How to speed recovery of a canker sore


I've been unwonked!
Aug 31, 2004
We leave for Disney World in 3 days and my DH has a bad canker sore. Does anyone know anything that will speed the recovery of this? Any help is appreciated.
Take the vitamin Lysene (sp?). I also have used a topical lysene that usually does the trick. Don't get them often - but I do get them from the sun sometimes if I do not put sunblock on.

Abreeva is also pretty good.
Well this is what we use but at times it is hard to find.

Liquid Styptic.

Liquit Styptic

Use a Q-tip with a dab on and you get right to the problem area. It burns like the dickens but tend to "dry" it up. I think the pencil would work to but the liquid seems to work faster.

Good luck. They say cankers are caused by "stress", tell him to relax!

Is it a canker sore inside the mouth, or a cold sore on the lips?

If it's canker inside swish warm salt water in your mouth a few times a day.
Gly-oxide. Sold OTC. My dentist told me about it years ago and it works great.
I've suffered canker sores for all of my life. Two weeks ago I had four of them going. I think they came from eating all the fresh tomatoes. I was in misery.

If you come up with something to speed them up, I think I will submit you for a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. I honestly don't think there is anyway to speed up their demise. They usually are around for 10 days, but hurt bad for about 7 days.
Loubon said:
Gly-oxide. Sold OTC. My dentist told me about it years ago and it works great.

I second this. It works wonders for DD. DD also uses a mouth rinse called Rincinol; it kind of coats the canker sore and makes it less painful.
I wish I knew a way to speed the healing also! I use Kanka (i think thats what it is called). It doesn't speed healing but it makes it so it doesn't sting all the time. It puts a protective coating on the sore.
Christine, talk to your doctor and get an anti-viral drug. (Can't remember the name.) I go through periods where I get them frequently and I usually suffer through. But I had one so bad that I couldn't move my tongue. My dr gave me the anti-viral and it helped. (But she only gave me 5 days, so as soon as I stopped taking it, the sore came back, but it was normal-bad, not horrific like it had been.)

Anyway, I use some of the same things said here. L-lysine and hydrogen peroxide as SOON as I feel one starting.
clutter said:
Christine, talk to your doctor and get an anti-viral drug. (Can't remember the name.) I go through periods where I get them frequently and I usually suffer through. But I had one so bad that I couldn't move my tongue. My dr gave me the anti-viral and it helped. (But she only gave me 5 days, so as soon as I stopped taking it, the sore came back, but it was normal-bad, not horrific like it had been.)

Anyway, I use some of the same things said here. L-lysine and hydrogen peroxide as SOON as I feel one starting.

Actually, I do have an anti-viral ointment for cold sores. I haven't used it in years because I am very good with sunblock and no longer get the cold sores on my lips. I didn't realize that the anti-viral would work on the canker sores in the mouth?
Christine said:
Actually, I do have an anti-viral ointment for cold sores. I haven't used it in years because I am very good with sunblock and no longer get the cold sores on my lips. I didn't realize that the anti-viral would work on the canker sores in the mouth?

it won't. canker sores aren't viral.

this topic comes up on the dis every once in awhile and then someone will get into a fight with someone else that canker sores and cold sores are the same thing (obviously, they are not).
caitycaity said:
it won't. canker sores aren't viral.

this topic comes up on the dis every once in awhile and then someone will get into a fight with someone else that canker sores and cold sores are the same thing (obviously, they are not).

I agree caity but the poster above (clutter) had something on her tongue. That's most definitely not a cold sore (herpes). Anything inside the mouth is canker. And I guess there is a theory that *some* outbreaks of canker sores can be virally induced (just not the herpes simplex virus). At any rate, I can't eat a lot of fresh tomatoes.
The one thing that helps mine heal is rinsing the mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (50/50). Then to numb the pain I rinse the mouth with kids benadryl elixer.
I DO think that many canker sores are viral!!!!

Now, here is the thing... This has all but CURED my DH from getting cold-sores on his lips, and me getting canker sores inside my mouth.

Yes, L-Lysine works!!! It is completely safe, OTC, and not expensive. A doctor advised my DH to take it EVERY day.... He does, and he never gets cold sores any more!

Here is the second thing... Consider changing your TOOTHPASTE... Many toothpastes, (the ones with a high level of detergent) actually can set-off or promote canker sores. When we switched to toothpaste with baking soda, the canker sores COMPLETELY stopped!!! Even with my having braces (which of course, are very abrasive), I NEVER got a canker sore.

Two good toothpaste that I have used are Mentadent, and Arm&Hammer Brilliant Sparkle. ( NOTE: I really have to have the 'Brilliant Sparkle', as I don't really like the others. The Brilliant Sparkle tastes fresh and minty, and has a nicer texture. You really don't even notice the baking soda) And, I like Mentadent too.

To treat an existing Canker Sore, Use a special mouth-rinse, like has been suggested. The thing that works in these mouth rinses is the soda (like in the toothpaste) along with hydrogen peroxide. This really attacks these sores at their cause!

For cold-sores on the lips, the best thing is a prescription for a good antiviral ointment, such as 'Zovirax'. It really works... start applying liberally at the first tingling/burning, and it will really fight off the cold sore.

My DH and I have all but ELIMINATED our problems with cold and canker sores... These things work... I swear by them!
Wishing On A Star--
I've just gone back to using the Rembrandt Canker Sore prevention toothpaste. I had used it years ago, when Target was selling it. Now, no one except for Wegman's carries it. But I found it at and have it shipped to me.

I was using Mentadent Baking Soda but it was not helping. I found that you have to find a toothpaste that does not contain Sodium Laurel Sulfate. SLS breaks down the natural protective barrier within the mouth. So, when that happens, if you are a susceptible individual you will get canker sores.

Now, this does not stop my canker sores but it does lessen the amount I get and and the severity. I've heard about the L-Lysine but have never tried it.

To the OP--I'm not sure what your DH can do. Hopefully the canker sore will be healing by the time he needs to do some serious eating in the World!! :teeth:


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