I'm BACK!!!!!!


DIS Veteran
Sep 15, 1999
I know you guys probably did not miss me but I have been unable to get the DIS to load since this morning....have been in contact with Pete and everything seems to be ok for now....I am so happy to back on you just do not know how much I missed you guys even if it was only for a few hours well about 8.

:earsboy: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Glad to hear you are back.

I have some major cleaning to do, so I turned off my computer today. I can't tell you how many times I headed to the computer room just to check to see what was going on. I really had to fight the impulse to turn it back on just to peek....but I did get a lot done.:D
I was having a problem this morning getting the site to load in AOL. It seems to be working fine in IE.
I have been having problems too, since last night!! I e-mailed Pete and hopefully we will have no more problems.

I had problems w/ the old board and couldn't get on for a week. I was going thru major DIS withdrawal!! :earseek:

I'm so glad to be back on and to have new boards too!!:bounce:

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