Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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She did have the opportunity, but choose to ignore it, so they went public. She didn't balance anything. By all accounts, she was a terrible absentee mother to her older children, was an awful sister to Princess Margaret and wasn't all that great of a wife, either (though her husband was no prize).
What utter twaddle.

ford family
Maybe he can do something with the Military. He is an apache helicopter pilot. He has not been sitting on his royal behind all of these years. He should at least get some kind of benefits for the time he put in since he joined in 1995. And I don't get the animosity some people have if he gets money from his dad. Who cares, it's not like other "normal" people have never received money from their parents.
If I were grandma I would take back their titles and frogmore. Charles should stop the yearly allowance to Harry. Let them truly fend for themselves.

It cracks me up when I hear Harry say that they want to earn their own way. Doing what? Selling T-shirts and mugs? Flying around the world on private jets so he can give speeches on climate change? Start a foundation? Maybe a new reality show?

I can imagine it sucks being born the second banana and all he needed was someone to whisper in his ear how unfair that is.
Harry is entitled to money from his Mother's estate. Whether he has access to that yet or who controls it, I have no idea.

As I mentioned earlier, you know working members of the Royal Family are not allowed to have jobs outside of their royal duties. They did give up their titles, as they can no longer use HRH.

Because of who Harry is, they will always have security. That is non-negotiable, as it should be.

What Charles gives to him as "allowance" has nothing to do with his Mother's estate. It is money that comes from his revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall. It is his to decide what to do with. I agree, he should stop paying Harry an allowance as he has asked to be financially independent. Might be time for some tough love and reality check.

Harry on his own is worth around $40 million. It is made up of a Trust from his Mother, some money from the Queen Mother and family jewelry from her and any money he saved :rolleyes: from his $50,000 a year income in the military. That is not money from his father or grandmother.
Seeing how much effort, money they took to create their online platforms/ website I highly doubt doing a military life is good enough/ sexy enough for them. Their website screams a Instagram style Production. Nothing low
-key, normal.

I see their situation as being they were part of a family company and wanted to do their own thing, make their own decisions. It’s kind of hard to do that with the family company you’re trying to break away from that already has set production ways, a new product ( Cambridge’s) and break out on your own. Leaving the UK for safety reasons is so BS. For them would’ve been staying the U.K. behind palace protection protocol.

i just think they wanted to call their own shots and didn’t realize they can’t have their cake. ......
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What Charles gives to him as "allowance" has nothing to do with his Mother's estate. It is money that comes from his revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall. It is his to decide what to do with. I agree, he should stop paying Harry an allowance as he has asked to be financially independent. Might be time for some tough love and reality check.

Harry on his own is worth around $40 million. It is made up of a Trust from his Mother, some money from the Queen Mother and family jewelry from her and any money he saved :rolleyes: from his $50,000 a year income in the military. That is not money from his father or grandmother.
I know the money he gets comes from the Duchy of Cornwall and I also know he has his own money from his Mother's estate. Two different income sources.
What Charles gives to him as "allowance" has nothing to do with his Mother's estate. It is money that comes from his revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall. It is his to decide what to do with. I agree, he should stop paying Harry an allowance as he has asked to be financially independent. Might be time for some tough love and reality check.

Harry on his own is worth around $40 million. It is made up of a Trust from his Mother, some money from the Queen Mother and family jewelry from her and any money he saved :rolleyes: from his $50,000 a year income in the military. That is not money from his father or grandmother.

Once William is king, does the control of the Duchy of Cornwall pass on to him and his family alone? Does that mean that William doesn’t have to give Harry any money from the Duchy?
Once William is king, does the control of the Duchy of Cornwall pass on to him and his family alone? Does that mean that William doesn’t have to give Harry any money from the Duchy?
Correct. He will become the new prince of Wales and the duchy was set up for that person specifically. I am sure though family internal there‘s trickle down it currently pays for Cambridge’s/ susexxes official duties

the duchy is actually run like a company with an anunual report
After what happened to Diana, I half expected William and Harry to abdicate when they reached adulthood. This really shouldn't come as a surprise.

Not to minimize the tragedy of Diana’s death and the emotional turmoil that the two boys went through (it had to be especially hard with Camilla being there with Charles and knowing how much Diana hated her and felt she was the cause of their marriage failing), but other people in this world have had to deal with much worst.

IMHO, Harry is a tool who uses his mother’s death for sympathy at this point in time. He is the boy who claims he doesn’t want to be in the spotlight but does everything to draw attention to himself.

As far as William abdicating-it would never happen. What teenagers say is not what they will do when they come into adulthood. William has been groomed for this role his whole life and is not about to give it up now.
Seeing how much effort, money they took to create their online platforms/ website I highly doubt doing a military life is good enough/ sexy enough for them. Their website screams a Instagram style Production. Nothing low
-key, normal.

I see their situation as being they were part of a family company and wanted to do their own thing, make their own decisions. It’s kind of hard to do that with the family company you’re trying to break away from that already has set production ways, a new product ( Cambridge’s) and break out on your own. Leaving the UK for safety reasons is so BS. For them would’ve been staying the U.K. behind palace protection protocol.

i just think they wanted to call their own shots and didn’t realize they can’t have their cake. ......

Right and they do not want to have royal duties but were hoping to use Sussex Royal (or whatever) as their brand. Like benefit from being Royal just enough, but not enough to have the associated responsibilities/limitations, etc.

I get it. They were frustrated and perhaps not treated very well in their opinion. So they are doing their own thing. But their plan was to only "sort of" do their own thing while leveraging some of the benefit of the royal life.
Well, with the latest "news" about the Sussex Royal Snowflakes, I have an even lower opinion of them than I did before. They've handled the PR on this horribly. There was no need for them to say some of the recent stuff they announced. The 2 of them are thumbing their noses at the Queen of England. They're rude and acting like spoiled 30-something year old children. They need to go blend into the wood work and live the quiet life that they keep talking about wanting. They need to keep their heads down and shut up for a few months.

But they won't do that because they want to monetize and take advantage of their "fame," to sell yoga mats and t-shirts with their stupid Sussex Royal logo on it. There's nothing I'd want LESS of than anything with Sussex Royal on it.

Totally disrespectful to the crown in my opinion.
Correct. He will become the new prince of Wales and the duchy was set up for that person specifically. I am sure though family internal there‘s trickle down it currently pays for Cambridge’s/ susexxes official duties

the duchy is actually run like a company with an anunual report

Maybe that is what set off this whole exit thing. Knowing that control passes to William and not to you might have upset the Apple cart.

Think about it, if all the spoils go to William and Kate, and Harry and Megan will always be second banana, that is what might have started Megan putting crap in Harry’s head to leave (not saying that I don’t blame her wanting to leave). Harry of course must have felt anger and jealously over the situation too or else he would not have gone along with the plan to exit the royal family.

:rotfl:It’s a real soap opera.
Maybe that is what set off this whole exit thing. Knowing that control passes to William and not to you might have upset the Apple cart.

Think about it, if all the spoils go to William and Kate, and Harry and Megan will always be second banana, that is what might have started Megan putting crap in Harry’s head to leave (not saying that I don’t blame her wanting to leave). Harry of course must have felt anger and jealously over the situation too or else he would not have gone along with the plan to exit the royal family.

:rotfl:It’s a real soap opera.

don’t think it had to do with spoils from the Duchy. Royals never flaunt their wealth. Not like Kylie K. Who holds million dollar bday parties for her toddler.

most Duchy money is reinvested or used to support royal official stuff ( clothing allowances for the ladies). Charles isn‘t buying yachts etc.

So in a way You would think then no longer having an official role cuts the official Duchy funds. Sure Charles has personal accounts he spends privately.

both are already rich in their own right. I can actually see running the Duchy more a burden. their tenants livelihoods depend alot on Duchy influence.
Well, with the latest "news" about the Sussex Royal Snowflakes, I have an even lower opinion of them than I did before. They've handled the PR on this horribly. There was no need for them to say some of the recent stuff they announced. The 2 of them are thumbing their noses at the Queen of England. They're rude and acting like spoiled 30-something year old children. They need to go blend into the wood work and live the quiet life that they keep talking about wanting. They need to keep their heads down and shut up for a few months.

But they won't do that because they want to monetize and take advantage of their "fame," to sell yoga mats and t-shirts with their stupid Sussex Royal logo on it. There's nothing I'd want LESS of than anything with Sussex Royal on it.

Totally disrespectful to the crown in my opinion.

And why the hell should Harry and Meghan show one bit of respect to the crown? Queenie deserves to have them thumb their noses at her.

I'm glad they continue to annoy and give the middle finger to their haters.
What a disaster Markle has been for the royal family. Harry has split away from his family and basically abdicated, because of her. Sad, although I never had a high opinion of him anyway (not very bright airhead imo). He served in the army- that is the one thing I really respect about him, and I also like the fact that he married someone mixed-race and brought some diversity into the royal family. I just wish it had been a different woman who was mixed race that he had married. Someone who would respect family traditions and behave respectfully towards family members, rather than seek self-aggrandizement and sow ******* wherever she goes.
The whole thing is like watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. $10 says that they'll be on it in a future season.

7 years from now, they'll be divorced. Harry will move back to the UK. Meghan Sparkle will remain in LA. Their kid will be schlepped back and forth a lot. Meghan will use the divorce fame to write a tell all book on the royal family and she'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
7 years from now, they'll be divorced. Harry will move back to the UK. Meghan Sparkle will remain in LA. Their kid will be schlepped back and forth a lot. Meghan will use the divorce fame to write a tell all book on the royal family and she'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Agree that they'll probably eventually get divorced, as she's repeatedly demonstrated her difficulty in maintaining positive relationships in her life, and appears to be uber-touchy and demanding. And he'll probably come to miss the level of public respect and attention that he got as a senior member of Europe's most prestigious royal family.

I think the biggest individual loser here is Archie. He'd be better off being raised as a full-fledged royal in Britain, surrounded by family and widely respected, than having a wanna-be celebrity mom and a dad who tags along, trying to get money by giving speeches about his past life in the royal family.
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What a disaster Markle has been for the royal family. Harry has split away from his family and basically abdicated, because of her. Sad, although I never had a high opinion of him anyway (not very bright airhead imo). He served in the army- that is the one thing I really respect about him, and I also like the fact that he married someone mixed-race and brought some diversity into the royal family. I just wish it had been a different woman who was mixed race that he had married. Someone who would respect family traditions and behave respectfully towards family members, rather than seek self-aggrandizement and sow ******* wherever she goes.

I have no idea what the underlying reason for this split really is, and I have found that no matter how close folks think they are to a family, they do not know all of the internal dynamics. What I do know is that it takes two to make a division occur. I know that in my own family my husband's family think they know all there is to know about us because at one time, many years ago, they were raised under the same roof as my husband. They also tend to blame me if he chooses to ignore phone calls or refuses to visit, etc. What they do not want to accept is that I could not move my husband to ignore his family etc even if I chose to do so. I find it sad that people want to press blame on the "outsider" rather than look to see if there may be more going on. In the case of H&M, who knows what the real problem between Harry and the rest of the family is? I sure don't and I bet no one outside of the family really does either, but I bet you a buck that if Harry was not in agreement with his wife, he would not be supporting this as publicly as he is. She is an easy target IMO, just like blaming a 2nd wife if Dad is a jerk. Its a Dad issue, and all that goes with it is a choice.

Now in terms of finding a partner who would fit in with the Royal traditions? Yes that woudl have been the smart thing to do, but that path may not really have been what Harry wanted to follow.
Not to minimize the tragedy of Diana’s death and the emotional turmoil that the two boys went through (it had to be especially hard with Camilla being there with Charles and knowing how much Diana hated her and felt she was the cause of their marriage failing), but other people in this world have had to deal with much worst.

IMHO, Harry is a tool who uses his mother’s death for sympathy at this point in time. He is the boy who claims he doesn’t want to be in the spotlight but does everything to draw attention to himself.

As far as William abdicating-it would never happen. What teenagers say is not what they will do when they come into adulthood. William has been groomed for this role his whole life and is not about to give it up now.

Absolutely agree with the bold. He's also notably gone on record countless times about how much he loves and respects his grandmother -- and all of the things she has done for him over the years. His recent words and actions show how he returns the favor. No matter what goes on in regard to the royal family or his future path in that regard, his own choices and behaviors are going to be his undoing.
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