I need help!


DIS Veteran
Oct 5, 2000
Ok which resort, WL or AKL. Have never stayed at either and need to make a decision! Help!!!!
I'm watching an awesome football game by the way. OSU vs Miami in the Fiesta Bowl. I'm from Ohio and right now there winning!!!!!!!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
How long are you planning on staying and what parks are your main priorities? WL is much closer to MK - depending on park hours that may be a convenient option.

Both lodges are similar in that they have a large lobby with rooms off shooting the lobby. The decor however is worlds apart - we love both resorts, but do find WL more convenient. AKL is great for a weekend getaway - Boma and Jiko are excellent. Whispering Canyon and Artist Point are both also excellent - if you want to go some place else to eat - its a bit easier to go somewhere from WL if you don't have a car with you - hop the boat to Contemporary and Monorail to any of the othe MK resorts.

You can watch the ELP from WL and certain rooms have fireworks views for MK.

I would really look at what type of trip you are looking for in terms of location and convenience and choose that way. As far as the resorts themselves - they are both great and I'm sure you would like either one. Hope that helps!

They are both great. I LOVE WL, but everyone should stay at AKL at least once. It is such a different experience.

I would stay where ever I got the best rate:D
but from one Buckeye (even though I live in that "other" state now) to another--wasn't that an AWESOME!!! game--I flew out of my chair at the end and haven't stopped jumping since! And "they" said it was gonna' be a blow out! :eek: Guess Miami believed it's own press. . . :p I'm still doing the happy dance this a.m.
AKL !!!
Just returned last night after a first-time visit to this resort and absolutely loved it!!! We were there 10 days....never waited more than 10 minutes for a bus which is not shared with any other resort so no crowded buses or having to stand...the rooms were great...got complimentary upgrade....very cosy resort with lighting. Sat by the pool the other day and watched giraffes grazing nearby, a really awesome experience.

I cannot praise it highly enough. Boma (buffet restaurant) is exceptional as is Jiko (Fine dining) and the lobby is really cozy with it's fire pit you can sit around at night.

Haven't stayed at WL...but it's too much like Canadian lodges and I live in Canada. Good restaurants tho!:D
Having only stayed at AKL of the 2, I can say we were VERY impressed. Yes, it's not close to MK, but really, the drive is not bad, and the bus, from what I understand, is great and is exclusive to AKL. Being from MN, going from a northwoods theme here at home to WL hasn't appealed to me yet. As we bought into DVC, I imagine I will get to VWL sooner or later.

But the AKL theme is totally unique, having the animals outside our savannah view room was totally worth it. Boma is fantastic. The pool is perfect in its simplicity as the Oasis. And the hot tub and playground awesome to have available.

All I can say is that you will not regret a stay, of even a couple days, at AKL.

If you can't decide, maybe you should book both and do a split stay.
We were in the same boat. Stayed at WL and loved it. Booked 7 nites at AKL for something different and in the back of my mind I was worried about DH & DD, they both LOVED WL.....so I compromised. 1st 4 nites at AKL savannah view, last 3 at WL. The proximity to Mk is priceless. So I figured if we love AKL there is always next time for all nites (plus at AKL you have to do savannah view and we save a good bit of money by switching to WL standard view for the last 3). We leave in about 2 1/2 weeks, I'll be sure to get back to you on AKL.
You don't have to do Savannah view. I booked standard view and was upgraded to Pool view which was great. There are plenty of places to view the animals from all over the resort and we were awakened each morning to the gentle sounds of African music which is all over the pool area. I loved our room!
Even the nightime view with it's gentle lighting was beauitiful in the pool and surrounding area.:D
Never stayed at WL so I cannot comment on that resort but I can comment on AKL. I can sum it up in one word.... WOW!!!! You will love AKL. We did so much that we are going back in December - along with 6 other family members.


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