I was the Stealth Dis Con'er Day 6 12/02/01

Marla Hellwig

I'm not lost, it's called creative exploring
Mar 25, 2000

Yikes, another 7:00 a. m. breakfast and the farewells. Slowly, people wandered in - some had already left, or were leaving right after breakfast. I will admit, there weren’t too many dry eyes in the room at the conclusion of breakfast. The time had flown by much too quickly. I know I had a great time and enjoying meeting everyone. If there was someone I didn’t meet - I am sorry - hope to see ya next year.

After breakfast, back to DTD for some more shopping. Found a few things, and then back to the Dolphin for a quick stop at the room and then to Tubbies to try one of their hamburgers (pretty good).

From here, I went to the Magic Kingdom where I basically wandered around, riding a ride here and there - basically enjoying myself but gearing up for a fun time. Tonight is the MVMCP (Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party). Another first for me.

Met up with Nancy, Patrick, Nikole, Dan, Brian and Dave for dinner at the Liberty Tree Tavern. I love this place and won’t pass up an opportunity to have dinner here. We had a great time together. When Nancy went up to tell we were all here - they asked where from - Nancy gave them all of the states we were from. They did announce all of them when they rang the bell to call us to dinner. Of course we got a few funny looks - but hey we were one big happy family.

This is a character dinner with Minnie, Chip, Dale, Goofy all dressed in colonial attire. Pluto was absent - boo hoo.

Dinner was salad, ham, flank steak, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, and macaroni and cheese. We actually made our way through 2 platters of food.

Then, since it was almost Dave’s birthday, he had a cupcake with a candle and a card signed by the characters delivered to the table with bell ringing and singing.

Then, it was time to settle the bill. I quickly handed over my share and sat back to enjoy my regular ice tea, when one of the chipmunks came over. He gave me a little hug and then started rubbing his tummy. I pointed to the platter where a few scraps of meat was left, he shook his head no, I pointed to the basket with a couple of rolls left he shook his head yes. I picked up the basket, offered it to him. Chipmunk looked all around and quickly grabbed a roll. I was laughing so hard by now. Then he gathered the roll to his chest and looked around some more. Then he ate the roll. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth and covered his mouth while he chewed. By this time I was practically rolling on the floor laughing and what was even more funny, no one else at the table was paying a bit of attention to this. Here I sit with a great moment with the chipmunk and it was just a private thing between the two of us. When he finished chewing, he dusted off the crumbs off of his chest and shook hands with me. His paws were wet. The poor thing - he had been in the kitchen doing dishes and was hungry to boot!

We finally made our way out of the door and ready to party. We got a group photo taken over in Tomorrowland. We got in a great ride on Space. Then wandered around. By this time, I had a cramp in the back of my one calf so I was walking very slowly I started off first with orders to meet up at the back of the castle. I stopped to see Alice for a moment and I still got there last.

Found the carriage and this princess had her picture taken in front of it. From here wandered and ambled and made our way to Main Street to watch the fireworks. Basically, the fireworks were going off all around us. From here, we got our hot chocolate and cookies and found some characters for photo shoots.

Found a great place to sit and watch and tape the parade. A very nice one. The only problem I had was getting up when it was over. We continued ambling around I think the only thing we rode was Space, but had an enjoyable evening. Got to the front of the castle to watch the last show there. When it was over, very slowly made that last and final trek up Main Street to the gates - with me knowing that this would be my last trip up Main Street for this trip. With the Christmas music playing, and the snow gently falling - well you get the picture.

Found a few more characters and then slowly made that long trek to the bus stop. Soon, I was crawling into bed (around 1:30), knowing that I had just one more day at Walt Disney World - feeling rather sad but happy at the same time.
Its a shame you didnt have a video camera Marla. That would have been priceless.
With all the cameras at DISCON there was no one to take a photograph of you and a dishwashing chipmunk??
fun.......thanks a million for the report.......and maybe we can go to LTT for supper next april........thanks again Marla


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