I can't believe he said yes! We conquered June! the end...9.10.10

I was just amazed, myself, how people would invade your space during the fireworks - and I don't just mean getting too close -- I had a woman actually step on me while I was sitting on the curb. I yelled "OUCH!"...probably wasn't very nice to disturb her with the fact that she had hurt me, but she had been standing over me for a while and wasn't unaware that I was there. She seemed annoyed that she couldn't get around me. C'mon!! There's a whole park for her to step around on!! :confused3

Sorry -- don't mean to hijack your story with my own, but the term "crazy crowd" sometimes doesn't do justice to it!! :laughing: We did love the fireworks, too -- it made our 4th of July fireworks seem rather paltry.
Wow!! Those crowd pics are insane!! We try to work around fireworks usually just to miss this mess. Although, we often end up being the people fighting the crowd to go the opposite direction, towards the back of the park! I think we must only end up doing fireworks when the park is open later after. I'd forgotten how bad it gets until you posted these pics! Eek!!

Loving your updates!!

The crowds were crazy! We usually ride a few rides afterwards also so I never imagined it being like that! We were so tired we decided not to attempt anything else, but I think I will be keeping this in mind for the next trip!!
Nightastic looks amazing and you guys some great photos from it.

Those crowds are insane and you guys lucked out with only having that short of a wait

Thanks...I get camera crazy when the fireworks begin!!

When I initially saw the line at the bus stop, I seriously considered walking!! (JK!!) :rotfl: The numbers of people deflated the energy I had left but we were in front of a super nice family and we had a great visit while waiting. I think that made the time pass faster!

I agree that the MSEP music is fantastic. It takes me right back to childhood :goodvibes

I almost bought the cd but refrained...I had already spent my souviner mpney so I was trying to be good!! Now, I wish I had because it wasn't that much more!!

Just been enjoying reading. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing more.

I am so glad you are reading...and enjoying it!! :yay: I hope to have an update soon! We have had a busy weekend so my intentions of adding an update tonight are out...but maybe tomorrow so keep an eye out!! :goodvibes

I was just amazed, myself, how people would invade your space during the fireworks - and I don't just mean getting too close -- I had a woman actually step on me while I was sitting on the curb. I yelled "OUCH!"...probably wasn't very nice to disturb her with the fact that she had hurt me, but she had been standing over me for a while and wasn't unaware that I was there. She seemed annoyed that she couldn't get around me. C'mon!! There's a whole park for her to step around on!! :confused3

Sorry -- don't mean to hijack your story with my own, but the term "crazy crowd" sometimes doesn't do justice to it!! :laughing: We did love the fireworks, too -- it made our 4th of July fireworks seem rather paltry.

I think that is the bad part of seeing the fireworks at Disney World...the others seem paltry!!

I don't mind the hijacking at all! Keith and I kept talking about how some people have their heads in the sand. It is a pet peeve of mine how people seem to be concerned about themselves and never acknowledge they are in the way, rude or whatever! I am sure I have had moments but I try so hard not to be my pet peeve!!

When the CM stopped us at the fireworks spot, we were next to a family sitting on a curb and standing but I immediately negotiated any issues...they were very nice and we enjoyed the fireworks together! I was actually split away from Madison and Chris due to this!

I will also say, I felt sorry for strollers and people in wheelchairs because some in the crowd were running over them. There was one elderly gentleman in a wheelchair that someone fell into his lap...literally! At that point, several of us began trying to assist his wife in getting him out of there! He had a look as if to say "If I ever get out of here....!!"
Time to catch up...

First of all, you're not kidding when describing how hot it was! We were touring EPCOT and we were running inside at every opportunity that day!

I'm sorry to hear that Kieth hurt his foot. :sick: Being uncomfortable kinda takes the enjoyment out of Disney, especially if you have to stand a lot for fireworks and parades.

I love the pictures of Splash Mountain! Only a few of mine turned out. You were far dryer than I was after finishing the ride.

I have never eaten at Columbia Harbor House. Our kids insistance to eat at all of the pizza CS places kept us from going there or Pecos Bills (which I would have rather done). I'll have to keep it in mind when we go again.

You watched the parade over in Frontierland? How were the crowds over there? It was wall to wall over at Main Street leading up to the castle. Just like you, though, you just have to work it out with everyone around you and try to keep the kids up front.

I like the angle you saw the fireworks from. I'll have to watch the videos from home and see how the pyrotechnics looked from that close.
<EDIT> Just saw the videos from home and have to say that fireworks spectacular was probably the best show I had ever seen. I think I heard someone use a very common quote in your video that they are blowing up the castle! :laughing:

Your trip back was about the same as ours. We were very worried about the wait but then Disney sent a fleet over and all was well.

There! All caught up for now. Looking forward to see how your Wednseday turned out.
Time to catch up...

First of all, you're not kidding when describing how hot it was! We were touring EPCOT and we were running inside at every opportunity that day!

I'm sorry to hear that Kieth hurt his foot. :sick: Being uncomfortable kinda takes the enjoyment out of Disney, especially if you have to stand a lot for fireworks and parades.

I love the pictures of Splash Mountain! Only a few of mine turned out. You were far dryer than I was after finishing the ride.

I have never eaten at Columbia Harbor House. Our kids insistance to eat at all of the pizza CS places kept us from going there or Pecos Bills (which I would have rather done). I'll have to keep it in mind when we go again.

You watched the parade over in Frontierland? How were the crowds over there? It was wall to wall over at Main Street leading up to the castle. Just like you, though, you just have to work it out with everyone around you and try to keep the kids up front.

I like the angle you saw the fireworks from. I'll have to watch the videos from home and see how the pyrotechnics looked from that close.
<EDIT> Just saw the videos from home and have to say that fireworks spectacular was probably the best show I had ever seen. I think I heard someone use a very common quote in your video that they are blowing up the castle! :laughing:

Your trip back was about the same as ours. We were very worried about the wait but then Disney sent a fleet over and all was well.

There! All caught up for now. Looking forward to see how your Wednseday turned out.

Yes it was H.O.T.!!! That totally changed our plans.

Poor Keith was a trooper. I should have taken a picture of how swollen it was!

Frontierland wasn't too bad. It became more crowded as the parade got to that area but, at 8pm (the parade officially began at 8pm) we went to find a spot and we found a spot right on the curb. Then we were right on the front row. So I thought that was a major accomplishment!! I have tried watching a parade once on Main Street and found it to be much more crowded!

I was in awe of those fireworks the whole time! I am sure you could hear me saying "oh wow" several times!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010…our day at EPCOT!!!

I have loved Epcot since 1984 (the 1st time I went)! Epcot isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I could spend days here! I love soaking up the whole park! So, only having one day at Epcot was a challenge for me in planning! This is the plan…look at it and then you can basically forget it…this is where the twists and turns come into play and me (an OCD planner) has to majorly adapt! :guilty: This was the plan (also, I had gotten the entertainment times online pre-trip so it wasn't planned to see all entertainment, I just needed guidelines!):

Wednesday, June 9 9am - 9pm
8:15am arrive at Epcot (bus stop at 7:50 or so)
9am Chris and Madison to Soarin' for FPs
9:30am Ride Test Track
9:50am Mission Space (Chris and Madison)
10:30am Living with the Land; 2nd FPs for Soarin?? Or Test Track??
10:50am Journey to Your Imagination
11:15am Soarin' using the FPs (#1)
11:30am Spaceship Earth /fit in China and Mexico here??
12:00pm Club Cool!
12:15pm Canada and movie-Off Kilter not until 2:30pm 1st show
12:50pm lunch at Le Cellier 1:05pm
2:15pm England-World Showcase Perf. 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30,4pm and 5pm
The British Invasion 3pm, 4:30pm, 6,7,8pm
Winnie the Pooh from 1:00pm to 4:45pm & 5:35pm to 8:15pm
Mary Poppins and and "Alice in Wonderland" from 1:15pm to 5:30pm
2:40pm France and movie-Beauty&Beast /Aurora 11:30am-6:30pm
3:20pm Morocco-Mo' Rockin 3:10,4:45,5:50,6:40,7:30 &8:20
3:45pm Japan-pick a pearl,candy maker:12:55,2:15,4,5:05,5:55,6:55
Matsuriza 1:15,2pm,2:55,3:45,4:30,6:15,7:15pm
4:15pm American Adventure-Voices of Liberty, show, Drums and Fifes
Drums and Fifes 12:15, 1:00, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15, 4:00 & 4:45pm
Voices of Liberty 12:30, 1:15, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30, 4:15 & 5:00pm
5:00pm Italy-Sergio/juggler 12:30,1:30,2:30,3:30,4:30, 5:30
5:45pm Germany/Snow White and Dopey from 11:30-6pm
6:10pm China and movie-Dragon Legends Acrobats 3:05,4:15,5:15,6:15,7:15
Si Xian 11:45,12:15,1,2,3:30,4 and 4:35pm;Mulan 11-6pm
6:40pm Norway and Maelstrom (has FPs)
7:15pm Mexico and boat ride, Marriachi band 11:30,12:15,1,1:45,2:35,4:20, 5:10
7:50pm S. Earth if not already done;C/S somewhere and wait for Illuminations
9pm Illuminations

Okay…I will admit the overall idea of this plan stayed intact but it was by default of me being that OCD planner and having pretty much memorized the plan. :rolleyes1 I was able to keep some semblance of order without being all will-nilly!!

I woke up first and began to get ready. I knew Keith’s foot was still bothering him so I told Madison and Chris that they could decide to go to rope drop with me or not. Since I love Epcot I wanted to get the most from our last day! Well, everyone decides to get up and go to Rope Drop at 9am.
However….when Keith wakes up he literally cannot stand on his foot. He is in a lot of pain. I was a little frustrated since this was the one park I felt he would really enjoy. I had saved it for last in hopes that this would be the day he would remember the most! Yea…it looked like he was really going to remember this day! :headache: And there was nothing I could blame it on…which makes it worse. It isn’t like he was choosing to have his foot hurt so badly!!

But after getting up and walking plus putting a shoe on, he is able to hobble. We decide to take the car rather than ride the bus. I know that 1) the parking lot is right next to the park entrance and 2) there is a whole lot of walking in Epcot because it is huge!! If he just cannot stand walking anymore, he can take the car and return to the room. Before leaving for Epcot, we discuss the possibility of getting a scooter or wheelchair. I figure we can check this out while Chris and Madison go get our FPs for Soarin and then meet us at Test Track.

We arrive at Epcot right around 9am. We stop for a quick PP which did not turn out well thanks to the sun and Keith being halfway covered…

The one she took with my camera actually was a little better-we can see more of Keith!:

Then Madison and Chris head to Soarin while we go check into getting Keith “a ride”. Once we get there, we discuss things and Keith basically decides that he will try to make it and we will come back later if necessary. So we limp into the park. This is where my first act of restraint is required…I have a naturally long stride and I am always appearing to walk fast. I have to greatly shorten my steps and I feel like Tim Conway in a Carol Burnett sketch. (Does anyone remember this? I was young but I loved Tim Conway!!)

We make our way to Mousegears to hang out on a wall by the entrance and wait for Madison and Chris. We sit there for what seems forever! It was nice watching the fountain though!


Once Madison and Chris rejoin us, we had planned to hit Test Track and Mission Space before heading back to The Land Pavilion. Well….Keith is taking pain medication and needs food….so change of plan…we go in search of food. We just head on to The Land. Now initially I am looking for the Electric Umbrella because the guide says they serve breakfast. I do not see it but I KNOW that Sunshine Seasons definitely has breakfast and I know right where to find it! Little did I know that we were right next to The Electric Umbrella :rolleyes1…oops, oh well!


We get to Sunshine Seasons and get breakfast. No pics but this was a very decent breakfast and filling. I was quiet pleased. So what to do now? TT and Mission Space is too far to backtrack to now...adjustments must now be made!!
I wasn't able to sleep and thought I would catch up on some TR's. I had a lot of catching up to do, all the way back to DHS.

Love the little bit of magic with the toy soldier. That's what makes Disney.:goodvibes

:rotfl2:Love the story of you running to Snow White! Sounds like something I would do.

Can't remember what else I wanted to comment on, really need to have a notepad handy.

Love the videos from Nightastic! It was so crazy when the pirates took over, great show!!!

Reading about your start of Epcot brings back memories of our first trip. My DH had started a new medication right before our trip, we get to Epcot and his legs and feet are swollen, so he ended up back at the resort calling the doctor. All was well, just had to stop the medicine.

Looking forward to hearing how the rest of the day went.
Awww what a horrible way to wake up on your last day at Disney...hopefully the pain in his foot let up before the day was over.
The more I hear about Kieth's injury it makes my thank our lucky stars no one was hurt or sick on our trip.

The good thing about Epcot is it's a big circle with sit-down transportation across the lake. You can take short walks to each country and just settle in for a bit until your ready to move on.

I personaly think that Sunshine Seasons is a far better stop for breakfast than TEU so I hope that trip worked out for you. On our '07 trip I had my best CS meal of the trip there.

I'm worried how this all will turn out...I'll stay tuned. :goodvibes
I wasn't able to sleep and thought I would catch up on some TR's. I had a lot of catching up to do, all the way back to DHS.

Love the little bit of magic with the toy soldier. That's what makes Disney.:goodvibes

:rotfl2:Love the story of you running to Snow White! Sounds like something I would do.

Can't remember what else I wanted to comment on, really need to have a notepad handy.

Love the videos from Nightastic! It was so crazy when the pirates took over, great show!!!

Reading about your start of Epcot brings back memories of our first trip. My DH had started a new medication right before our trip, we get to Epcot and his legs and feet are swollen, so he ended up back at the resort calling the doctor. All was well, just had to stop the medicine.

Looking forward to hearing how the rest of the day went.

You did have a lot to catch up on, didn't you?! I always think of things when I am playing catch up and then can never remember them later!

Disney magic is so great...and poor Snow White, i just hope I didn't scare her too bad!! :lmao:

Wow! Your poor DH! I can certainly empathize!!

Awww what a horrible way to wake up on your last day at Disney...hopefully the pain in his foot let up before the day was over.

It was terrible and not the way I had hoped the day would go! :sad2:

The more I hear about Kieth's injury it makes my thank our lucky stars no one was hurt or sick on our trip.

The good thing about Epcot is it's a big circle with sit-down transportation across the lake. You can take short walks to each country and just settle in for a bit until your ready to move on.

I personaly think that Sunshine Seasons is a far better stop for breakfast than TEU so I hope that trip worked out for you. On our '07 trip I had my best CS meal of the trip there.

I'm worried how this all will turn out...I'll stay tuned. :goodvibes

Yes be very thankful!! :thumbsup2

I really enjoyed Sunshine Seasons. The food was quiet good and not too crowded! Sounds like I may be glad I did not realize where TEU was :)...I do plan to eat at SS again!!!

We definitely took advantage of those sit-down places!! I guess that was one very good thing about Keith's foot bothering him on our Epcot day! This day was not what I had envisioned!!
Hi! I'm loving your TR so far :thumbsup2 - have just gotten caught up! Really sorry to hear that Keith was having trouble with his foot, I hope you guys all got to experience a great day at EPCOT nevertheless!

Looking forward to reading more!
Oh my! You are on your last day already?!

I got a little behind, but I have to agree with you that our evenings at MK were very parallel! So sorry that the wait for princesses in toontown was so long! I can't remember the last time that I saw a longer wait for princesses than for fairies! That really surprised me!

You all looked so excited waiting for Ariel! :lmao:

I :love: MSEP too (also a little more than Spectro :rolleyes1).

Your fireworks shots are very pretty!

I am looking forward to hearing how you adjusted your plans...
I am really enjoying your trip report.
We are taking our 2 1/2 year old in September for her 1st visit of hopefully many.

I saw on your plan for Epcot you had the countries and a princess and what time they would be there.

Where did you get that information?

That is extremely inportant for this trip!

Thanks for the help!
Hi! I'm loving your TR so far :thumbsup2 - have just gotten caught up! Really sorry to hear that Keith was having trouble with his foot, I hope you guys all got to experience a great day at EPCOT nevertheless!

Looking forward to reading more!

I am so happy you are enjoying the report!! :yay: Keith's foot was a definite downer of sorts, but he was a trooper which made things much better!

Oh my! You are on your last day already?!

I got a little behind, but I have to agree with you that our evenings at MK were very parallel! So sorry that the wait for princesses in toontown was so long! I can't remember the last time that I saw a longer wait for princesses than for fairies! That really surprised me!

You all looked so excited waiting for Ariel! :lmao:

I :love: MSEP too (also a little more than Spectro :rolleyes1).

Your fireworks shots are very pretty!

I am looking forward to hearing how you adjusted your plans...

I move really slow then fast and then slow again on posting!! In some ways I do not want it to end because this is like living the trip all over again!!

I found that odd too with the princesses wait being longer. I just knew it would be managaeable, but at least Madison was adaptive! No real tears or anything! :laughing:

We were having a blast waiting for Ariel to come out....thank goodness for cell phones/I-phones!!! :rotfl:

I am glad I wasn't alone in my thoughts on MSEP!! :yay: It was so cool!! And the fireworks topped the night off great!! Thansk on the pic compliment!!

I am really enjoying your trip report.
We are taking our 2 1/2 year old in September for her 1st visit of hopefully many.

I saw on your plan for Epcot you had the countries and a princess and what time they would be there.

Where did you get that information?

That is extremely inportant for this trip!

Thanks for the help!

Glad you are enjoying the report so far! How exciting taking your little one for the 1st time! I remember Madison's 1st visit liek yesterday...it was so awesome!!

The site is http://pages.prodigy.net/stevesoares/ It lists all of the parks and DTD and Boardwalk as well! He updates the list weekly but I think it is on Saturdays...which was the day we left. So I made all notes based on the week before we were there and the times were still the same. I picked up the schedule at each park entrance but it was so wonderful knowing ahead of time the show and meeting times! I have wasted time staring at a schedule trying to fit in shows when we first get to a park and we usually miss something because of it! Unfortunately, the Epcot entertainment schedule was my most important of the week....and it basically is thrown out the window!

Look the site up...it is really great!!
Now that we have re-energized ourselves, we decide to head to Living with the Land. Lots of pluses here like a nice sit-down ride and it is about agriculture which Keith is into. So we begin our journey…

After exiting Living with the Land, we see that the FPs still have about 30 minutes so we go to the Imagination Pavilion and make a 1st time visit with Figment.

I had never done this before. I had tossed around doing The Universe and the Figment ride but only if time. We only get to fit in Figment. I was not sure how well I would like this but it was fine. I would definitely go through it again. But we had the most fun in the Kodak Labs after the ride was over!!

Madison the dog...

Madison the seal...

Conducting music...

Now…we get to go Soarin over California.

The kids were so excited about this one. I found this ride slightly disappointing last year. I think all of the hype had something entirely different built up in my mind. Now, I do really like this ride but…well I find it hard to explain. It just wasn’t that huge WOW factor I was expecting. What I do like about it:
1) I kick off my shoes and feel the air on my bare feet!
2) The smell of the oranges.
3) The feel of the cool air as you downhill ski
4) The pine forests…I guess those are pines!
5) And after this trip, I now know that the front row is THE WAY to go! You feel as though you are really soaring without others feet dangling in front of you!

We exit Soarin and then decide to head into World Showcase. First we make a brief stop in Club Cool. Chris was busting at the seams for Keith to try the Beverly… I think he had a typical reaction!

On our way to World Showcase!

By this time it is around 11:15am so we have some time before our 1pm reservations at Le Cellier. We hobble, limp, and crawl toward the Canada side of WS.

I decide to nix the films in Canada and China due to standing which is now an issue. (Later I realize that it also would be a motion issue so a good thing I cancelled those plans!). We go through Canada and straight into England!

Continued in the next post.....
post continued....

Keith finds a bench with Chris and Madison and I hit the shops. We go in the tea shop and make the circle.

Madison finds an Alice in Wonderland dress

When we exit across the way, we have totally fooled Keith and Chris since they did not realize the stores connect. Such great fun to trick the guys!!

Now it is time to cross the English Channel (for some odd reason every time I get to this point I think "I see London, I see France.....:lmao:)

We then cross the bridge to France. Keith has been to most of Europe with the military so he had great fun in critiquing the genuineness of the countries…he wasn’t too harsh though! He just kept rubbing in the fact that he had been to the real countries and we had to be satisfied with Epcot’s countries. :guilty: All good natured joking though…good thing for him because I would hate to have to step on that bad foot!! :eek: :rotfl:

We stop for a brief PP on the bridge. It always is so windy here!


As we enter France, we see Marie. So Madison and I line up while Keith and Chris find another bench.
Madison and Marie

Keith’s ouchy foot!!

Madison and I then hit the stores in France while the guys remain on the bench. Just as we begin browsing, I get a text from Chris that Sleeping Beauty had just come out. Okay, let me correct that, the text said “Some chick in a pink dress just walked out”. :rotfl: Well I immediately know it is Sleeping Beauty so we make a mad dash out to see Aurora!

She was very nice but not as interactive as the one we saw last year.

By this time, the movie in France (“Impressions de France) is about to begin so we decide the air conditioning would be welcomed and the movie is very relaxing. So to the movie we go and then when it is over…the time? Well, it is 12:30pm so we head back to Canada. We check in at Le Cellier at 12:45pm!!! Can you believe it?!?!? Our next to last reservation of this trip….and we make it EARLY!!!!!!!!! I know I know…thank you very much!!!! :worship:

Last year when we ate at Le Cellier, my kids fell in love. This was one of the major requirements plus Keith loves steak so we figured this would be his favorite. They bring out the bread….so good!! I think the sour dough is my fave but everyone else likes the pretzel bread! I also ordered the cheddar soup…oh my, it was so good!! Yummo!! Then we all ordered the filet…except Keith. He ordered a hamburger! What?!?!? I could not believe it! Turns out, he had not complained one bit, but Soarin had made him motion sick and he had been feeling ill since we rode that 2 hours previously! :sick: He eats and takes some meds that I brought along….he thankfully is feeling better from this episode within about 20 minutes. So Le Cellier did not leave a big impression on Keith, but the kids and I still really enjoyed the food!
Some variouis pics from the Le Cellier (a few I have taken from last year's trip):


So we are full from lunch and ready to see other things but still have a sore foot to contend with...what to do next???
Wow! It looks like you have the East side of Epcot covered pretty thoroughly! We didn't get to Living with the Land or Imagination. Dianna is so envious that you got to see Marie. By the time we made our way around to France the day before it was too late.

Some chick in a pink dress, indeed! I think that's the same Sleeping Beauty we saw at Akershus as well. Again, not big on interaction like Snow White was.

I'm so glad you enjoyed Le Cellier. If me and Dianna ever go alone that spot will be on top of our list.

I think it's time for Kieth to pack it in. Bad foot? Motions sick? TRhat's a theme park nightmare!

So we are full from lunch and ready to see other things but still have a sore foot to contend with...what to do next???

Take Keith to World of Energy for 50 minutes? :lmao:
Wow! It looks like you have the East side of Epcot covered pretty thoroughly! We didn't get to Living with the Land or Imagination. Dianna is so envious that you got to see Marie. By the time we made our way around to France the day before it was too late.

Some chick in a pink dress, indeed! I think that's the same Sleeping Beauty we saw at Akershus as well. Again, not big on interaction like Snow White was.

I'm so glad you enjoyed Le Cellier. If me and Dianna ever go alone that spot will be on top of our list.

I think it's time for Kieth to pack it in. Bad foot? Motions sick? TRhat's a theme park nightmare!

So we are full from lunch and ready to see other things but still have a sore foot to contend with...what to do next???

Take Keith to World of Energy for 50 minutes? :lmao:

We lucked up on Marie! It was our first time to see her. She actually interacted more than Sleeping Beauty who could talk!! Snow White was awesome!

Le Cellier with kids can be iffy! It is really good, so you need to try it out sometime!!

Funny! World of Energy....if it had not been such a far walk! :rotfl: He defintely wasn't having the best day!!
Awww that's awesome the you guys were able to meet both Marie and Aurora and the pics with your daughter with them turned out beautifully.

Your poor husband suffering the way he was and not getting to enjoy Le Cellier and on your last day at WDW much less.

Can't wait to hear how the rest of your trip went
I love looking at all of the fabulous veggies they grow in the Land pavilion. Those giant pumpkins were incredible. In your next picture, I like the pumpking they are training into a Mickey shape (probably for MNSSHP) - so cute!

Glad that you enjoyed Imagination. It is a must-do for us.

2) The smell of the oranges.

Here, here! That is probably my favorite part. Those Imagineers think of everything!

Marie looks so cute! I'm glad you got good interaction with her.

Just as we begin browsing, I get a text from Chris that Sleeping Beauty had just come out. Okay, let me correct that, the text said “Some chick in a pink dress just walked out”. Well I immediately know it is Sleeping Beauty so we make a mad dash out to see Aurora!

My DD6 would have a fit if someone called Aurora that in her presence! :rotfl:

:headache: about Keith being :sick: at Le Cellier. Tell him he needs to to back so he can enjoy his steak next time. ;)
Awww that's awesome the you guys were able to meet both Marie and Aurora and the pics with your daughter with them turned out beautifully.

Your poor husband suffering the way he was and not getting to enjoy Le Cellier and on your last day at WDW much less.

Can't wait to hear how the rest of your trip went

I was excited about Marie...it was our first time to see her! She was adorable! I thought the pictures turned out well also...but I am a little biased!! :cutie:

Keith was definitely not his normal self!!

I love looking at all of the fabulous veggies they grow in the Land pavilion. Those giant pumpkins were incredible. In your next picture, I like the pumpking they are training into a Mickey shape (probably for MNSSHP) - so cute!

Glad that you enjoyed Imagination. It is a must-do for us.

Here, here! That is probably my favorite part. Those Imagineers think of everything!

Marie looks so cute! I'm glad you got good interaction with her.

My DD6 would have a fit if someone called Aurora that in her presence! :rotfl:

:headache: about Keith being :sick: at Le Cellier. Tell him he needs to to back so he can enjoy his steak next time. ;)

I love the pumpkins they form into Mickey Ears! I love looking at all the veggies too!! And I did really like Imagination...I will try to fit in in next time I get to Epcot! The Imagineers are so clever!! I would doing brainstorming sessions with them....not necessarily to offer ideas but to hear all of their ideas being thrown out!!

I think it takes a special personality to give such good interaction when you can't talk and you are wrapped up in fur on a 95 degree day!!

Madison was very quick to inform Chris who "the chick" was!! :lmao: I think he probably knew but wanted to be cool in front of Dad!!

Maybe I can hoodwink him into going back just to try the steak!! :goodvibes


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