HRH Check In Question


Earning My Ears
Feb 20, 2000
We have a HRH package that includes lenght of stay pass for the parks. What time can we check in to the hotel (even if rooms are not ready) in order to have access to the parks?
Yes, you can check in at any time and they will hold your luggage until the room is available.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Pre check-in is usually not permitted before 7am.

Assistant Webmaster
can I assume this answer is applicable to Portofino Bay Hotel too? - that you can store bags and get park passes before room is ready. My question becomes that room key is supposed to be front-of-line-access, so how do you do it before actually checking in? If I get to PBH at noon, can I get immediate FOL access at USF?
We got to HRH before our room was ready and were given room key cards right then. These keys had our date of arrival and date of departure and that is what is checked at the parks. Later when we checked in, they programmed the room number into the cards. We stored our luggage in bell service.

Hard Rock Hotel 4/01
Wyndham Palace 7/00
Port Orleans & DCL 12/00
Disneyland Paris 4/99
AllStar Sports 2/98
Yes, it also works the same way at PBH.

Assistant Webmaster


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