She’d also followed Princess Diana for many years. She’d definitely been around the block a few times ...not clueless or naive. And she made the choice to profit from her prestigious royal in-laws.
The whole Diana era - and the behavior that drove it in some ways - has proved to be a sort of time bomb.
Part of the purpose of publicizing their charity work, though, is to use their fame to bring more attention to the charities.
Their “fame” comes from their connection to the RF, though, which they have eschewed. (Yes, Meghan was an actress, but most people, even in the US, had no idea who she was until she started dating Harry.) The question of their royal titles still hangs overhead. Without these, they are plain ‘ol Harry and Meghan. Understandable why they are fighting to keep them.
MM wasn’t born into it...she chose to marry into it. She’d also followed Princess Diana for many years. She’d definitely been around the block a few times ...not clueless or naive. And she made the choice to profit from her prestigious royal in-laws.
15 yo Meghan.
Major in college: International Studies and Theater

Their “fame” comes from their connection to the RF, though, which they have eschewed. (Yes, Meghan was an actress, but most people, even in the US, had no idea who she was until she started dating Harry.) The question of their royal titles still hangs overhead. Without these, they are plain ‘ol Harry and Meghan. Understandable why they are fighting to keep them.
It's a bit like the Charles G. Dawes and Calvin Coolidge relationship: the Vice President being bound by collective cabinet responsibility in the President's cabinet, even if the Vice President supposedly decided he didn't want to attend cabinet meetings any more.

Representing or not representing the Administration is not something that can just be turned off like a faucet and turned on again.
I have no idea what the truth of the matter is about MM. I never heard of her until suddenly she was dating Harry. Personally I've never believed the narrative that she's terrible and the architect of everything that's gone on in their lives.

I will however judge her by what she puts forth as her own words and feelings, such as the op ed she released about her miscarriage. That was a very glossy, very self serving little tale she spent a lot of time polishing up before she served it up for public consumption. That alone made it clear to me she wants public attention completely on her own terms. The world doesn't work that way. Maybe she didn't get a fair shake from the palace bureaucracy or the British press or whoever else. She's fine with public attention as long as she's shown in precisely the light she wants to be seen in. She clearly thinks the public should be accepting of the truth as she tells it to us and doesn't credit the public with being able to recognize when something isn't genuine or truthful.

I'd hazard a guess that plenty of the people participating on these boards are involved in various charitable efforts, probably without seeking out public attention for doing so.
I am very conflicted on the miscarriage. I am not 100% it happened. I know that sounds awful, and I sincerely hope I am wrong. Why I have my doubts:
- It is the one thing that will gain sympathy and no one wants to be the one questioning it.
- With all the press surrounding them, and them not being able to take one step outside without being pictured, how did they keep a visit to the hospital a secret?
- The over flowery language which she used to describe what happened. The amount of adjectives she uses to describe details, it doesn't feel real to me. It's too melodramatic. Maybe this is her style (I never read her blog), maybe she had too much time to think about it and thinks this is what people want to read from her. But it reminded me of Finding Freedom and makes me think it's the same author.

Again, I hope I am wrong about this, but if in a few years we will hear that it didn't happen I wouldn't be surprised.

If it did happen, I do think it was good they waited a few months before releasing the news. Regardless the question if they should have released the news at all, if they had been able to keep it a secret from the world.
I do think it is good that women in the public eye publish or talk about their experiences with miscarriages, like Chrissy Teigen. It's a topic we do not talk about enough.
I am also in doubt if a national US newspaper was the right channel. It would have made more sense if it was mentioned during a charity visit. As Meghan supports several women's groups, I can imagine it would have fit in there. Downside: It takes attention away from the charity. Upside: It would have come natural.
I am very conflicted on the miscarriage. I am not 100% it happened. I know that sounds awful, and I sincerely hope I am wrong. Why I have my doubts:
- It is the one thing that will gain sympathy and no one wants to be the one questioning it.
- With all the press surrounding them, and them not being able to take one step outside without being pictured, how did they keep a visit to the hospital a secret?
- The over flowery language which she used to describe what happened. The amount of adjectives she uses to describe details, it doesn't feel real to me. It's too melodramatic. Maybe this is her style (I never read her blog), maybe she had too much time to think about it and thinks this is what people want to read from her. But it reminded me of Finding Freedom and makes me think it's the same author.

Again, I hope I am wrong about this, but if in a few years we will hear that it didn't happen I wouldn't be surprised.

If it did happen, I do think it was good they waited a few months before releasing the news. Regardless the question if they should have released the news at all, if they had been able to keep it a secret from the world.
I do think it is good that women in the public eye publish or talk about their experiences with miscarriages, like Chrissy Teigen. It's a topic we do not talk about enough.
I am also in doubt if a national US newspaper was the right channel. It would have made more sense if it was mentioned during a charity visit. As Meghan supports several women's groups, I can imagine it would have fit in there. Downside: It takes attention away from the charity. Upside: It would have come natural.
It reportedly happened six months ago not sure how far along she is but...that's a big baby bump. Maybe twins?
What I don't get are the supposed expectations.

They - seemingly driven by MM - wanted to quit the Royal Family's representative duties.

Then, after quitting, MM publicly calls for the whole Royal Family to quit, beyond The Queen's lifetime.

Meanwhile, having quit, MM seems to be striving to assert her royal-given title.

Maybe any one of those opinions in isolation I could more or less figure where it might be coming from.

But the expectation that Great Britain's monarchy should in turn follow - on and off and on, like a faucet - all of those latest MM opinions in combination does baffle me. (It really does.)
It reportedly happened six months ago not sure how far along she is but...that's a big baby bump. Maybe twins?
The miscarriage happened in July, she announced it late November. I think for this pregnancy they said probably she is due in June/July (hence unable to travel to the UK this Summer). Any due date we are told by the couple will probably be fake to mislead the press. I can imagine that after a miscarriage they wanted to wait till well after the 12th week to tell other people. I guess that she is somewhere between 15 and 20 weeks along. The pregnancy was announced about 12 weeks after Meghan's op ed. It is possible depending how far along Meghan knew she was with child again when her op ed was published.
I can imagine that if she just found out she was with child again, that sparks a desire to put your story to paper of her miscarriage. And maybe helped with the decision to go public with it.
I am very conflicted on the miscarriage. I am not 100% it happened. I know that sounds awful, and I sincerely hope I am wrong. Why I have my doubts:
- It is the one thing that will gain sympathy and no one wants to be the one questioning it.
- With all the press surrounding them, and them not being able to take one step outside without being pictured, how did they keep a visit to the hospital a secret?
- The over flowery language which she used to describe what happened. The amount of adjectives she uses to describe details, it doesn't feel real to me. It's too melodramatic. Maybe this is her style (I never read her blog), maybe she had too much time to think about it and thinks this is what people want to read from her. But it reminded me of Finding Freedom and makes me think it's the same author.

Again, I hope I am wrong about this, but if in a few years we will hear that it didn't happen I wouldn't be surprised.

If it did happen, I do think it was good they waited a few months before releasing the news. Regardless the question if they should have released the news at all, if they had been able to keep it a secret from the world.
I do think it is good that women in the public eye publish or talk about their experiences with miscarriages, like Chrissy Teigen. It's a topic we do not talk about enough.
I am also in doubt if a national US newspaper was the right channel. It would have made more sense if it was mentioned during a charity visit. As Meghan supports several women's groups, I can imagine it would have fit in there. Downside: It takes attention away from the charity. Upside: It would have come natural.
You think all miscarriages happen in a hospital? :confused: As a personal example, my most recent miscarriage was discovered weeks after the fact on ultrasound. The subsequent treatments were under doctor’s orders to take place at home. No hospital visit necessary. You think it’s an important topic for women in the public eye to talk about, yet you criticize Meghan’s motivations for doing so, her writing style, the channel she chose for publishing it, and whether she should have discussed it at all, while simultaneously suggesting she’s lying about it having happened in the first place. Women uplifting women, amirite? :rolleyes2
You think all miscarriages happen in a hospital? :confused: As a personal example, my most recent miscarriage was discovered weeks after the fact on ultrasound. The subsequent treatments were under doctor’s orders to take place at home. No hospital visit necessary. You think it’s an important topic for women in the public eye to talk about, yet you criticize Meghan’s motivations for doing so, her writing style, the channel she chose for publishing it, and whether she should have discussed it at all, while simultaneously suggesting she’s lying about it having happened in the first place. Women uplifting women, amirite? :rolleyes2
She wrote the miscarriage happened at home and that she went to the hospital. "Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband's hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we'd heal."

Again, I hope I am wrong and as I said, I am conflicted about it. I know my words are contradicting each other. I am all for women uplifting women, but then it has to be true.
The miscarriage happened in July, she announced it late November. I think for this pregnancy they said probably she is due in June/July (hence unable to travel to the UK this Summer). Any due date we are told by the couple will probably be fake to mislead the press. I can imagine that after a miscarriage they wanted to wait till well after the 12th week to tell other people. I guess that she is somewhere between 15 and 20 weeks along. The pregnancy was announced about 12 weeks after Meghan's op ed. It is possible depending how far along Meghan knew she was with child again when her op ed was published.
I can imagine that if she just found out she was with child again, that sparks a desire to put your story to paper of her miscarriage. And maybe helped with the decision to go public with it.
The recent photo of her living on her back on the grass... big bump. Looked to be at a least six month belly.
She wrote the miscarriage happened at home and that she went to the hospital. "Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband's hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we'd heal."

Again, I hope I am wrong and as I said, I am conflicted about it. I know my words are contradicting each other. I am all for women uplifting women, but then it has to be true.
Fair enough, I didn’t realize she had verified the part about being hospitalized. Still, I don’t think that should cast doubt on the veracity of her story. Celebrities have ways of getting to the hospital while maintaining privacy. It’s not unusual to hear about someone’s illness/injury after the fact when they choose to make it public.
I am very conflicted on the miscarriage. I am not 100% it happened. I know that sounds awful, and I sincerely hope I am wrong. Why I have my doubts:
- It is the one thing that will gain sympathy and no one wants to be the one questioning it.
- With all the press surrounding them, and them not being able to take one step outside without being pictured, how did they keep a visit to the hospital a secret?
- The over flowery language which she used to describe what happened. The amount of adjectives she uses to describe details, it doesn't feel real to me. It's too melodramatic. Maybe this is her style (I never read her blog), maybe she had too much time to think about it and thinks this is what people want to read from her. But it reminded me of Finding Freedom and makes me think it's the same author.

Again, I hope I am wrong about this, but if in a few years we will hear that it didn't happen I wouldn't be surprised.

If it did happen, I do think it was good they waited a few months before releasing the news. Regardless the question if they should have released the news at all, if they had been able to keep it a secret from the world.
I do think it is good that women in the public eye publish or talk about their experiences with miscarriages, like Chrissy Teigen. It's a topic we do not talk about enough.
I am also in doubt if a national US newspaper was the right channel. It would have made more sense if it was mentioned during a charity visit. As Meghan supports several women's groups, I can imagine it would have fit in there. Downside: It takes attention away from the charity. Upside: It would have come natural.
I gave birth to a stillborn baby. I remember being numb and a bit shocked...trying to take it all in. It was all a blur. I felt pain and emptiness with bouts of belly crying. I would've never use the language MM did to describe my experience. Perhaps she took notes.
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