I love Priceline and swear by it! I got a good rate at the Dolphin for July and Dec of next year from the resort. But it all started for me last year when I got the Swan for $68 per night.I would be happy with the MOWC if I wanted to go down.
I use Priceline all the time for all our other trips!
Boston- Whyndam- $60 (Feb 2000)
Braintree MA- Candlewood Suites- $40 (Jan 2001)
Orlando- Swan -$69 (Aug (2000)
Car- Dollar- Lincoln $22 per day (Aug 2000)
Airfare- PVD _ MCO via delta $160 (Aug 2000)
Airfare BOS to MCO via Midway $150 ( July 2001)
not bad so far!
<font size=2><font color=red>
Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font>
Inauguaral Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders</font>
<font size=2><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on! Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>