is baby crib bedding a waste?


Jul 15, 2009
I am registering for my baby shower and trying to stick to necessities as we are tight on space and with just 30 people going I want to receive what I really need so I have less to pick up later.

The one thing puzzling me is baby bedding. Everyone I know got a crib set and they are on every list. However I read that crib bumpers, blankets, and quilts/comforters are all hazards. You won't be able to see the dust ruffle on the type of crib I have (it is being given to me by my SIL so I am taking what I get for free on that). So am I correct in thinking that these bedding sets are a total waste of money and space? From what I understand I just need a mattress pad (waterproof), fitted crib sheets, and a mesh bumper.

Is there any other reason to buy those sets other than just to hang the quilt/comforter over the front for decoration? I mean the baby will be in a bassinet at the start anyway, so from what I've seen people put the stuff on the crib to make it look nice until the baby goes in it, and then have to take it all off so they don't suffocate.
I don't see the need for all of it especially if space and money is an issue. It is possible someone will give you a hand made quilt or blanket so if your really wanted to make the room cute I would stick with something sentimental like that and not just something anyone could get. No babies I know use blankets. They all have sleep sacks they go in that keep them warm during the winter and then light weight ones for when it is summer or they are swaddled before that. The only time I've seen the comforters and stuff come out for actual use is when the kids had one of those cribs that can be changed into a toddler type bed so they still use that bedding.

I don't have kids but of course I see how my nieces and nephews have all slept and no comforter or sheet or anything like that was pretty standard so really no need besides decoration in the room.
Thanks! I instead am registering for more receiving blankets, small blankets, and swaddling type clothes/blankets which I thought was a better idea overall. I don't have a washer/dryer in my apartment so I try to stock up on linens in general so I am thinking that those will be more helpful as they have many uses.

I technically could afford the set I was just thinking I can't stand the thought of someone or myself spending $150+ on items that appear to be a safety hazard not to mention I don't love a lot of the ones I am seeing. I am so budget that I am even registering for items on sale/clearance hoping someone can grab them while they are in stock vs the full price ones in other colors lol.

Any other registry advice is greatly appreciated as well.
1) I never used a crib to begin with so...
2) I do think a sheet is all you need (a few, to swap out in the night should the need arise).
3) and a few sleep sacs :)
Baby bedding IS a waste. Don't register for it.

I have never used or received receiving blankets either. I don't actually know what they are used for. We used Swaddleme swaddles and Halo Sleepsack swaddles. We tried swaddling with blankets and that didn't work after a week.

If you are tight on space, only register what you think you will need. There is SO MUCH useless stuff that you will never use. We received two infant bathrobes. Why you would dry off a baby with a towel, put a bathrobe on it, and then switch to PJ's is unknown to me. Cute, but useless.

Things we used for both kiddos:
Play Gym
Fisher-Price Deluxe Booster (never used or needed a high chair)
Car Seats (Chicco KeyFit30 and Britax Marathon)
Graco Pack N Play, sheets, and waterproof cover
Crib Sheets and waterproof cover
Changing Pad (one that is wipeable, covers are not needed - we love the naturepedic one)
Rock N Play
KeyFit Caddy Stroller (AMAZING!)
City Mini GT Jogger
Infant Tub
California Baby soap/lotion
Bumgenius Cloth Diapers
Gerber Cloth Diapers for burp cloths (anything else is thin and won't absorb spit-up like these)
Born Free Glass Bottles
Diaper Dude Backpack
Outlet covers and cabinet locks
Green Sprout Bibs

We never used bath time accessories (spout covers, mats, etc.), high chairs, Carseat mirrors or other carseat accessories (check your warranty to see what it says about added accessories because it would usually void the warranty if used), crib bedding besides sheets, baby food utensils or plates, diaper genie, exersaucers, or jumperoo.
I totally agree with not registering for a high chair. I had one and hated it, it took up so much space. The booster that attaches to a regular chair is so much better, plus it can travel with you easily. I also loved sleep sacks!

Crib bedding (other than waterproof pad and bottom sheets) are only for decoration.
Other things I had that were a waste (in my opinion) were the wipe warmer and the Diaper Genie.
I LOVED the exersaucer - had 2 for my twins. After 5 kids, what I learned was that almost everything can easily be purchased used - baby equipment isn't used for long, and takes up so much room. My kids were in their cribs day one - I used bassinets for a month or so downstairs for naps. I only used a baby monitor during the day, at night I cold hear the cries. Most of my kids skin couldn't tolerate baby lotion, wash, or shampoo.
I'd just go for a couple sets of fitted sheets with a pair of waterproof mattress covers. My kid's crib is a little decorated with a frilly, inexpensive dust ruffle from target.
I went with just a few fitted sheets. I didn't even bother with the dust ruffle - I had a drawer underneath the crib and the ruffle would have just interfered with that. Blanket sleepers are a good thing to register for, for warmth in wintertime.

I did use receiving blankets, but not actually as a blanket LOL DD was a "blankie" gal as a toddler and had to have one in her hand or VERY close by every moment she was awake. So I ended up with quite the collection of them.

I found a high chair necessary but I got one that could be folded up when I wanted it out of the way. It was a cheaper chair - I don't think you need the fancy-dancy brands lots of people insist you HAVE to have.

Things I'm glad I didn't buy: changing table (I just used a pad on the floor - I shoved it under the dresser I had in her room when I wasn't using it) and baby monitor (my house was so small I didn't need it).
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I agree with a lot of what is said here. No need for the bedding set,
But I would get a few sheets just incase.

Honestly every baby is different, I had a friend never used the pack and play one day, & used mine all the time. So I think just depends.

I love my diaper genie (really helps with the poop smell) but never understood a wipe warmer.

I wish I didn't get the bumbo, my DD was to chunky for it, used it once had trouble getting her out, so got the ingenuity chair instead and have gotten a ton of use out of it.

We never swaddled didn't work for dd and us, but we loved sleep sacks, dd used them till a little over 2.

I loved the mirror for the car seat so I could see dd when I looked in the rear view.

It was slightly more expensive but I got a swing that also was a bouncer, the seat unhooked and could go on the floor. It was great one item and served two purposes.
We've only ever used a few fitted sheets! And, our crib design doesn't even work with a dust ruffle, so the one I bought was a waste!
The bedding sets are cute, but they aren't a necessity. I had a set and had it all in place....then my oldest was born and most of it ended up in the closet!

Just make sure you have at least two waterproof mattress protectors and fitted sheets. The extras come in handy, especially in the middle of the night.:)

Good luck and congratulations!
I made a dust ruffle/crib skirt so I could hide things I stored under the crib. Otherwise just a sheet (and extras for accidents) and a halo sleep sack is all the kids needed!
We only used the dust ruffle from our crib set. The rest was strictly decoration.

For sleeping swaddle me blankets were a must for my son early but my daughter didn't enjoy or sleep well when swaddled. So if you get any don't wash them all so you can return them if unnecessary.

One other suggestion that we really used (and I cannot remember what they are called, sorry) but a friend told us about a waterproof crib sheet that actually goes over the fitted sheet. You snap it in place using the side rails and elastic bands that are sewn onto the crib sheet. Eventually you little one will spit up or have a diaper leak and it's so much easier to unsnap a few fasteners and remove the top sheet at 2am instead of changing the fitted sheet on the wee hours.

Found it: (but is much cheaper at Babies r Us)
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In addition to the sleep sacs, I loved my winter car seat cover. If you live in a northern climate, it's a lifesaver and it easily unzips when you go inside, so you can take the car seat, pop it in the stroller with baby, get into a store and unzip the whole thing w/o baby waking up.

2 most useful baby things I ever owned (well, that and my swing and bouncer - my kids loved movement)...
Well, my babies were born around 2000 ... back then we used the bumpers but not the comforter. So the comforter laid on the side of the crib most of the time. Now that no one seems to use bumpers either...what is the point? I say skip it. Get what you need!
I had a bedding set with my son and never used the comforter since they cannot use blankets until over one. With my daughter I had waterproof mattress pads, crib sheets, and a dust ruffle. When my son was around one, the AAP recommended not using a bumper at all, even the mesh. I took his off and never used one with my daughter. I would skip the bumper.

Halo sleepsacks are great. I used the swaddle me's when my son was a baby like this:
My daughter had hip displasia and the doctor told me to stop using the swaddle me because they keep the legs too straight. He recommended this type of swaddle instead, which worked great with my daughter.
Depends on the baby. My DD hated the sleep sacks , my nieces loved them. DD loved to be swaddle in a favourite blanket. I yhink it is better to try for one of stuff you's like to try and then get more after you know if that item will work for baby or not. Once she showed that she favoured that blanket I immediately bought another. In the winter I used fleece blanket sleepers and swaddled in her blanket. There was only ever 1 blanket in her crib. We had a crib set given to us but really only used the sheet out of it. My DD also HATED any type of baby sling or carrier. I bought 3 , won two, borrowed 4. Hated them all! Returned 2, sold 3 on local baby sites. DD loved her stroller!
A lot of items people give at showers are a waste. I have four kiddos and could only use certain brand diapers, etc. You only need maybe 3 swaddling blankets and I always got one free from the hospital when the baby came home. I wouldn't put that on your list cause you are bound to get it as a gift without it being on the list. I used bumpers with my babies with no worries. Mesh bumper are fairly new. If you want to stick to the minimum then I would say to specify to only give gifts that can be used after 3 months or 6 months because a baby under 3 months doesn't need very much at all outside of a crib, carseat, sheets, a few onsies, a few blankets, and a few bottles. The weather where you live also makes a difference. My two younger kids loved the ultrasaucer (two older this didn't exist). I rarely used a pack-n-play. Mine did love their swing too.


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