I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Well, pets or not I do hope people clean their counters. I don’t have any cats and the dogs don’t get on the counters but I wipe everything down. Pretty sure DH does not.

I would forgive you a hair or two, just not a bunch. 😉. A dog hair or two has made it into my food, no doubt. Someone once found one (honestly it could have floated in after serving) and I apologized for not making the dogs wear hair nets. I did once order from Boston Market and the side dish came with a wad of hair, roots included. 🤮 I can’t imagine how that even happened.

In the cafeteria at work, the deli/grill area is about 4 feet high, with the plate holder full of clean plates next to it. People like to reach over the plates (which are lower) to get their food from the employee. Um no, do not reach over clean plates with heaven knows what on your clothes. They moved the plates.

My son, at 10 1/2 is just now barely allowed alone at a buffet and even then I watch him. Thanksgiving was a nonstop me telling everyone not to touch food with their hands. Serving utensils for everything. Even the potato chips that the kids like to just grab handfuls of. BIL was the worst. Spooned some dip on his plate, then used his finger to scrape the spoon onto his plate. Serving spoon went right in the sink. Bleh.

Is the dose adjustable (sorry don’t know the different meds) or wear off my a certain time? Maybe adjusting dose or providing food at a different time. My nephew takes meds which wear off by 630-7 pm. He does better if offered food then, instead of dinner at 5.
Maybe a psychiatrist or neuropsych isn’t a bad idea.

Nah, Toaster Studels are bougie pop tarts.
Yes and he is on a high dose but weren’t seeing any improvement at school until we started this dosage. It does wear off around 7 pm so I try to feed him then. And yes a psychiatrist would be ideal but I’ve heard from a friend whose husband is an md and who has a dd with adhd that decent ones are hard to come by here.

I did text my mom because we are visiting my parents after Christmas and ask her to make sure she had cookies for him:) and I’ll take him off the medicine for 16 days over break.
My ds was on several different meds for ADHD but had side effects I didn’t like. I finally took him to a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD and she put him on a timed released guanfacine which is a high blood pressure medication. It is now used for ADHD. It works really well for him. He is able to focus but is not a zombie and it doesn’t seem to dampen his appetite. It hasn’t caused any problems with blood pressure either.
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OT but my ds has lost so much weight on the adhd medicine (vyvanse) that the pediatrician is threatening to cut him off. And he had to talk to me privately about how it’s not normal for my son to claim he doesn’t have adhd. I’m well aware my kid’s not normal, thanks!
I don't have any advice as I'm not really experienced but want to say I feel for you and what you are going through. I hope it gets better with time and some adjustments. My friend's son has autism (I realize not the same)and she had a rough time with him and the meds, not growing, etc, and now after high school she says it is easier. I hope things get easier for you as well!
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So just as an update since I haven’t shared in a while: I found out today that I will not be losing my job come January 1! Some of you may recall that I work for an elected official and my boss lost the election in November. For the last month, my 25 coworkers and I have interviewed for our positions and been getting ready for the worst. I got the call today that I’m being rehired, so I’m extremely thankful! I’m looking forward to things settling down a little bit now since I’ve been on high alert both financially and emotionally for the last month.
Congrats!!! I remember this conversation and how the election could affect your job. So happy to hear your job is safe!
Finally think I am ready to buy a new iPad. I have 10% off up to 30 at Best Buy on my Amex Bonvoy Biz. Thinking of getting 300 gift card with the Bonvoy and putting remainder on CSR. Is that the best card for additional warranty coverage? Does it make a difference if I only put a portion of the cost on the CSR?
I screwed up so bad with SW. I booked two flight options for me and ds, to go say goodbye to my dad. I didn't add the companions because there seemed to be plenty available. So we get everything set up, pick the weekend that would make it so my dh would be able to with us, and the sitter could stay with the dogs. Went to book companions this morning, and the flight (and most others that day) is sold out!!! The only option is to book a connecting flight at 8 am (we live over an hour from the airport) instead of our direct flight at 4pm, for double the points! The points for that flight kept increasing while I watched.
Other alternative we go the weekend before that I have booked, but then dh can't do, and we will get home at 10pm on Christmas Eve. I am sooooooooooo angry at myself!! It's so screwed up.
Keep checking everyday. I did the same dumb thing but 4 tickets opened up 4 days before.
Yes and he is on a high dose but weren’t seeing any improvement at school until we started this dosage. It does wear off around 7 pm so I try to feed him then. And yes a psychiatrist would be ideal but I’ve heard from a friend whose husband is an md and who has a dd with adhd that decent ones are hard to come by here.

I did text my mom because we are visiting my parents after Christmas and ask her to make sure she had cookies for him:) and I’ll take him off the medicine for 16 days over break.
My nephew sees a neuropsych. I’m not sure how good or bad the dr is but he diagnosed my nephew and the med does help him. It’s pretty noticeable when it wears off or he forgets it.
It’s such a bummer that the trade off for most of these meds is appetite. My nephew was always underweight but now he’s malnourished. My sister doesn’t want to hear it and my BIL is thin and says he was 90# in 9th grade. My nephew won’t even be that by 9th grade. At age 11, he is 55#, his twin is 95# and my son is around 100#. 😢. My nephew was always a poor eater but now he eats almost nothing.
Dh and I went to target today to use our 20% off coupon along with the $300 gc we bought yesterday. We mainly went for groceries and household items and that’s the most I’ve ever spent on groceries! It wasn’t $300 but it was a lot. We did get things like cat food which was already 20% off so we got that plus the coupon took 20%. This might be dumb but I think the best deal we got was on grapes. They were .99/lb which is the cheapest I’ve ever seen plus a target circle offer of 50% off and our 20% off coupon. I got 4 lbs of grapes for like $1.50!
Oh crap...nobody left the door unlocked tonight for the night crew!! I had to crawl through a window to get in here. I know @PolyRob is at WDW and getting up at 4am to ride RotR so he has an excuse... where are the rest of you? LOL!
If you must know, I've been hanging out pm'ing with a DISchurner :scratchin

What time is @PolyRob getting to DHS?
Word of caution for folks looking at Schwab for AmEx cash outs only, mention of Schwab closing a couple brokerage accounts with only cash out activity -

Could be isolated or a new wrinkle. Probably not a bad idea to try to use the account(s) some so it's not obvious.

Isn't using the cashout to buy stock through Schwab really what they want anyway (Schwab, that is, not AMEX)? I guess I don't understand why that would upset a brokerage company.
Oh whew there you are. Were you raiding the fridge again?? You know how @Haley R hates it when you eat all of her pickles!!!

I’ve heard a rumor that @PolyRob is waking up at 4:20qm 😯 😳
No pickles tonight but I did have a bowl of cereal. I can't remember the last time I ate cereal but it sounded good tonight. Special K with almond milk. It was oddly satisfying. Does @Haley R like pickles or not?? I can't remember. Someone made a recipe with pickles that had cream cheese and ham, maybe?? I'd try it.

Our plane leaves at 6:05am on Thursday morning so we have to leave the house at 3am. Not sure I'll bother going to sleep that night! Hopefully @PolyRob is sleeping now!
Isn't using the cashout to buy stock through Schwab really what they want anyway (Schwab, that is, not AMEX)? I guess I don't understand why that would upset a brokerage company.
I'm reading this that they opened a Schwab brokerage account and had or opened a Schwab plat card to cash out MR's at the 1.25x. You can then pull that money out of Schwab by transferring it to your savings account.
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