HRH Question?


Mar 29, 2001
We're considering staying at the HRH for 1 night to take advantage of the FOTL access. If we get to the hotel early in the morning, will they let us go ahead and check in earlier than the normal check in time so that we can take advantage of FOTL access that day? Also, do they have in room safes that are big enough for laptops? Thanks!
I've not been to HRH yet so I don't know about the room safes...but I did recently book a room there for August and asked about FOTL access. The answer is can check your bags early and get a room key to head off to the parks for FOTL access. You will also get the access until park closing on the day you check out!

Maybe if you're lucky your room will be ready anyway when you check in!

When will you be going?

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
Just back from a great week at HRH. FOTL is on check-in day, to the check out day.
The safes in the room are small combination safes in the closet, good for jewerly, wallets, tickets, but not big enough for lap-tops. We burried ours in a closet, but probably should have checked at guest relations to see if we could check them there.


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