I think I should be ashamed of myself

Originally posted by mhopset
I agree with Alex about fat men. I guess you would say I was a "big and tall" type of guy. I'm 6'7" and about 290 lbs.

pardon me for the intrusion, just wanted to say that 6'7" and 290 sounds like something I might enjoy. :teeth:

I might be in the minority, but I'm here.
Tony -- instead of beating you up at WDW, can't we just put you behind one of those pie throwing boards where you stick your face out, then we can all take a shot at you, slinging our favorite flavor of pie at you??? Pretty Puh - leeze!!!!!!!!!! Seems it would be a win, win situation! :p ;)

Oh, by the way, I'll be slinging strawberry cream cake at you. :) LOL! ;)
Good Idea Saffron. But my favorite pie is Derby pie!!!! That would hurt. That Strawberry stuff sounds good though.
mhopset- Just want to say that I agree with you. I don't blame you for feeling embarrassed or upset. To me , smoking, eating til you are obese and having kids out of wedlock is just not healthy, or too classy.

About glo's story- I don't what it has to do with the person in the original post. A disabled child and "god's plan" has nothing to do with a grown person who should be living a cleaner lifestyle.
Oh good grief! Tony's ego don't need NO boostin'! :eek: :p

Say "Cheese" Tony! :teeth:

All these posts about pie is making me hungry. I'm going to pick up the pizza I ordered and after that I'm going to make a bannana cream pie!:)

Dear Lord in Heaven Saffron that pie is a work of art. I can taste it now. Do you want my street address so you can ship me a slice?:D
Since my post has so many views and replies does that qualify me for moderator status now?
OK, I have lived my whole life with an obese sister and I have witnessed many times the how lazy she must be comments, and I must say one thing, most overweight people are not lazy, they know very well they are overweight and they know the consequences.
My sister did every diet there was in the world , she would loose weight and then gain what she lost and more, did it embarrass me to be seen with her? NO, she's my sister and nobody walked in her shoes. Did it upset me that sometimes she just did not care? Yes, but I could honestly not blame her, there were not that many supportive people around her.
You can feel upset about your niece not caring , but I'm sorry , I cannot accept being embarrased because of her weight. Does that mean that if your wife for whatever reason , gained so much weight you would not go anywhere with her?
As far as judging people with disabilities, all I can tell you is , when I see one using the scooters or handicaped parking spaces , all I can think is , I thank God I don't have to use one of them, I don't know if I will ever have to use one but I'm just grateful that I don't have to use it now. That's as far as my judgement goes.
Tony -- that's not exactly how I wanted to deliver it! LOL! :teeth: ;)

It does look good though, doesn't it? :) If I could, I'd share it with you AND your niece. :)
Robin, I think my big man and I are moving to YOUR neck of the woods! :)

I've been subject to discrimination and ridicule all my life because of my size. I lost weight and felt much better about myself, but gained weight back again. Making fun of fat people is still an "accepted" form of discrimination in this country.

My son has been going through hell in elementary school with kids making fun of him for his size. He's been gradually losing weight the past few months, but gets discouraged when they say "10 pounds is a drop in the bucket for you, dude - lose about 1,000 more and then we'll talk!" :mad: We joke away our pain at the situation, and say "well, we'll just sit on them - they'll stop making fun then" but it still hurts. :(
Okay not to really keep this thing going, but I am floored by all the people who say they never make opinions based on looks. So you all have never looked at a woman dressed provocatively and thought she was easy or a slut?

Or here is a better example since I live with this one at work: I am the youngest one in the office and I have had a couple of promotions since I was hired three years ago. First I had to deal with everyone thinking that because I was cute I was dumb. Then I had to deal with the well she is getting promotions she must be doing "special favors" for the boss thoughts. Then because I have to stand up for myself and work a little harder to overcome these other thoughts, I am now a mean witch. The thing is that people are basing these things without even knowing me.

I can't buy that anyone here has NEVER made an opinion of someone based on looks alone.
Thank you, Miss Jasmine. I just spent the morning reading this post. It's taken a long time, but I finally made it through. True, I have never been fat, probably never will due to having gastric bypass surgery for medical reasons. True, it's sad the mhopset was embarrassed that someone may think his neice was his wife. True, his neice could have some serious emotional issues. True, I have, in the past, judged people by their appearance. True, I have been judged by my appearance.

Yes, mhopset, I have seen a large person on an ECV and thought if they'd lose weight, they could walk. That was wrong. Yes, I've seen an overweight person eating cheesecake and smoking a cigarette and wonder why they continue to stay like that. That was wrong. I am human. I am trying not to judge people by their appearance.

What disturbed me more about his neice was that she was on welfare and smoking cigarettes. Here I am judging her again. I have a hard time understanding why you'd smoke when you are on welfare. I don't understand addictions, and, therefore, can't relate to this issue. I know this is wrong, and, after I hear other people opinions, will be able to rethink my stand, but that was my initial thought.

I am human, and am trying to see the big picture, as I think Seth's dad is too.
THANK YOU Miss Jasmine and TC for your kind thoughts and words of wisdom.

Maybe you guys along with me will be able to a 12 step program in order not to be human and think the way we do. Colleen A. will be our counselor:D

BTW I used up all of our Yankee Candles trying to get the funk smell out of our house after she left. Anyone want to send me some more?
Tony, remember what I TOLD YOU!! :bounce: You are DETERMINED to get yourself into trouble, aren't you??!!! :rolleyes: Do I need to start a "Get Tony Out of Jail" fund for you or what?! :earseek:
Okay not to really keep this thing going, but I am floored by all the people who say they never make opinions based on looks. So you all have never looked at a woman dressed provocatively and thought she was easy or a slut?

:eek: Absolutely not!

If a woman hangs on my man or makes suggestion to my man, then, and only then, will I make any sort of opinion about whether or not I think she may be a slut or not. It's her actions that would make me form an opinion, not her appearence. She could be dressed like Granny Gump and just come from Sunday school for all I care --- If she's hanging on MY man or making suggestions to him, I may form a not so nice opinion about her. Again, it would be her actions, not her appearence. What she does with any other man, no matter what she's wearing, even if she's naked, wouldn't make me think one way or the other about her.

I often hear that people are amazed that others don't judge others by their appearance, and that they can't believe it. I guess I'm just as amazed at people who do form judgements about others based on appearences. Like I said before, we're all different and we all think differently.
It's not about being different, I am talking about human nature. I guess you all are better than me. :rolleyes:

I know I left those stones around here, some where.
Saffron did you watch the Color Purple over the weekend too.

"Harpo my man, you nothin but a big ole heffer"

Taken from the movie girlfriend not my words!!!!!!!!!!


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