Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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I think they may have gotten scared, not just overwhelmed by the press but actually frightened for their safety. Harry is thinking about what happened to his mother and he is a new father, and Meghan probably got frightened not used to it thinking it was going to be really glamorous. So for safety I get it kinda maybe i dont know

They had a lot more protection as royals than they do as "private citizens". If Diana had kept her security detail, she might still be alive as she never would have been in that car in Paris.
I think they may have gotten scared, not just overwhelmed by the press but actually frightened for their safety. Harry is thinking about what happened to his mother and he is a new father, and Meghan probably got frightened not used to it thinking it was going to be really glamorous. So for safety I get it kinda maybe i dont know

I think so too. We did not see much of it here in the States, but over there, they were hounding her constantly. The stuff they printed about her was just nasty and uncalled for. I just don't know why some people are so nasty about them. What really have they done that is so horrible? That perv Andrew is getting less hate then Meghan is. If I was Meghan, I would not want my children being raised where they can see how hateful people are to their Mom, for no reason. Would any of you? From all accounts, Harry tried to work with them to step back a bit to let Meghan acclimate, like they did with Will and Kate. I did not happen and so they did what they thought was best. I don't blame them for that.
I think so too. We did not see much of it here in the States, but over there, they were hounding her constantly. The stuff they printed about her was just nasty and uncalled for. I just don't know why some people are so nasty about them. What really have they done that is so horrible? That perv Andrew is getting less hate then Meghan is. If I was Meghan, I would not want my children being raised where they can see how hateful people are to their Mom, for no reason. Would any of you? From all accounts, Harry tried to work with them to step back a bit to let Meghan acclimate, like they did with Will and Kate. I did not happen and so they did what they thought was best. I don't blame them for that.
Yes. I don’t intently follow them, but it does seem to me that people are far more tolerant of Andrew. Really makes one wonder. And after what happened with his mother and the press, why wouldn’t Harry be super protective of his wife? They may not have handled everything perfectly, but I get where they are coming from.
Yes. I don’t intently follow them, but it does seem to me that people are far more tolerant of Andrew. Really makes one wonder. And after what happened with his mother and the press, why wouldn’t Harry be super protective of his wife? They may not have handled everything perfectly, but I get where they are coming from.
It's really simple. Andrew doesn't seek attention. He keeps his mouth shut and doesn't feed the monster. H&M just can't help themselves. This couple claims to want privacy, Although they manage to create controversy and lash out at their families at every opportunity. Sadly they feel they must step on others to rise to the top.
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It's really simple. Andrew doesn't seek attention. He keeps his mouth shut and doesn't feed the monster.
Didn’t he do a horrific interview about the whole Epstein matter? Maybe he realized he should keep quiet because he has a lot to hide and people weren’t buying the crap he was shoveling.

Not sure that Meghan and Harry need to keep quiet. People may not agree with how they’ve handled things, but it doesn’t even compare to the accusations against Andrew.
Didn’t he do a horrific interview about the whole Epstein matter? Maybe he realized he should keep quiet because he has a lot to hide and people weren’t buying the crap he was shoveling.

Not sure that Meghan and Harry need to keep quiet. People may not agree with how they’ve handled things, but it doesn’t even compare to the accusations against Andrew.
Apples to oranges but neither has the moral high ground.
It's really simple. Andrew doesn't seek attention. He keeps his mouth shut and doesn't feed the monster. H&M just can't help themselves. This couple claims to want privacy, Although they manage to create controversy and lash out at their families at every opportunity. Sadly they feel they must step on others to rise to the top.

So you hate them and they deserve to be name called because they do things in the public? I think you are misunderstanding what they mean by privacy. They don't want paparazzi to follow them around, climbing fences in hopes of getting some "scandalous" picture of them. I really don't think that you understand what was actually happening to them. How are they "lashing out" at their families? Meghan has been trying to defend herself against her nasty family. I actually feel really bad for her dealing with that crap.
So you hate them and they deserve to be name called because they do things in the public? I think you are misunderstanding what they mean by privacy. They don't want paparazzi to follow them around, climbing fences in hopes of getting some "scandalous" picture of them. I really don't think that you understand what was actually happening to them. How are they "lashing out" at their families? Meghan has been trying to defend herself against her nasty family. I actually feel really bad for her dealing with that crap.
I am sure if she hadnt treated her father so badly, he would never had posted those pictures and everything that came after it. When you hear about Meghan's past relationships and friendships, she comes across as someone who dumps people when they can no longer benefit her.

Meghan behaved like a new hip manager who came into a very traditional company, where she decided to do things her way. If she had slowed down and first did things their way, she could have later added her way and be brilliant at her new job. It is a job for life, and saying after 18 months (which is awfully short on a lifetime) that it is not for you, that comes across very bad. People loved her when she arrived and her fairytale wedding, there was plenty of merchandise. And people loved to see her.

It is how they handle things that rub people the wrong way, not what they say. Nobody can hear what they say, because how they say it is much more interesting. I always find it funny that Meghan hates Trump while in how they handle the media, they are very alike.

Combine that with that everything they do is aimed at an American audience, not British. Meghan not pursuing getting the British nationality (if it was that important to her, she would make effort to get it during the pandemic) keeping her lawyer team in the US, etc. She comes across that she has dumped the British public, now that they cannot serve her anymore.

And indeed that they cannot keep their mouth shut when they have to and do stay quiet when they need to talk. Take that last sentence in their own statement, that was uncalled for. That gives off vibes 'we know/are better than you'. It was a cold response. The Queen wants them to be part of the family, but they dont seem to want to be hers.

I think the Queen only lets them keep their titles, because otherwise she would have lost them forever. This is a way to keep a connection. Or because they need their titles now to keep the American public interested. If she takes those away, she would harm their future.
Unless they do get political.
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I am sure if she hadnt treated her father so badly, he would never had posted those pictures and everything that came after it. When you hear about Meghan's past relationships and friendships, she comes across as someone who dumps people when they can no longer benefit her.

Meghan behaved like a new hip manager who came into a very traditional company, where she decided to do things her way. If she had slowed down and first did things their way, she could have later added her way and be brilliant at her new job. It is a job for life, and saying after 18 months (which is awfully short on a lifetime) that it is not for you, that comes across very bad. People loved her when she arrived and her fairytale wedding, there was plenty of merchandise. And people loved to see her.

It is how they handle things that rub people the wrong way, not what they say. Nobody can hear what they say, because how they say it is much more interesting. I always find it funny that Meghan hates Trump while in how they handle the media, they are very alike.

Combine that with that everything they do is aimed at an American audience, not British. Meghan not pursuing getting the British nationality (if it was that important to her, she would make effort to get it during the pandemic) keeping her lawyer team in the US, etc. She comes across that she has dumped the British public, now that they cannot serve her anymore.

And indeed that they cannot keep their mouth shut when they have to and do stay quiet when they need to talk. Take that last sentence in their own statement, that was uncalled for. That gives off vibes 'we know/are better than you'. It was a cold response. The Queen wants them to be part of the family, but they dont seem to want to be hers.

I think the Queen only lets them keep their titles, because otherwise she would have lost them forever. This is a way to keep a connection. Or because they need their titles now to keep the American public interested. If she takes those away, she would harm their future.
Unless they do get political.
It boils down to lack of respect and being incredibly selfish. The family should realize by now these two will never grow up. They will never care about anyone or thing more than themselves. It's all about Ms. Markle.
I think it's highly likely that Meghan was inwardly planning for them to go back to California before they even married. It's just happened too fast for anything else to be the case. It's clear that Meghan is a strong and determined person, so if being a senior working royal in England were her true goal, then she wouldn't have packed it in so quickly. She got the big wedding in mid-2018, had her baby in mid-2019, and within months of his birth the couple were already planning their relocation to North America. That is just too fast for any genuinely dedicated person to get overwhelmed and feel the unbearable need to leave. Their "desire for privacy" was obviously an excuse, as they've kept themselves very public via an incredibly lucrative Netflix deal for a reality show, a staged pregnancy reveal, and a big Oprah interview. They (she) very much want media attention, but only on their own terms.

Harry is clearly the pushover in this couple. Before meeting Meghan he talked about possibly living a quiet life in Africa if he weren't to continue to work as a senior royal. He never wanted to live the Hollywood celebrity life, but that is what he's getting. His military titles were extremely important to him, and now he's having to give them up. But, he's having two children with Meghan now, so he doesn't have much alternative as she's obviously never going back to Britain to live. I wonder if they'll stay together long term- I give it about a 50/50 chance. They're in love, but I don't think he'll be very happy for very long. He's already acted much less happy since marrying Meghan than he ever used to when he was single. Oh well.
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Prince Andrew. The ‘problem’ here is that in the US what he is alleged to have done is illegal, whereas in the U.K. his behaviour is merely distasteful. The untested evidence of his alleged victim doesn’t satisfy the burden of proof, that he is guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. In any event, to date, he is merely a witness; the US judicial system has not formally accused him of a crime.
Prince Harry. Like his paternal Grandparents, uncles and brother he is a veteran, but as a veteran, he was the least hard working of any of the male royals and fulfilled far fewer duties than the Queen, his Grandfather, his Father, Princess Ann, his Uncles and brother. Similarly, his wife performed far fewer public duties than any of the other female royals-Catherine out performed her, even while Catherine was pregnant. This isn’t about being an actress, as we respect and honour many actresses. It isn’t about race as we have black aristocrats, who are honoured and respected. It is a reaction to the Sussex’s failure to put in the (any) hard work to earn the respect of ‘Joe Public’. The British public saw them as ‘free loaders’.
Prince Harry and Meghan are no longer senior royals and many U.K. citizens are relieved that the burden of them has been passed elsewhere. The British public is fickle. People admired the Princess of Wales even though her moral conduct was often questionable, people have almost forgiven Prince Charles but oddly not the Duchess of Cambridge. The public protested the Queen’s conduct when the Princess of Wales died, and then forgave her. I don’t think that they will be as forgiving to the Sussexes if Prince Philip dies amidst this chaos. Maybe, one day, they will enter the US political arena .... very much a US burden now and not a British one.
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Harry is clearly the pushover in this couple. Before meeting Meghan he talked about possibly living a quiet life in Africa if he weren't to continue to work as a senior royal. He never wanted to live the Hollywood celebrity life, but that is what he's getting. His military titles were extremely important to him, and now he's having to give them up. But, he's having two children with Meghan now, so he doesn't have much alternative as she's obviously never going back to Britain to live. I wonder if they'll stay together long term- I give it about a 50/50 chance. They're in love, but I don't think he'll be very happy for very long. He's already acted much less happy since marrying Meghan than he ever used to when he was single. Oh well.

I think Harry realizes now, or will very soon that he is still playing second fiddle and is still not the important one in the relationship. They are not equal in the eye of the public. You see it in the upcoming interview with Oprah, how the first part will be about Meghan and then later Harry will join.
So in that respect, nothing has changed for him. It came with giving up family, friends and everything he has ever known in exchange for a hollywood life. I am keeping wife and children out of the equation as it is very likely that there would be another woman to start a family with if he hadn't married Meghan. If he can now accept that this is his life, always being second and he can come to terms with it, I hope for him it was worth it and will stay worth it.

i do wonder about the children if they break up. They say here in the Netherlands that our previous Queen had a 'baby contract' for at least the crown prince. If the crown prince and his wife would have broken up, the children would have stayed with the prince.
I think Harry realizes now, or will very soon that he is still playing second fiddle and is still not the important one in the relationship. They are not equal in the eye of the public. You see it in the upcoming interview with Oprah, how the first part will be about Meghan and then later Harry will join.
So in that respect, nothing has changed for him. It came with giving up family, friends and everything he has ever known in exchange for a hollywood life. I am keeping wife and children out of the equation as it is very likely that there would be another woman to start a family with if he hadn't married Meghan. If he can now accept that this is his life, always being second and he can come to terms with it, I hope for him it was worth it and will stay worth it.

i do wonder about the children if they break up. They say here in the Netherlands that our previous Queen had a 'baby contract' for at least the crown prince. If the crown prince and his wife would have broken up, the children would have stayed with the prince.
I think it's likely that eventually late one night Harry will have a deprogramming moment, and realize everything he's lost by marrying Meghan, and that paradoxically, he now has even more to lose if he ever tries to leave her.
  • Hmm, I used to be a respected and beloved senior royal of the world's most prestigious royal family, but now I'm a reality TV star and most of my countrymen think I should lose my HRH.
  • I used to get to work with other military men and women via my royal patronages, but now that's gone.
  • I used to be protected from paparazzi intrusion into my daily activities via the rule-bound British royal rota system, but now drones are always flying over our California mansion, trying to track our every move.
  • I can't try to relax via my old favorite hobby, hunting, because Meghan told me to quit.
  • I am now married to and have children with a wealthy, litigious American who would be a formidable divorce opponent and who is determined to raise the kids an ocean away from the place that I've always called home.
  • Omg, I'm trapped. Think I'll just go back to sleep and try to enjoy my vegan latte with Meghan tomorrow morning as she plans our next podcast telling people how to make the world a better place...
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I think it's likely that eventually late one night Harry will have a deprogramming moment, and realize everything he's lost by marrying Meghan, and that paradoxically, he now has even more to lose if he ever tries to leave her.
  • Hmm, I used to be the respected and beloved senior royal of the world's most prestigious royal family, but now I'm a reality TV star and most of my countrymen think I should lose my HRH.
  • I used to get to work with other military men and women via my royal patronages, but now that's gone.
  • I used to be protected from paparazzi intrusion into my daily activities via the rule-bound British royal rota system, but now helicopters and drones are always flying over our California home, trying to track our every move.
  • I can't relax via my old favorite hobby, hunting, because Meghan told me to quit.
  • I am now married to and had two children with a wealthy American who would be a formidable divorce opponent and determined to raise them an ocean away from the place that I've always called home.
  • Omg, I'm trapped. Think I'll go just back to sleep and try to enjoy my vegan latte with Meghan tomorrow morning...
What if.... Harry is still sixth in line to the throne. What if (God forbid) he became King (or even Regent) and Meghan became President of the US? Maybe that is the plan! 😂😂
What if.... Harry is still sixth in line to the throne. What if (God forbid) he became King (or even Regent) and Meghan became President of the US?
:crazy2: Harry and the kids should lose their places in line. He's effectively abdicated, and they're going to grow up as Americans. They would have absolutely no way to rule (or even be regent) effectively if some calamity occurred that caused them to be put at the front of the line. The monarchy would probably be disbanded before the British would accept any of them as monarch.
Imho... she was an actress that was basically an unknown and he was Royalty. He gave it all up for her and that’s his choice, he’ll live with that as will his children and their children. History stopped. They re ok with it, okay then.
However, they basically are able to live off the Royal connection by networking/contacts/money/power acknowledging that would go far. If they really wanted to live Free ....of press, royalty connections, etc we wouldn’t be hearing anything. Instead.. it’s always appears to be the “ look at me, attention grabbing, hear my story and believe me” saga that continues. another interview coming, no surprise there. PR work is powerful.
Wishing them a blessed family but have no interest in their/her need to be relevant.
I am sure if she hadnt treated her father so badly, he would never had posted those pictures and everything that came after it.

What!!?? That is a ridiculous statement. What kind of father would publicly humiliate his daughter because she supposedly "treated him badly." I don't think that he was a stellar father to begin with. You seem to be seeing Meghan as some kind of villain here. She obviously had a strained relationship with her father's side of the family since being born, and that is not the fault of a child. They obviously disliked the very idea of her to begin with. She seemed to want to get along with her father and even invited him to the wedding. I don't care what she said or did not say to him. There is no excuse for a father to do that. I'm sorry if you believe otherwise. And Harry is a grown man and capable of making his own decisions. None of us live with them to know what is really going on. But everyone likes to dump on the "evil, manipulative woman". It's always the woman's fault. What does that say about the man then? You all are just pulling ridiculous theories out of your behinds to fit your narrative of what a horrible person Meghan "must" be. Please, you don't even know them.
Imho... she was an actress that was basically an unknown and he was Royalty. He gave it all up for her and that’s his choice, he’ll live with that as will his children and their children. History stopped. They re ok with it, okay then.
However, they basically are able to live off the Royal connection by networking/contacts/money/power acknowledging that would go far. If they really wanted to live Free ....of press, royalty connections, etc we wouldn’t be hearing anything. Instead.. it’s always appears to be the “ look at me, attention grabbing, hear my story and believe me” saga that continues. another interview coming, no surprise there. PR work is powerful.
Wishing them a blessed family but have no interest in their/her need to be relevant.

Being from a Royal family is never going to change. There is nothing that they can do about that, especially since he, and his children, are still in line for the throne. They will never be "fully free" of it. That is just reality. They will use their status to bring awareness to whatever they are doing, no different then any other celebrity/rich person, etc. Nothing wrong with that. I think you are all confused about how they just don't want to be constantly harassed like they were in the UK. Who would? What do people expect them to do for a living? Go work at Walmart. They are in a strange position that they can't really ever NOT be in the public because of who he is. They will always be recognized and in danger because of this. I don't envy them.
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Prince Andrew. The ‘problem’ here is that in the US what he is alleged to have done is illegal, whereas in the U.K. his behaviour is merely distasteful. The untested evidence of his alleged victim doesn’t satisfy the burden of proof, that he is guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. In any event, to date, he is merely a witness; the US judicial system has not formally accused him of a crime.
Prince Harry. Like his paternal Grandparents, uncles and brother he is a veteran, but as a veteran, he was the least hard working of any of the male royals and fulfilled far fewer duties than the Queen, his Grandfather, his Father, Princess Ann, his Uncles and brother. Similarly, his wife performed far fewer public duties than any of the other female royals-Catherine out performed her, even while Catherine was pregnant. This isn’t about being an actress, as we respect and honour many actresses. It isn’t about race as we have black aristocrats, who are honoured and respected. It is a reaction to the Sussex’s failure to put in the (any) hard work to earn the respect of ‘Joe Public’. The British public saw them as ‘free loaders’.
Prince Harry and Meghan are no longer senior royals and many U.K. citizens are relieved that the burden of them has been passed elsewhere. The British public is fickle. People admired the Princess of Wales even though her moral conduct was often questionable, people have almost forgiven Prince Charles but oddly not the Duchess of Cambridge. The public protested the Queen’s conduct when the Princess of Wales died, and then forgave her. I don’t think that they will be as forgiving to the Sussexes if Prince Philip dies amidst this chaos. Maybe, one day, they will enter the US political arena .... very much a US burden now and not a British one.

I am not British, but I can't imagine that any person would think that having sex with a minor is "merely distasteful". Criminal more like it. It the British public wanted Harry to stay, they should have treated his wife better. That is what it comes down to. What real man would sit there and allow his wife to be treated in that horrible way? You all seem to think that she somehow deserved it because she dared to marry "up' so that made her some kind of social climber. Will's wife Kate married "up" but the British press did not hound and harass and lie about her. So why the hatred for Meghan? Is it the American, the actress, or the black part? Or a combination? None of us are perfect and I am sure none of us would want every little word or mistake that we made our entire lives to be brought back on us and be judged by it. I am ashamed at how so many of you are so nasty about her.
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