Inspired By TWIRLYWIG - WOULD You If You COULD Spend Over $700 on a Room at WDW???


<font color=red>On Thread Killer Patrol<br><font c
Aug 19, 1999
If you had unlimited money to spend, would you spend money differently at WDW?

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>

[This message was edited by BethR on 01-08-01 at 11:25 PM.]
I HOPE that I would still spend my money wisely, even if I had a lot of it! I've already "upgraded" a bit from the days of the $28 hotel room that FELT like a $28 hotel room! Thanks to Priceline, I paid $45 for the MOWC - a deluxe hotel worth far more than I paid.
I'm sure I would act alot differently. With the goal of trying all things Disney at least once, the $700 hotel room would be one...for sure.

Christmas 1979 offsite
July 1989 offsite (Marriott World Center)
July 1996 Offsite (Daytona Adam's Mark)
August 1999 Offsite (Fairfield Star Island)
March 2000 Offsite (Fairfield Cypress Palms - new owners)
2001 - TBD
If I had the money - I would still be staying at the All Stars with my refill mug in hand. Except I might stay there more often - like yearround!

DH has one of those calculator watches and he likes to figure out odd little math problems at Disney - like while we're in line and he'll count up the number of people in line and figure out the $$$ that Disney is making if they each order a meal.

One of his favorites is the cost of the room/hour. At $700, the room costs $29/hour. Not bad, except we're really only in the room about 8 or 10 hours a day, so REALLY you're paying $70/hour!

I used to be Debbie in Mobile but the Army keeps moving us!
Now that's an interesting question you bring up, Debbie. Quality vs. Quantity? h-m-m-m-m-m.

I just couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of money!
If I just won the lotto, and I had millions, I would definitely splurge from time to time. Why not rub elbows with rich and famous?
The Millionaire Next Door (you gotta read the book if you haven't) would continue to stay at the Value resorts.
If we're talking Bill Gates-type "money no object" then sure, $700 wouldn't be that much to spend on a room.

But since I'll probably never be in that category, I don't think I could spend that much on a hotel room. For me, just getting on-site would be a step up. ;)
I would get the best room I could get at a good price for a very LONG TIME!!!!

I still feel that being there is more important! I would like a room that makes me feel pampered, but not over $200 a night.

Sorry, I must be cheap compared to others.


<font size=2><font color=red>
Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font>
Inauguaral Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders</font>
<font size=2><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on! Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
I think I'd try to stretch everything so that I got a lot for the $$-a little of everything-maybe stay at every Disney resort, eat at each restaurant..I like the variety! I'd also definitely invite all my good friends, relatives, and surprise some that have never had a Disney trip. But, I couldn't feel like I was "paying" a fortune even if money wasn't an issue.
He wants the expensive stuff of course! I would do everything as I do it now and go more often. Just because we have the money doesn't mean we have to hand it to someone else!

That's my 2 cents,

Daisimae ;)

Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
I like to think that I would stay in a nice room for a good price and save/donate the difference. Some people have so little...Then again, all that money might turn me into Cruella DeVille, so who knows? :)
Thanks, Beth, I appreciate the vote of confidence! It's always fun to post here. :)
I don't think I would do it all the time. But it might be nice to stay in a 700.00 a night hotel room once to see what it was like. Don't think dh would agree though, since he's the one with the money sense. LOL ;)
I would buy enough add on DVC points so I could stay in a 2 BR villa at OKW ALL WINTER! :D

I would still be looking for value for the money and when we are not staying on DVC points...that is still DXL to me.


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