If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead

OK I am almost back to normal. Just gotta shake this wheezing in my lungs. Hopefully it will be gone by Friday so I can start my brand new training plan that is going to make me lightening fast.

Anyways on with the mini trip report

*First let me apologize for the lack of pictures. It was too cold to keep taking my gloves off.*

I left my house Wednesday around 1pm. I almost went the night before because there was talk of shutting down bridges in Jacksonville and I did not want to risk bib pick up. The news made it sound like the world was ending so I was a little worried. Thankfully it didn't get cold enough to freeze so as soon as the rain stopped Wednesday I was on my way.

I got to the expo just before 4 hoping it was late enough to avoid the madness. I had plans to meet up with @mrsg00fy and she ended up finding me while I was in the bib pick up line. It took about 10 minutes to get my bib and take my picture for the Dopey Challenge. After that I decided to try one last time to get my corral changed. My POT was right on the line and depending on the equivalency calculator could be under the 5:30 cut off. They wouldn't budge and said they are thinking about posting the calculator they use on the site. Not a big deal and I don't think corral placement made a difference in my races anyway.

After that we looked at the official merchandise line and decided it was crazy to wait that long in the cold so we went to the Visa Athletic Center (AKA Jostens Center)
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The expo seemed smaller this year. Mrsg00fy got some fuel and I ended up buying The Stick roller that I have always been curious about and finally stopped to try. (btw I love the stick, so much easier to use than a foam roller) On the way out we stopped to look at the newly released Dark Side medals.

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I love the half medal. I actually like all of them but I'm not a virtual race person.

It felt like we were in and out of the expo in no time.

I really wanted a Dopey magnet so I decided I would brave the merchandise line. Mrsg00fy was such a good sport she stood with me for the cold 30 minute wait. Sadly by the time we got inside all the Dopey magnets were gone :( so I settled for a marathon magnet, a dopey tank top and a Marathon Weekend cup.

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After leaving WWoS Mrsg00fy and I made a trip to Walmart to stock up on a couple things. Then I dropped her off at the Boardwalk and headed to my hotel for the first couple nights of the trip, POP.

When I purchased my Dopey bib I had to go through a TA and so I had a 2 night requirement to meet. So I chose POP since I would be there without DH for those two nights anyway. I was kind of excited because I had a renovated room last time at POP and it was nice. This time was a completely different story. I got an old room all the way in the back on the lake.
I made my way all the way back to my room and started to unpacked my outfit for the next day.

I loved the bibs this year!!

When I was done unpacking I went to the food court and grabbed dinner. I ended up getting an old favorite, chicken tenders and fries. I also saw this and had to grab it because PORGS!

It's a rice crispy treat with icing.

After all that excitement I tried to get some sleep but I was so nervous for Dopey the next day that it took me awhile to wind down. And as soon as I did the neighbors came home. It was midnight and there was nothing but screaming and crying and yelling and slamming doors for an hour. At Least it was just the 5k the next day right!?

Ooh I like the DS half medal! I plan to wear all black so I guess I’ll fit in? Lol

How did you like the bib snap ons? I love the looks of the race dots but they cause me so much frustration I didn’t even wear them for the marathon. They would’ve looked so cute!

Nice tank top, love the magnet ;)
I was kind of excited because I had a renovated room last time at POP and it was nice. This time was a completely different story. I got an old room all the way in the back on the lake.
yeah, totally spoiled by the new room!!!

I loved the bibs this year!!

because PORGS!
Um, please, nobody let Killian see this...or he'll be spending his allowance on rice cereal treats and nibbling everything but porgs and they'll melt and get sticky and nasty....just no.
Fellow Dopey participant and love reading others recaps. I got the Dopey magnet but missed the tank. The tank is awesome. We are also porg loving crispy treat fans. DS found one that was a full porg. He almost didn't want to eat it but the sweet tooth won out. Corral placement is still a mystery to me. I was in corral F with entering a HM POT of 2:46 which should have put me in G. Then while in corral F during the marathon I was talking with a lady that put no POT in at all. I just don't know what to make of it. Anyway, Excited to hear how the rest of your weekend was.
How did you like the bib snap ons?
I actually liked the bib boards. They aren't as easy as safety pins but better than race dots.

yeah, totally spoiled by the new room!!!
So Spoiled! Silly me I thought they were done with the renovations by now and was surprised it was an old room.

Fellow Dopey participant

Corral placement is still a mystery to me.
Yeah I think they like to keep it that way so they can do whatever benefits them most.
5K Day!

After 2ish hours of sleep my alarm went off at 3 am. I threw on my race clothes, snapped a selfie and headed for the bus.

When I saw the temps were going to be low the weekend before the race I went out to buy all new cold weather running clothes. So everything in the picture is brand new. DH also went to Walmart and picked up 4 clearance blankets for me to wear in the corrals.

I was at the bus a couple minutes before 3:30 so there was no wait. I got right on and a few minutes later we were on our way to the start of the race.

When we got to the starting area I quickly found the DIS meet up thanks to @DopeyBadger and his sign. It is always so much fun putting faces to screen names and catching up with Dis'ers I have met before. Around 5 we decided it was time to move to our corrals. Luckily for the 5k/10k I was in the same corral as @mrsg00fy. So we made our way to D together. It was unbelievably cold that morning so we tried get to the middle of the corral to stay warm. Not long after the race started and our corral was on the move to the start. With this new mini wave start it seemed like we were constantly moving which helped me not focus on how cold it was. Around 5:50 we were finally at the starting line they counted us down and then we were off.

I always say I am going to stop for characters and then I never do. This time I really wanted to stop but A. it was freezing and B. I didn't think the characters were all that great. So I never stopped. I finished that race in 42:36. Pretty slow but I was trying to save myself for the 3 races I still had to run.
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At the finish I grabbed my medal, my snack box, took my picture and headed to the warm bus. The problem was the bus lines were insanely long. I saw Mrsg00fy in line for her bus and stopped to chat before heading to my line. Luckily the line looked way worse than it was and 10 minutes later I was on a bus back to POP.

When I got to POP I stopped for breakfast, Mickey waffles and bacon!!

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Then it was back to my room for a shower and a quick nap in a warm bed.

After my nap it was time to meet back up with Mrsg00fy for some park time. The plan was for us to have a MK day with an early dinner in Epcot. So I jumped on a bus to MK. It took forever to get to MK. The traffic was just a nightmare!! Mk was pretty much a nightmare too. I met Mrsg00fy at the front of the park and then we walked back to Haunted Mansion to use our fastpasses. Afterwards we had time to kill so we stopped for lunch at Cosmic Rays. She had a fast pass for 7D and I did not so we tried to drop her son's so I could pick it up but I wasn't quick enough :( We thought it was probably better to just park hop instead of wait in any of the lines at MK so we made our way to Epcot.

Epcot was pretty crowded too so once we were in the park we headed to the DVC lounge. Since I am not a DVC member I had no idea there was even a lounge in Epcot but luckily Mrsg00fy is :) We made our way to there and sat and talked for probably a couple hours. We also enjoyed free drinks and gummy bears!! After leaving the lounge we decided to wait for The Land, one of my favorite rides. Then we snagged fast passes for Nemo. But by the time we got to Nemo it was too close to our ADR at Coral Reef. We checked into Coral Reef and they told us they were running behind so they gave us a pager. They said it was going to be 30 minutes so we made a rebel move and ran to use our Nemo fastpass.

As soon as we were done on Nemo we came right back to the restaurant and the hostess was coming out of the door calling our name. Perfect timing!

I have never been to Coral Reef before but I enjoyed it.

I forgot to take pictures of my food but here is the Sangria I ordered.

It was delicious!

Afterwards I said goodbye to Mrsg00fy and hopped a bus back to POP. It had been a long day and I needed sleep. Unfortunately it was a repeat of the night before, nerves and loud neighbors :(

Congrats on the 5K! I get cold just reading these race recaps... (or maybe because it's currently -2F here? ha!)

Coral Reef was my favorite restaurant as a kid and I still love watching the fish. :) It could probably use an upgrade, but I still love it!
5K Day!

After 2ish hours of sleep my alarm went off at 3 am. I threw on my race clothes, snapped a selfie and headed for the bus.
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When I saw the temps were going to be low the weekend before the race I went out to buy all new cold weather running clothes. So everything in the picture is brand new. DH also went to Walmart and picked up 4 clearance blankets for me to wear in the corrals.

I was at the bus a couple minutes before 3:30 so there was no wait. I got right on and a few minutes later we were on our way to the start of the race.

When we got to the starting area I quickly found the DIS meet up thanks to @DopeyBadger and his sign. It is always so much fun putting faces to screen names and catching up with Dis'ers I have met before. Around 5 we decided it was time to move to our corrals. Luckily for the 5k/10k I was in the same corral as @mrsg00fy. So we made our way to D together. It was unbelievably cold that morning so we tried get to the middle of the corral to stay warm. Not long after the race started and our corral was on the move to the start. With this new mini wave start it seemed like we were constantly moving which helped me not focus on how cold it was. Around 5:50 we were finally at the starting line they counted us down and then we were off.

I always say I am going to stop for characters and then I never do. This time I really wanted to stop but A. it was freezing and B. I didn't think the characters were all that great. So I never stopped. I finished that race in 42:36. Pretty slow but I was trying to save myself for the 3 races I still had to run.
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At the finish I grabbed my medal, my snack box, took my picture and headed to the warm bus. The problem was the bus lines were insanely long. I saw Mrsg00fy in line for her bus and stopped to chat before heading to my line. Luckily the line looked way worse than it was and 10 minutes later I was on a bus back to POP.

When I got to POP I stopped for breakfast, Mickey waffles and bacon!!

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Then it was back to my room for a shower and a quick nap in a warm bed.

After my nap it was time to meet back up with Mrsg00fy for some park time. The plan was for us to have a MK day with an early dinner in Epcot. So I jumped on a bus to MK. It took forever to get to MK. The traffic was just a nightmare!! Mk was pretty much a nightmare too. I met Mrsg00fy at the front of the park and then we walked back to Haunted Mansion to use our fastpasses. Afterwards we had time to kill so we stopped for lunch at Cosmic Rays. She had a fast pass for 7D and I did not so we tried to drop her son's so I could pick it up but I wasn't quick enough :( We thought it was probably better to just park hop instead of wait in any of the lines at MK so we made our way to Epcot.

Epcot was pretty crowded too so once we were in the park we headed to the DVC lounge. Since I am not a DVC member I had no idea there was even a lounge in Epcot but luckily Mrsg00fy is :) We made our way to there and sat and talked for probably a couple hours. We also enjoyed free drinks and gummy bears!! After leaving the lounge we decided to wait for The Land, one of my favorite rides. Then we snagged fast passes for Nemo. But by the time we got to Nemo it was too close to our ADR at Coral Reef. We checked into Coral Reef and they told us they were running behind so they gave us a pager. They said it was going to be 30 minutes so we made a rebel move and ran to use our Nemo fastpass.

As soon as we were done on Nemo we came right back to the restaurant and the hostess was coming out of the door calling our name. Perfect timing!

I have never been to Coral Reef before but I enjoyed it.
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I forgot to take pictures of my food but here is the Sangria I ordered.
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It was delicious!

Afterwards I said goodbye to Mrsg00fy and hopped a bus back to POP. It had been a long day and I needed sleep. Unfortunately it was a repeat of the night before, nerves and loud neighbors :(

Hydrating is very important!
Love the celebratory breakfast. I was also in D with similar finishing times. Probably ran near each other and didn't know it. I Gotta really make sure to get to those DIS meet ups in the future.
Love your 5K pictures. You look adorable! Most excellent post race breakfast as well. We've not done Coral Reef, but it's on my someday list.
10k Day!!

The alarm rang at 3am much like the day before. I had gotten a whole 3 hours asleep but I luckily had no problem waking up. Probably due to the fact that it was going to be a great day, I was switching hotels, DH was coming over and it was the Dis meet up.

I put on my 10k outfit and opened the door and then turned right back around to throw on the jacket I had worn at the 5k. It was way too cold to worry about wearing the same thing 2 days in a row. I grabbed a throw away blanket and headed for the bus.

By 3:30 I was on a nice warm bus headed to Epcot. Then it was the same routine as the day before. I met up with the Dis group and then went to the corral with @mrsg00fy. The highlight of the 10k meet up was mrsg00fy's son #scottytwohottie. He was cracking me up all morning. Unfortunately for us he was in the corral before ours so we had to say goodbye early.

Before I knew it we were walking to the start. Then came the count down and I was off. I love how this course is wide in the beginning but after the first mile it quickly became congested. Lots of people walking 4+ people across. Going up the overpass it got even worse. I tried to save energy and not weave around people but it was just impossible not to. The first character lines were really long and they seemed like the same ones that they have at every 10k lately so I passed them by.

After 3 dark cold miles it was time to go to the backstage of Epcot. This morning they had Test Track running which was pretty cool to see. After Test Track it was World Showcase time! I always love the inspirational music and fire when I first turn into the park. The course still seemed more crowded than usual so I trying to avoid collisions. There are no pictures of me in Epcot that morning and I think it was because of the crowding. I looked over and saw a picture stop in France but it was on the other side of the course. I didn't want to cut off a bunch of runners so I just kept going. Then I looked back and it was Marie. Dang it! That is DD6's favorite character and when we ran the W&D 5k the reason she wouldn't stop because the next one might be Marie (it never was but I did get her to stop for Meeko). When I got on the bridge after France I debated if I wanted to turn around but I decided against it and regretted it the whole way to the finish.

After that it was the standard 10k course out to the Boardwalk and around. When we entered back into the backstage area of Epcot there was some construction going on and they had some construction workers out there talking to the crowd. They were pretty funny and probably the highlight of the 10k. Before I knew it I was back at the finish line getting my Minnie medal. 1:28:05 probably my worst 10k time ever but still on track for Dopey.

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Here I am in purple still wearing my throw away things because I never warmed up. And I'm cursing dude in front of me for cutting me off!

Thankfully the bus lines were much better that morning and I got right on one back to POP. Now POP and AoA share race buses so when we got to AoA the bus driver looked at the half full bus and asked what was going on. We told him we were suppose to stop at POP too. He tried telling us we were on the wrong bus but eventually took us to POP. Luckily this happen on the way from the race and not before :scared:

When I got back to my room I showered and ate my breakfast, aka runner's box.


Then I promptly fell asleep.

The next thing I knew I was getting a text my room at The Contemporary was ready! I was so excited it was ready so early and I didn't have to spend anytime waiting for my next room. I quickly packed up and jumped in my car. I pulled into the Contemporary at 11 and found my room in the Garden Building.

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It was pretty and so comfortable. Our view was nice too, it was of the garden and Bay Lake. And I was on the ground floor, unlike POP that tried to kill me on the 4th floor.

I immediately laid in the bed and soaked it all in. Around noon Mike showed up and gave me my anniversary present. It had gotten delayed in the cold and snow so he was very excited to give it to me.

I know most people hate UGGS but they are the most comfortable and warm shoes I have ever owned and I love them. These are my 3rd pair and exactly what I needed that weekend.

It was almost time for the Hurricane Hannah's meet up so Mike and I headed out to get lunch first. We didn't realize there was a QS in the CR so funny enough we went back to POP to eat. Then we head to AKL to pick up @TeeterTots and her friend so they didn't have to take the bus. I was so excited for Mike to meet Teetertots since she was the one that paced me to a new half PR in May.

The Hurricane Hannah's meet up was a lot of fun. Mike got to meet all of the internet people he hears me talk about. Even the famous @DopeyBadger that has been kind enough to write all of training plans :)
Oh and there was a little of this


Doesn't that picture make it look tropical and warm!?
Also Dopey nails!

After the meet up Mike and I dropped @Mickey Momma and her hubby at PORS and went back to CR. We just hung out in our room for the rest of the day and eventually found the QS for dinner. I tried to relax and go to bed early but I had things on my mind so I didn't end falling asleep until midnight again.

Great job on the 10K!

Love the room! Yay deluxe! Love the uggs! Thank you again for picking us up! That was the best! It was so nice to meet Mike! I hope this motor mouth didn’t scare him! I’m loud and I talk a lot and fast!

Nice tropical drink...not so much tropical weather, but considering it was zero when I boarded the plane that morning....I’ll take it!
Great 10k, man that guy at the finish line was so gung ho, good thing he didn't trip you. I never understand why the bus drivers get mixed up, you would think get instructions on their job for the day, yeah luckily it was after, no need to be stressed before.


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