I know you love Disney but...really? ~a dis meet in London 5/15

Late to the party, but enjoying the hors d'oeuvres. (Or Horse Doovers as they are proudly known in Texas.)

Looking forward to hearing the deets on DLP!
:rotfl: what part of texas are you in? I spent 2 weeks in Dallas a couple of months ago....

Just found this, I'm here!
:banana: Maybe we can have a mini meet before we go since we're fliying out of seattle

I jumped up and down when I got my passport! :yay:

Then, I went to Italy for 10 days. Ahh...
Someday I'll return.

Italy is at the top of D.Jay's list of places to go...It's pretty high for me to since Italian is my favorite type of food. I'd love to eat myself into a coma from the north to the south of Italy.
Loves me a Winkers Report!:love:
And, almost as good as a Winkers Report are the comments from the fan club:

I'm so happy for both of you!:cool1: I have a Beatles song in my head - you can thank me later: "DIS across the water, DIS across the sea....."
....Live a little, be a gypsy, get around,..... Get your feet up off the ground....

So glad you are finally getting your trip to Europe. I am also excited that you are "taking" us with you. Can't wait to read about it. Hope MIL doesn't decide to remodel your house while you are gone.:rotfl:

And then you throw in a serious subject, something that parents (and everyone really) find hard to consider, but should keep up to date: the will.
But Ashleypmo added to your comment, then brought it around quite nicely:

I so know what you mean. We ended up in a friend/atty's office the week before we left for our first trip to Russia for the adoption, because I couldn't bring myself to deal with the issue, but I knew we couldn't embark on the first of three trans-atlantic flights without a will! It was so stressful that we had to stop at Cheesecake Factory on the way home. ;)

.....My personal Xanac is a tub of chilled Cream Cheese Icing.

About a week ago I recieved something in the mail that caused more excitment than even disney express envelopes......It was our passports!:banana::banana::banana:

I was in the middle of my taxi runs with the kids when I picked up the mail. Hunter got into the van, took one look at me and asked "what's wrong"? I managed to stop crying long enough to show him my passport. To say he was non-plussed would be an understatment. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. I guess he's too young to appreciate a happy cry.[/COLOR]

Nothing better than a happy cry!!

So, we had to dip into the vacation fund. I even questioned a few times if we should still be going on this trip but luckily D.Jay had the correct answer, we should still go. [/COLOR]

Right on, D.Jay! (D.Jay's racking up a lot of points here!)

We may be hitch hiking around London& Paris and begging for food on the corner, but I imagine it will be much more posh being in Europe.:rotfl: Who knows...maybe I can put my pole dancing to good use? I'd get payed to NOT do it.;)

I would LOVE that! It's been too long :goodvibes
If you go south out of Dallas, you'd be here in 3 and half hours.
ahh...dallas was...interesting. They seriously need to learn how to drive there.

Loves me a Winkers Report!:love:
And, almost as good as a Winkers Report are the comments from the fan club:

....Live a little, be a gypsy, get around,..... Get your feet up off the ground....


And then you throw in a serious subject, something that parents (and everyone really) find hard to consider, but should keep up to date: the will.
But Ashleypmo added to your comment, then brought it around quite nicely:

.....My personal Xanac is a tub of chilled Cream Cheese Icing.

Nothing better than a happy cry!!

Right on, D.Jay! (D.Jay's racking up a lot of points here!)


I agree that my reports would be sad without all of the comments. It's what makes the entire thing fun!
Holy crap....2 weeks from right now I'll be boarding the plane!!!

It still doesn't feel real to me. Maybe that will hit when I'm standing at the tube station in London totally confused on how to find my hotel. With my history with taxis , I think I'll stick to the subway and buses.;)

I have a "to do" list a mile long ! I've always been a procrastinater, even though I'm also an uber planner. That just means that I spend tons of time thinking about how I'm going to do things before I finally get around to it at the last minute.

I've tried to change but I work better under pressure.:laughing: My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase. I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.:rolleyes1
Holy crap....2 weeks from right now I'll be boarding the plane!!!

Soooo excited for you!!! :banana:

It still doesn't feel real to me. Maybe that will hit when I'm standing at the tube station in London totally confused on how to find my hotel. With my history with taxis , I think I'll stick to the subway and buses.;)

LOL! If it's any help, we have found London taxi drivers to be very helpful and knowledgeable, so you should be OK with taking a taxi to your hotel :thumbsup2

I have a "to do" list a mile long ! I've always been a procrastinater, even though I'm also an uber planner. That just means that I spend tons of time thinking about how I'm going to do things before I finally get around to it at the last minute.

Oh, I have no idea what that's like - nope, that's not how I work or anything... :rolleyes1

I've tried to change but I work better under pressure.:laughing: My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase.

How the heath bar are you going to fit two weeks' worth of stuff into a carry-on?? :scared:

I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.:rolleyes1

Bahahahaha :rotfl2:
Soooo excited for you!!! :banana:

How the heath bar are you going to fit two weeks' worth of stuff into a carry-on?? :scared:

Bahahahaha :rotfl2:

:lmao: "heath bar"...love it, that's a new one for me!

I'm still working on the packing list....maybe I'll just wear a swimsuit and a hat.
I've tried to change but I work better under pressure.:laughing: My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase. I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.:rolleyes1[/QUOTE]

OR PROZAC!!!!!!!
I've tried to change but I work better under pressure.:laughing: My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase. I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.:rolleyes1


:rotfl2: yes...yes...it's always near by.
Holy crap....2 weeks from right now I'll be boarding the plane!!!

It still doesn't feel real to me. Maybe that will hit when I'm standing at the tube station in London totally confused on how to find my hotel. With my history with taxis , I think I'll stick to the subway and buses.;)

I have a "to do" list a mile long ! I've always been a procrastinater, even though I'm also an uber planner. That just means that I spend tons of time thinking about how I'm going to do things before I finally get around to it at the last minute.

I've tried to change but I work better under pressure.:laughing: My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase. I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.:rolleyes1

And you are doing a carry on only because :confused3 Holy cats!
I've tried to change but I work better under pressure. My biggest priority is figuring out how to pack for 2 weeks in a carry on. That should be interesting because I can barely pack all that in a huge suitcase. I may turn into my MIL on the airplane with my own magical bag of crap , crammed full of things like underwear and socks.

Hi winkers!

Some advise for you on packing light while in Europe! My DH and I each lived out of our carryons (we used carryon that convert to backpacks) on a 17 day trip through the Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

What I did was I bought all new socks and undies for when I returned, took the old ones and then threw them out as we went. I also went to our local good will store and bought tops that were decent, I have no problem wearing them for a few days then I tossed them... I only brought 2 pair of pants tossed one pair before coming home and bought a new pair when we returned, and make sure you have good walking shoes because cobblestones are a killer. You can always find a laundromat if need be. We did that about half way through our trip. We use those compresion bags you know the ones that you squeeze the air out of. Saved us a ton of room. And packing cubes. Oh and personal items bring just enough to get you started then purchase there. That way your not waited down with soap and lotion bottles etc...

Also as far as souvies, we did one major shop and then had everthing shipped home, so we didn't have to carry everything. We like post cards so we brought back a ton of them and they now are framed and hung around my house.

We even found the time to have 2 DIS meets while there! Two lovely German ladies that are sisters.

I hope you have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about it. :goodvibes
I can't believe your trip is so close!:scared1:

I also don't know how to pack 2 weeks worth of clothes in a carry on. Packing light doesn't comprehend.
And you are doing a carry on only because :confused3 Holy cats!
I'll explain in a minute...:rotfl2:

Hi winkers!

Some advise for you on packing light while in Europe! My DH and I each lived out of our carryons (we used carryon that convert to backpacks) on a 17 day trip through the Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

What I did was I bought all new socks and undies for when I returned, took the old ones and then threw them out as we went. I also went to our local good will store and bought tops that were decent, I have no problem wearing them for a few days then I tossed them... I only brought 2 pair of pants tossed one pair before coming home and bought a new pair when we returned, and make sure you have good walking shoes because cobblestones are a killer. You can always find a laundromat if need be. We did that about half way through our trip. We use those compresion bags you know the ones that you squeeze the air out of. Saved us a ton of room. And packing cubes. Oh and personal items bring just enough to get you started then purchase there. That way your not waited down with soap and lotion bottles etc...

Also as far as souvies, we did one major shop and then had everthing shipped home, so we didn't have to carry everything. We like post cards so we brought back a ton of them and they now are framed and hung around my house.

We even found the time to have 2 DIS meets while there! Two lovely German ladies that are sisters.

I hope you have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about it. :goodvibes
thanks for the tips! I've heard of the old undies trick..:laughing: On one of the european travel boards I lurk on there's quite the debate about it. It's amazing how appalled some people are by the thought of americans leaving dirty underwear all over Europe.:laughing:
They really get their undies in a bunch about it.:rolleyes1 sorry...that was really bad.:lmao:

I can't believe your trip is so close!:scared1:

I also don't know how to pack 2 weeks worth of clothes in a carry on. Packing light doesn't comprehend.

Well...hopefully I can be a guinea pig for everyone.:laughing:
So, the general concensus is I am insane for thinking of packing for 12 days in a carry-on. I agree. But, there is a reason for this insanity........

Just picture me...one of the most clutzy accident prone people in the world...dragging a large suitcase, carry-on and bag through the streets, busses, and subways of London and Paris.

That's just begging for injuries and public humiliation. I will totally understand if after that description you're all a little hopefull I can't make the carry-on work.;)

If I were 20 sizes smaller...or possibly even toddler size, this would be a little easier. Unfortunaly...a bigger behind means more material, which equals more space.

I discovered some of the vacuum bag travel things at the dollar store a couple of months ago. I tested them out and they appear to work.

My other problem is wardrobe....I decided to bring 2 pairs of black dress pants and a black skirt , and several tops and jackets...all black or variations of black. Which, really isn't my style. I like color, so I'm revising my plans a little.

I wish I could just leave my make up and hair stuff behind on vacations, but the fact that I'll be looking at these vacation pictures for the rest of my life. Yes....I'm a little vain.:laughing:

My plan for today is to see how much I can squeeze into my little bag. Results will be posted later.
My plan for today is to see how much I can squeeze into my little bag. Results will be posted later.

Very good idea! I would check how much it weighs then check with the airline your using to see what the weight restrictions are for carryons are! I would even practice with it, take it somewhere and walk with it for a while. Because when we were in Europe there were cobblestones EVERYWHERE! I think this would take a toll on your rolling carryon. Are you using a rolling carryon or are you carrying it? Oh and don't forget to pack a converter for appliances and gadgets.

Clothes, what about a pair of like black yoga pants, there light weight and I would think you could dress them up, or down. Plus you would be commfy. And don't be afraid to wear jeans, everyone we saw there was wearing them. I would pick maybe 5 tops to mix and match with your pants, add a colorful scarf or two to mix it up even more? Bring one jacket. And I can't stress enough wearing really good shoes! You will be surprised how much walking you'll do.
What I did was I bought all new socks and undies for when I returned, took the old ones and then threw them out as we went. I also went to our local good will store and bought tops that were decent, I have no problem wearing them for a few days then I tossed them...

those are the CRAZIEST!! best ideas I have ever heard! why did I never think of that?
those are the CRAZIEST!! best ideas I have ever heard! why did I never think of that?

Thanks I'm an uber over planner and really did my research. There is a travel show I LOVE on PBS, he travels for months making shows with only his carryon. I thought if he could do it so could we! The even crazier thing is we plan on going back to Europe in 2014 and plan to pack even less. :)
Yes I said less!
Clothes, what about a pair of like black yoga pants, there light weight and I would think you could dress them up, or down. Plus you would be commfy. And don't be afraid to wear jeans, everyone we saw there was wearing them. I would pick maybe 5 tops to mix and match with your pants, add a colorful scarf or two to mix it up even more? Bring one jacket. And I can't stress enough wearing really good shoes! You will be surprised how much walking you'll do.
I have 1 pari of yoga pants but not sure about wearing them around...unless they come with a built in girdle it's not a good look for me.:laughing:

I am prepared for the walking...I bought what I consider to be hideous black merrel's....comfy but not fashionable. It took me alot to give in and spend the money on them, but I know my feet will thank me. Even if I do look like I have a pair of black duck feet.

those are the CRAZIEST!! best ideas I have ever heard! why did I never think of that?
:rotfl: Will you and Nebo now be leaving undies behind in WDW?

Thanks I'm an uber over planner and really did my research. There is a travel show I LOVE on PBS, he travels for months making shows with only his carryon. I thought if he could do it so could we! The even crazier thing is we plan on going back to Europe in 2014 and plan to pack even less. :)
Yes I said less!

Sounds like we watch the same guy! I've read every thing he's written about London and Paris also.
Just found this report and am I glad I did!! I am an Anglophile from way back. I used to work for British Airways and have been to the UK more times than I can count. Haven't been for a few years now so I am so excited to read about our adventures.

As for packing, hey, you are traveling, you are allowed to be wrinkled and a little smudgy (no, not Smidgy).

Have a great trip! Say hi to Liz for us.


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