i got my permit today


Jun 12, 2002
woo hoo im so excited i got my learners permit today so now i can dive with my momma (woo hoo) but better than nothin..... and i get to go to the beac tomorrow and my dad says i an drive some on the iterstate woo hooo...(i scared hehehe)
congrats!!!!!! my sister just went for her final test and failed so now i dont know if I should ride with her lol:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thats awsome! i love driving around! its alot of fun! the first day i got my permit i drove around in a parking lot! thats cool that you get to go on the interstate!
Congrats!!! Maybe I should get my permit soon lol (I'm 17)
Congratulations! I remember how excited I was when I got mine.:D
That awsome.. yeah im 16 1/2 i think i should be getting my permit sometime soon also!!
I want to be able to Drive soo bad, but i'm only 13, so I have a long ways to wait!!

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