I need some help with plans

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
I've printed up the park hours, the schedule for parades and fireworks, and am starting to plan our day to day schedule (flexible of course) anyway can someone tell me the time the campfire starts and is it every single night?? Also the movie times. Where will I be able to find which movie is playing ahead of time?? Also what time is the hayride and what time does the water pagent float by?? Thanks so much!!!!!
When you check in they will give you a schedule of what movies are playing for the whole month.Some months they have two movies and the campfire starts before the first movie.It depends on the time of year as to what time that is.They will also give you a copy of the Fort Wilderness Gazette which has tons of information in it about what time everything starts and all sorts of questions will be answered!!!!!The water parade always goes by at 9:45 each night.The hay ride has different times too so just look at your info gazette when you get there.

The campfire is either at 7 or 8 depending on the season, I think 7 for this time of year,the movies will start at 7:40 You will get a movie schedule when you check in at FW. The water pageant floats by at 9:45. There are 2 hayrides in the evening, I think the first one is around 7:00 and the second 9:30--I have my ticket stubs right here and there is no time on them--$4 for children & $6 for adults.
Have a great trip!
There is also a list posted at the comfort station, I think, of the movies for that week. Will be there at the same time, leaving the 22nd. Red van from VA. Have a great time.
Val :D :D



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