HRH room question


Earning My Ears
Dec 7, 2000
I'm going to be staying at the HRH during my visit with 2 children. I'm contemplating bringing our own VCR and Playstation from home. Does anyone know if HRH TV systems allow the hook-up of personal equipment?
There were video in jacks on my TV at HRH, but I couldn't figure out how to get the input signal in.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Yes, the tv's have rca jacks and playstation hooked up, at least on the club level. Why bother bringing on vacation? Too much to do there to be in the room. :)
well, the kids are too old to be stuck with some baby sitting service (12 and 14) but too young to hang out with us when the adults go back to City Walk for the evening entertainment. So, I was looking for something for them to do. If anyone has other suggestions, I'm open.
I don't know if I would leave them alone in the room, but (if you are sure they are responsible) there was a playstation in our room. I think it was going to cost about $7 per hour to play. I'm sure you can also rent movies, but I don't recall the price. Less than $10 as I recall. How many nights are we talking about, 2 or 3? If so 2 hours of Playstation and 1 movie would cost you less than $30 per night. Throw in $10 worth of snacks from the minibar and you've got two happy teens for under $40 per night. (You'll spend more than that on margaritas and hurricanes at CityWalk)

Or...You could take gameboy and rent loans of games. There is also a small arcade near the pool. Give them tons of money and turn them loose. Are board games an option? Cards? OR ...dare I say it, Books? (My eight year old would cringe) Maybe they'll be so tired from the parks and/or swimming that they'll just go to sleep. Wait..12 and 14..I guess not.

When are you going? I'd love to hear how this works out. I have young kids now, but I will be in your shoes soon enough.

We'll be heading that way on Monday (I can hardly wait!) And we will be there through Friday. Thanks for the suggestions. We are already looking at taking the Game Boy and a couple of other things as well. I'll provide a report as soon as I get back!


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