Is anyone else upset about this?

Being a new DVC member I can't speak for those who have been around for ten years. I think the opinions differ based on the reasons that you had for joining. For example, if you joined ultimately because you knew you would be getting those free passes for 40 years then granted, you should be disappointed. However, something tells me that's not majority. I joined because I think the best part of Disney is the resorts. But that's me. I think everyone is entitled to be disappointed if they joined because of the perks that are being taken away. But I also think that everyone should realize one thing: DVC is a great deal-you save so much money regardless if you had free passes or early entry, etc. But I agree that we as members do have the right to object if Disney takes away more than they should.

Truthfully, I just love being in DVC....great money saver and great memories too.
We're happy. We don't use EE, and actually try to avoid those parks on EE days because they end up being more crowded...

We were thinking of giving E Nights a shot next time, but no biggie. We'll just save the money (or spend it in another Disney establishment...;)

As for the reasons they gave, remember, they need to put as positive a spin on things as they can. They don't want to make investors and potential guests think they are desparate. Saying its for security reasons makes it sound like a proactive move to make the parks safer, instead of a reactive move to troubling economic times.

The security piece may only be 5% of the reason, but we can't blame then for spinning it that way. I haven't seen a company yet that doesn't "spin" its negative announcements, like firing a CEO, or announcing layoffs.
Very true, Raidermatt. Also take into consideration the government sponsored multi-billion dollar bail-out for businesses who have lost income due to the terrorists attacks. By Disney stating their losses are due to security measures resulting from the terrorist attacks, they are eligible for part of that money. (making investors happy :smooth: )
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
WDW is still there and still open. We are happy!!

This works for me as well!!! :D
EE and Eride nights were great perks but we never used them. As long as WDW is still there, we will sleep late and enjoy ourselves.:smooth:
You have to put yourself into their shoes before asking these questions. If you are a Disney stock holder right now, what are you asking Disney to do? Are you comfortable watching the stock price continue to plummet to keep your ability to enter a park 1 1/2 hours ahead of schedule or stay late? Granted, these aren't the only factors in a recovery process, but are important, especially when attendance has dropped off dramatically. Revenue - Expenses = Profit. No business, not even WDW, will lose money in order to maintain perks. And I'll bet that these decisions are not ones that they enjoy doing. We cannot forget about the events on 9/11 either. They have had a tremendous impact. I would be more concerned with getting people to keep or make their reservations at WDW as oppossed to cancelling or not making them. I also would be mad at terrorism, not WDW. Changing your opinion on whether you've made the right decision to buy into or stay in DVC based on the ability to enter a park early or stay later is not a sound decision IMHO.
niks81....I don't think any of us who mentioned losing the free passes perk were really complaining legitimately. It was very clear when we joined that this perk would expire at the end of 1999. Still....can't help but whine a little!! That was the perk to end all perks :(

But, even if it wasn't offered, we would have joined for all the reasons you mentioned.
Originally posted by Goofy Fan
You have to put yourself into their shoes before asking these questions. If you are a Disney stock holder right now, what are you asking Disney to do?

I am a Disney Stock holder and have been for close to 20 years. Disney's problems with the theme parks started before the events on 9/11. The current management at Disney has been pulling funds and profits from the theme park operations for years to finance risky ventures such as the purchase of, ABC and more recently Fox Family which cost 5 times the original cost of Epcot. These are the things that worry me.

Do hours need to be cut? Maybe. Although from the sounds of it the crowd levels would support longer hours on the weekends. Should EE have been cut back? Maybe. But they have loads and loads of promotional material touting Early Entry as a top perk of staying on Disney Property. Of course they had the right to cut it out. However what is the public's perception of this? Disney's long term viability has a lot to do with it's image as being a premier entertainment company. Let's hope that most people feel as you do and the cuts are not important to them.
Nope, not upset. Just happy that WDW is sucking it up and working hard to keep open. My husband works on WallSt. There are thousands upon thousands of layoffs currently going on. Cutbacks are all around us.
wdwoldtimer.....I am new and was not aware that the members knew about the free passes expiring in 1999. No one had informed me of that and I took it as another perk being taken.

Personally, as long as my resort is still standing, and in proper working order, I am pleased as punch.
We were just at WDW last week and I was pretty disappointed about several things. I definitely missed EE days but even worse than this was rides that were broken. In seven previous trips to WDW I have never had problems with rides that were broken down, on this trip it happened three times (maybe cutting back to the point they can't properly maintain their rides). Also they have reduced hours to the point that even in October the parks were packed (we were in the parks on a Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday). We waited an hour to get on Test Tracks and an hour to get on Rock and Roll Rollercoaster. Other rides we went on were anywhere from 10 to 30 minute waits. After being there last week they will NEVER convince me these cut backs are because of poor attendance at the parks. I personallly do not regret purchasing DVC, however I think it will be quite awhile before I again bother to go in to the parks. We will either exchange points for other destinations, go to HH, do a cruise, or go to OKW to stay but not do WDW. Until they get their act back together at the parks I can find better ways to spend my hard earned money.

OKW was still GREAT as always. Staff was very polite and helpful. We had a grand villa this trip and really enjoyed our OKW stay, just should have probably avoided the parks.
I wish we could get a good read on the crowds. I have read many posts stating that rides were walkons or minimal waits for the same time period. When we were there it was not crowded until the weekend. Based on the info on the resorts board, hotel occupancy is very low which lead to the closing of POFQ. Something like than a hundred reservations between there an POR the last week, before they decision to close was made.

Was FL on a school break last week? I thought I heard that somewhere.
Basically, the weekdays are all walk on & the weekends are still packed..... That's been my traditional experiences as well as what I'm reading from returning guests... This is not unusual...

As for Test Track being broken LOL... I have yet to see a time when it was ever open from the time it officially opened!! The thing is ALWAYS BROKEN... and R&R breaks occasionally too... neither of those is an unusual occurance....
I must add to the minority and say that I am also concerned about the loss of EE and E nights.

We are new members, and have taken two trips this year--7 days in April/May and 11 in October. We used the EE privilege for MK every day it was available, and used E nights on our April/May trip. (on our last trip we left the afternoon of October 20th--never even heard a whisper about EE being discontinued).

Let me say that I have no intention of selling. With a 3 year old we have many trips to WDW in our future and will certainly get our use out of DVC. And, I certainly understand about business decisions.

But, beyond my own selfishness of mourning the loss of these perks and the cuts in hours (I hope none of you take that too seriously), I am concerned of the overall affect of staying on site--which directly correlates to DVC.

It has always been the "perks" and "intangibles" of staying on site that has commanded the extra $$$ from guest for that privilege. But with the loss of EE, E nights, etc., what is left? On site transportation and that Disney "magic"? For many who are looking at economics much more closely these days, those diminishing perks may not be enough to snag their lodging dollars. (and imagine being a first time guest and being asked to pay $$$ more for "magic"???!!) It will be interesting to see what Disney has up it's sleeve to keep the folks paying the extra $$$ to stay on site.

My point is, if the draw to stay on-site at WDW is diminished, the draw to purchase DVC may be too. (I wonder if the sales reps at Westgate and Vistiana did the "happy dance" when WDW accounced these cuts? )

I also believe that we as DVC members should keep a watchful eye on the state of the parks. Whether we like it or not, we are tied to the health of them. There may be those of us who can make a DVC visit and never go to the parks; but I have believe those folks are few and far between.

And, well, of course there is that economy that surely can't be helping the DVC cause either. We purchased in April. If we were faced with that decision now; the state of the ecomomy combined with the cuts and uncertainty at WDW would be enough to have us hold off and see what happens before investing in DVC.

Well, time to get off my soapbox now. And, if I seem a little "doom and gloom", I spent too many years as an engineering consultant where it was my job to devise and engineer loss expectancies and maximum forseable loss scenarios--basically, figure out what was the worse thing that could happen and then engineer something so it wouldn't. Soemtimes, just can't get out of that frame of mind..... TIme to go think Happy Thoughts!:D

The attractions are not walk-ons during the week. Anyone with little ones visiting Fanstasyland can attest to that. We were there 10/20 - 10/29 and my response is based on firsthand experiences.

I would prefer 1 park go dark completely 1 day a week as to the stuff that is going on down there now.

The worst part about it is the spinning that Disney does to try to justify any decision that they make.

I know that my opinion is a minority one but that's life. I will just have to live with being on the dark side when it comes to the Disney corporation.

Stockholder, DVC member, AP holder, blessed with a great attitude and a personality to match, a non-whiner, one who always ensures that my little ones have a great time at Disney no matter what policies are implemented, one who just flat-out refuses to support the notion that just having the gates at Disney open is more than enough.
Originally posted by LisaR
If the worse thing going on in anyones life right now is the cancellation of E night and long lines at Disney, then you have an awful lot to be thankful for.


No one ever said that this was the worst thing going on in their life, it is just a disappointment. Please don't mis-construe what I said.
Originally posted by baileybrad
The attractions are not walk-ons during the week. Anyone with little ones visiting Fanstasyland can attest to that. We were there 10/20 - 10/29 and my response is based on firsthand experiences.

I would prefer 1 park go dark completely 1 day a week as to the stuff that is going on down there now.

The worst part about it is the spinning that Disney does to try to justify any decision that they make.

I know that my opinion is a minority one but that's life. I will just have to live with being on the dark side when it comes to the Disney corporation.

Stockholder, DVC member, AP holder, blessed with a great attitude and a personality to match, a non-whiner, one who always ensures that my little ones have a great time at Disney no matter what policies are implemented, one who just flat-out refuses to support the notion that just having the gates at Disney open is more than enough.

Absolutely. Disney hase used these perks to get people through their gates for years. Many people, whether you want to admit it or not, base their decision on these existing perks. And, yes, Disney has the right to pull them at any time. However, my original point, which has been completely re-designed in the course of all the replies, is that Disney has justified their decision to stop the perks on the basis of security and I don't understand that. If anyone can tell me how security factors into all of this, please tell me.

Just being open is not a great selling point for me, nor should it be for anyone else. Disney is capable of far more than that, and we all know this.

If you are a stockholder, than you know that the theme parks account for approximately 30% of the Disney Company's revenue, and pulling oerks, shortening park hours, and potentially diminishing the enjoyment of it's guests, first-timers or not, is a bad business decision. I still stand firmly on this point.
Fantasyland and Toontown were not walk ons 10/10-10/20 either. (and we were at MK 5 mornings and a couple of evenings during that timeframe).

In fact, because they delayed the opening of Toontown until 10:00 (even though on the Surprise Morning handouts given at the gate said 9:00 a.m.--how's that for consistancy???); it was even busier than it was on our April/May trip. In April/May, Toontown opened at 9:00 a.m., and since many people hadn't made there way back to that part of the park yet, it was fairly peaceful for 45 minutes or so. But on this trip, we found that because it opened at 10:00; there was a very long line just to enter Toontown; and it was busy from the start.


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