I Found My Happily Ever After! A Jan '19 TR! + Bonus August TR *COMPLETED 12/2*


Soon soon!!

While I love all the PP photos, I believe it's against Dis guidelines to tease proposal day without actually posting the proposal details. You wouldn't want to get in trouble with the mods, right? 😉

Oh gosh you might be right! I don't want to cause trouble! The details are coming soon I promise :rotfl:

Poor Kyle had to be a bundle of nerves that morning. :laughing: Meanwhile, you were just happy to finally be at the MK!

Way to get us all excited and then leave us hanging. :rotfl2: If guilt works, your poor DIS friend is sitting over here in a hotel room for the second straight week and could really use an awesome story...like a Disney proposal...to keep her entertained. :rotfl:

I know! When we finally got to talk about he said he couldn't believe I waited until the very last day to schedule MK!

LOL your guilt does work! I'm sorry that you are stuck in a hotel! I'm going to try and speed things along to get to the good stuff!

🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰

Love all the castle pictures! Ugh i CAN'T wait for the rest of the day!!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes
February 1- An ordinary morning at MK! *Aka the last update before the good stuff!!!*

Once the park opened we headed towards Frontierland.

Our first stop was BTMRR. It was posted at 10 minutes but it took wayyy longer than that, not sure what was going on.

After that we headed to Splash Mountain which was a walk on still.

DBF was not happy with me :rotfl:This was actually his first time on it (all other times it had either being down or closed for refurb). Of all the rides, this one seemed to make him most uncomfortable because of his height. We also got stuck for a few minutes at the very end which didn't help. Whoops!

From there we headed to Pirates, which was also new to him and luckily he enjoyed :)

After that we headed to Tomorrowland to use our Space Mountain FP!

And a stop at the purple wall of course!

Up next..The moment everyone has been waiting to hear about!
Some fun rides this day! (You really set yourself up for your engagement day to be filled with awesome memories!) Glad to hear he enjoyed Pirates! This is a favourite of ours as well. Can't wait for your next update...
Well, at least you warned us with that title that this still wasn't *the* update. While that sounds like a perfectly lovely way to start MK, I'm still itching for the good part!
I had to laugh at the Splash Mountain photo! Kyle and the guy in front of you are looking a bit nervous :crazy:with the drop and then there is the older gentleman in the middle of the boat just taking it all in stride - calm and collected!

I guess I am going to have to find a list of the location of all the special walls before my own trip in Dec. I need to get my photo in front of them just to show my students that I might be old but I am still in the know. 8-)
Your pictures before the Welcome Show are so good in front of the castle! The sky was extra blue for you on your special day!!

Our first stop was BTMRR. It was posted at 10 minutes but it took wayyy longer than that, not sure what was going on.

I think this ride line is cursed - when you are stuck here for any reason, to me it always feels longer than being stuck anywhere else to me. I don't know why, but I've always felt that way!!

Poor Kyle, I can't imagine going all day knowing what was planned and waiting!! You know it's meant to be when he still did it even after Splash Mountain, right?? :rotfl: The day is starting out well, can't wait to hear what is coming next!!
Some fun rides this day! (You really set yourself up for your engagement day to be filled with awesome memories!) Glad to hear he enjoyed Pirates! This is a favourite of ours as well. Can't wait for your next update...

We really were having a memorable and fun morning!!

DYING!!!! :love:

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Well, at least you warned us with that title that this still wasn't *the* update. While that sounds like a perfectly lovely way to start MK, I'm still itching for the good part!

The good part is next I promise!

I had to laugh at the Splash Mountain photo! Kyle and the guy in front of you are looking a bit nervous :crazy:with the drop and then there is the older gentleman in the middle of the boat just taking it all in stride - calm and collected!

I guess I am going to have to find a list of the location of all the special walls before my own trip in Dec. I need to get my photo in front of them just to show my students that I might be old but I am still in the know. 8-)

That man was clearly a pro!!

The list of walls is constantly growing! But the purple wall at MK is a must for sure :)

Your pictures before the Welcome Show are so good in front of the castle! The sky was extra blue for you on your special day!!

I think this ride line is cursed - when you are stuck here for any reason, to me it always feels longer than being stuck anywhere else to me. I don't know why, but I've always felt that way!!

Poor Kyle, I can't imagine going all day knowing what was planned and waiting!! You know it's meant to be when he still did it even after Splash Mountain, right?? :rotfl: The day is starting out well, can't wait to hear what is coming next!!

Thank you! It was such a beautiful morning!

I think you are right! It's also so hot and sticky in there!

I still don't know how he kept it together and such a secret! Luckily after Splash we went to Space which is his favorite so that helped :rotfl:

Great picture


woohoo! hopefully soon.

Thank you! Yes, soon!

You got a lot done that morning! Oops on the Splash Mountain/Kyle situation though :laughing:

Oooooh I can hardly wait!!! :goodvibes

It was a productive and fun morning! I felt bad, Kyle was so excited to finally ride Splash, but he just did not enjoy it!
The anticipation is killing me! I can't believe you guys did all these rides and experiences before "the proposal" happened! :love:
Mike gets mad at me every time i drag him on Splash also!

Super cute purple wall pictures.

Ugh im dying!! I can’t wait for the next update !!
But as anxious I was, little did I know that Kyle was even more anxious than I was ;)

Someone has a big secret!!

Awww, love your sweatshirt!

So cute! and just imagine how nervous he is this whole time!

YOUR SUNGLASSES! They're so cute, I need them!

Great shot!

You're incognito, almost couldn't find you!

So cute and retro!

Up next..The moment everyone has been waiting to hear about!

Nooo the suspense is going to kill me!
Nice job hitting up all three mountains early on in the day. Of course, compared to what else happened that day that's just a small highlight in your MK memories. :rotfl:
The anticipation is killing me! I can't believe you guys did all these rides and experiences before "the proposal" happened! :love:

It was a great morning and only got better!!

Mike gets mad at me every time i drag him on Splash also!

Super cute purple wall pictures.

Ugh im dying!! I can’t wait for the next update !!

Well at least I'm not alone there!

Thank you!!

Finally caught up and it looks like I’m just in time!

Yes you are! :)

Someone has a big secret!!

Awww, love your sweatshirt!

So cute! and just imagine how nervous he is this whole time!

YOUR SUNGLASSES! They're so cute, I need them!

Great shot!

You're incognito, almost couldn't find you!

So cute and retro!

Nooo the suspense is going to kill me!

Haha it doesn't look at all suspicious!

Thanks! I loved it too and when I bought it I didn't think I'd get to wear on the trip- good thing I did since we got such a cold spell!

He really kept himself together all morning!

I love those sunglasses! They are from charming charlie which is closing down and I'm sad about it!

Haha I love Splash but did not want to get wet!!

Nice job hitting up all three mountains early on in the day. Of course, compared to what else happened that day that's just a small highlight in your MK memories. :rotfl:

It was a really fun and successful morning..which only got better!! :)
February 1- I get engaged!

So here it is, the moment everyone has been waiting for! Our next destination was to meet up with my friend S, the one who had been with us the past few days. She knew one of the PP photographers working that day and wanted to get some nice pics taken by him. We were running late (though in my mind I didn't realize how important getting there actually was) but we met up with her at the designated spot, which was on the side of the castle near Sleepy Hollow.

So we start off with me and my friend taking some pics on the bench and with each other. (This turned out to be a total distraction ploy to give Kyle time to get the ring from his backpack to his pocket). And then she steps out so Kyle and I can get some nice ones together.

Cute, right?

Then the photographer asks if we want to take any more. I say nope I'm good! And then...

I freak out, cry, and then calm myself down enough so I can pay attention to what's going on all in the matter of 20 seconds I would say :rotfl: I'll let the photos do all the talking as I think they tell the story pretty nicely :lovestruc

It was the most surreal moment. I truly blocked out everything that was going on around me and was just paying attention to Kyle. There were a few people watching as I do remember hearing clapping!

We took some more pics, post engagement :)

And my friend captured a great video too, so click below if you would like to see that!

And then I demanded answers! How did they plan this?! Who knew this was going to happen?! Tell me everything! :listen:

So Kyle insists that he pushed for this trip with the plans of proposing. Once the trip got closer, he reached out to my friend to help coordinate everything. She said the minute she saw his name show up in her Instagram messages she knew what it was about and started to freak out. So they planned it to be on our MK day in front of the castle and she used her Disney magic to have the PP photographer there. But of course I had MK planned for the very last day, so poor Kyle had to spend the entire week hiding the ring and feeling anxious!

It was amazing. Neither of them knew that that area of the castle is really one of my faves and it all just felt SO special. Kyle knows how much I love Disney and this was truly a fairytale come true, something I never dreamed would happen to me! The fact that he got one of my closest friends in on it to be part of the moment, and also had pictures/videos to share with everyone back home who wasn't there, just meant so much! Oh yes, and everyone back home already knew it would be happening! There were A LOT of people who kept this a very good secret because I really had no idea!

Up next...The engagement fun and surprises continue!!
Congratulations! How sweet that he had your friend help him put it all together.
How awesome, the pictures do show all your emotions! What clever planners to pull this off!

Very special, since Kyle knew this was the place to propose and then the castle was in all the pictures, just perfect!

I think Kyle will want to go back now because of the special memories!
Yessss everything about this is just so perfect 🥰🥰🥰

Did you have any idea at all it was coming??

Gorgeous photos and videos!

Poor Kyle must’ve been so nervous all week hiding the ring!


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