Hubby says I can go the the Disneyana Convention!!! Help....


<font color=006600>Found out it's not nice to teas
Apr 24, 2000
My DH (what a sweet man!) is going to either take off a week or work from home that week to stay with our 4 kids so that I can go to the Convention in September! I am so excited that I can't stand it! :D My biggest problem is the airfare. I don't know which airport is best to fly into and how to get to the hotel at DL. I know my stuff when it comes to WDW, but DL is a whole new thing to me!!
I am sharing a room so we did save on the convention package rate, now I just need to keep everything else down cost-wise.

BTW, this is the first time I have been away from the kids! I'm excited, but so nervous!! I am a stay home mom that works very part time nights and week-ends. I know hubby can do it, but it just seems so far from NC to CA.....thanks for 'listening' and for any airfare help!

Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
Which NC airport will you be flying out of? If you are flying out of Raleigh, it may be too early to get the best airfare because Southwest competes on all RDU to Los Angeles-area airports and Southwest is not yet selling September travel. John Wayne/Orange County (SNA) is the closest airport to Disneyland, but sometimes it's more expensive to fly into that airport than LAX. What are your exact travel dates?
Yes, i will be flying out of RDU (boy do I wish I still worked for Midway right now! I had been there long enough for 'other airline' flights! LOL)
I had checked prices on LAX and John Wayne and you're right SNA was higher.
I will be leaving RDU on 9/3 and returning 9/9 (have to throw that Sat night stay in there!)
Should I watch a Southwest site, travelocity or just stay on this board!?

Thanks so much for any help!

Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
You may not need a Saturday night stay on that route on any airline, but you definitely do not need a Saturday night stay if you fly Southwest, as none of their fares require a Saturday stay, only an overnight stay. Your departure date could be problematic because it's Labor Day. Southwest could block this travel date from fare sales. If you've planned your travel dates around a Saturday night stay and you are flexible, you could get a much lower fare if you depart on 9/2 instead, and return on 9/8 or 9/9. I would wait until Southwest starts selling those dates, which will probably be March or April. I would also subscribe to the airfare trackers at Expedia and Travelocity.
ok, i could travel on 9/2. I guess things have changed, when I was at Midway it was better to travel ON the holiday, most people wanted to be there before and then people traveled after, but ON the holiday was always best for rates! Oh well, that's why I asked! I will go sign up for the fare trackers. Thanks again!

Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings
It depends on the holiday. For Labor Day weekend, Labor Day (Monday) has *always* been more popular than the day before or after. Same thing for Memorial Day.
That makes sense, i started at Midway in October 98, pregnant with my 4th child, due to some personal reasons I wasn't able to go back after i had her, so i wasn't there by the next May-- in other works I worked after Labor Day and before Memorial Day, so I missed both of those! But Thanksgiving and Christmas sure were a headache LOL :D

Disney trips:
Offsite- Dec 84, June 86, Easter 90, honeymoon June 91, May 94, April 98, Dec 98, April 2000
2 Whole Weeks June 2001

On site:
Feb 99- All Star Sports
Nov 00- Dixie Landings


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