How to do WDW on a very limited budget?


<font color=teal>I go to WDW 2,179,872 times a yea
Aug 19, 1999
I'm determined to be at the Poly in January for anywhere between 5-7 days (no less than 5). However, being a college student two semesters away from graduation, my income is extremely limited. I have an AP, so passes are not a concern. It's only going to be me travelling (I love to travel alone!). I just have to worry about airfare, food, and - most imporntantly - the room. How do you suggest I do it?

Here's what I'm doing so far: I save all of my change. Since Christmas, I've saved about $50 in change. I also use my Discover Card for everything. I'v also asked for Disney Dollars and/or cash for birthdays/Christmas/holiday. What else should I do? Any suggestions?

Debi, co-moderator of the
<a href="">Disney Tips Board</a>

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"You can never run from trouble. Ain't no place that far."
How about saving the money you get from selling your books at the end of the semster? I know it is not much. Can you do odd jobs such as typing others papers, babysitting for a family near your college? Any part-time jobs on campus that might fit your schedule? I know it is hard fitting extras in your schedule. I was a student too and did it while being a mom too. So time is limited. Good luck. I too am trying to get to Disney next year. And looking for ways to get on the Boat.

I have snet you an email about how i am saving for WDW too!!


There's always the yard sale idea - and once you're there, keeping water bottles/sodas and breakfast items in your room saves a lot on your food budget.

Offsite 9/81
Offsite 5/92
Offsite 6/94
Y&BC 9/95
CS 12/97
CBR 12/98
DxL 12/99
DxL 12/00
BC & 4-nite Cruise 7/01 - Can't WAIT!!

How about sharing a room with a friend? It will save a significant amount on the hotel cost. We are late risers so I always pack a toaster and bagels, a coffee pot and now I have one less meal to think about. My DD will be in college next year and she and her friends are getting into a program with Disney to work from the last day of finals until school starts. She is an Art major but I am sure they have other business etc. courses that will qualify. Check out the Disney site. It is a working vacation but it also a 3 month vacation.
Bumping! Any other suggestions?

Debi, co-moderator of the
<a href="">Disney Tips Board</a>

<img height="200" src="">

"You can never run from trouble. Ain't no place that far."
I went to WDW twice while in college. The first time I went was after my freshman year and I went last May after I graduated. I too was on a limited budget, but I also had saved enough $$$ to have a good vacation. You seem to have a lot of good strategies in place so far. Here are my best tips:

1) Plan, Plan, Plan: These boards allowed me to save hundreds on the room alone. I could have stayed at the Poly for 5 nights, but found 8 nights at the Contemporary for the same price. You might want to consider All-Stars if you're strapped for cash. Also, If you join the Disney Club, you can get discounts off of Park Tickets and Hotels. Membership is $35, but you'll make that up in no time if you use the discounts.

2)Find a Cheap flight: I used Spirit Air last time and although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. It was very cheap and did get me there in one piece. Delta also has great Atlanta connection flights for cheaper rates than direct to Orlando. Southwest also flies to Orlando for cheaper costs, although you must fly out of Long Island.

3)Find someone to go with you: I would go with ya, but I've already planned my trip in July. The extra person will not add any expense to your trip. In fact, they will split the fee for the room.

4)Bring bottled water: Water bottles cost about 3 bucks in the park. Bring water bottles and fill them up in hte water fountains throughout the park. Also, eat a big meal around 4 because food prices are cheaper and have snacks to eat afterwards. Save a lot of $$$.

5)Best Tip: Budget wisely before you go to allow yourself the comfort and freedom to spend without worrying about every dollar. In my opinion, the WDW experience is priceless, so I would never let $$$ interfere with my experience. That is why I plan accordingly before hand and have enough cash left to spend as much as I want without fear of going broke. Last time, I remember spending about $75-$100 a day on all meals, souveniers, and night-life. When I was a freshman(96), I spent about $50 a day but my meals were very basic and I didn't buy a lot of souveniers. I like to plan 2 or 3 expensive meals a trip.

3/83 Polynesian
6/84 Contemporary
8/96 Dixie Landings
8/99 Caribbean Beach
5/00 Contemporary
9/00 Port Orleans
Debi, I'm farther north from you and fly out of Newark, but I would call airlines now.

I called Continental directly last July for this May 2001 trip. The price was $168.00 roundtrip which I felt was a good price. I don't use the internet for airfares so I can't help you with that one.



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