How to keep your sanity at the end of a long day...


<font color=deeppink>Damn you, you wretched clown!
Jul 29, 2000
When you get out to the busses & you notice an enormous line to your resort, don't freak out & get cranky...just find a bench near your bus stop or lay down a blanket & relax. Let the kids run around or pull out a snack. Whenever we would come out to find a huge line, we would do this & it was so nice on us & our tired feet. Sure, we probably sat around for a good hour or so but we wouldn't have saved much time waiting in line. When the line dies down to near empty we get our stuff together & go hop on a near empty bus where everyone gets a seat. I probably shouldn't give out my tip or I'll catch one of YOU in my bench. LOL ;)

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D


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