how old

I'm 45 till next week ( I thought I would reply know) :lmao: My DH is 46 we have 1 DS who is 21:banana: and we have been married for 24 wonderful years.
Well you all can figure it out, but in a couple of months the DW and I will celebrate our 38th anniversary and we have two sons who this year will be 35 and 30. Early next year we will celebrate having been together for 40 years ... how time flies when you're having fun.


So you were what...3...when she had your son? These math problems make my head hurt...:rotfl2:

I will be 30 on April Fool's Day(seriously-that is why I fit in here!) DH turned 30 in Dec. I tell him he had better watch out, I only have a little more time to live my 20's up!!! We have been married for 11 yrs this year, we have 2 girls ages 9 going on 17 and 6 going on 17. We have been "camperers"(that is what DD calls camping in a camper-campering:) )for a little over 2 years. We stayed at the fort for the 1st time last Oct. and were hooked. DH is a disabled vet, so we work from home now, and get a little more free time than most people. We are hoping to be able to take more frequent trips down to the fort or anywhere really. I am working on convincing the kids to be home schooled. They aren't going for it though. Thanks to everyone who has made me feel welcome here, and made my mornings much more complete with the fantastic conversations! ;)
Hi everyone ~ I'll play!

I'm 41, DH (still my best friend) is 40 (only 6 months younger than me), and we were high school sweethearts, although we went to different high schools. We'll be married for 20 years come this May, I was 21, he was 20. Our first DD is 17, our second DD is 11, and our DS is 3. Talk about running the gamut of ages/stages! We've got a teen, a tween, and a toddler, (oh my!) but I guess that was God's plan for us so I wouldn't have it any other way! :)
Oh this is a scary post for those of us that have the Peter Pan syndrome, but since everyone else has been brave I will be too....

I am turning 37 next month (Yikes) and Hubby is turning 45 in June.
No kids other than our four-legged version and we've been married 16 years I believe, we have another one come up in May and I am starting to lose track! LOL!
Well, I am a little late coming in, but been real busy lately. Here goes.

I am ????, dh is 45. I had my first at 16. She is now 20 and due to have her first. She actually did it right though, she got married first. LOL So much smarter than me. I also have ds16, dd11, ds8, dd6, and dd4. We have been trying for baby #7 for a while, with no luck. With dh gone for a while, don't see it happening. I def feel that I am getting too old. Don't think I could keep up with a little one anymore. dd6 wants me to get pregnant while daddy is gone and surprise him. I told dh and he doesn't think it is a good idea. ;) :rotfl:

I have to say this last trip was nice not having to worry about diapers and such. Do look forward to bringing my grandbabies though.
Hi everyone ~ I'll play!

I'm 41, DH (still my best friend) is 40 (only 6 months younger than me), and we were high school sweethearts, although we went to different high schools. We'll be married for 20 years come this May, I was 21, he was 20. Our first DD is 17, our second DD is 11, and our DS is 3. Talk about running the gamut of ages/stages! We've got a teen, a tween, and a toddler, (oh my!) but I guess that was God's plan for us so I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

We had something similiar in that my youngest 16, (boy) and oldest (boy.. should say man he's 27!) have 11 years between them. (two girls in between). I had my older son graduating high school and the youngest graduating kindergarden the same year! I never had that experience where all the kids were in school at the same time, and naturally with their age differences, no one was ever in the same school either. I only had one year when my younger daughter and younger son were in the same school at the same time.
I'm 21.

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Just kidding. I'm 34. I think. Never can remember. I had my DDs fairly early. I figured I'd persue my dream of being the fairy Godmother in my 50's and thought it would be easier if the kids were out of the nest by then!;)
21...huh?....Sniffing the Pixie Dust again are we?:cutie:
Something is wrong this thread should be off topic buy now. :lmao:
Something is wrong this thread should be off topic buy now. :lmao:

Everyone is being...NICE:) ...NICE:) ...NICE:) thread will not go off topic...everyone is playing NICE! :furious: Just like me....RIGHT?:cutie:
I am 35 and a mom of two. Ages 6 and 7. My birthday is usually referred to at my house as "the anniversary of mommys 29th birthday"....Just ask the kids, they will tell you.
...As you can see from my siggie we are working on becoming parents...

Well then, I'm sending lots of good vibes to you :goodvibes, and when you've got news, you'd better post it here!!!

pg is a great time to camp! :thumbsup2

Sue in Texas
...swore we'd never mortgage the house for it, but we did...
How old are we here?...I mean that in a good way. I'm curious because I met someone today who is 46 and had their first child..(mom was 40)...and it made me people today start their families later.

I'm 50 this past year(guess I should have lied about that!)..and I had my first child at 22. I just can't imagine having a child at 46..but it does seem it's much more common? How about everyone here. I know Colson's little guy is due soon too...had me wondering about the rest of us. What can I say..I'm nosey!


Well I am 43 yrs old and hubby is 45. I have two boys, age 23 from my first marriage and now hubby and I have a precious princess, 5 yrs old.

I wouldn't change it for the world. :love: :love:

My saying is "She will either keep me young or kill me one!":laughing:
I will be 37 and DH turned 38 today. We are still trying to have kids. We got married late, just 2004. It was the first for us both. We had a miscarriage last year. It gives me comfort to know that women can have kids later in life. I know we're all different, but it gives me a little hope that it's not too late :).



Just want to tell you a miracle story that happened right in my office. My friend and co-worker was 41 years old, had given up on having children after years of not being able to get pregnant even with fertility treatments and when she did get pregnant there were miscarriages (I'm sorry by the way for your loss).

At 41 she finally got pregnant and did not announce until she was past four months old. I'm very proud to report I am now Aunt Liz to a beautiful 13 month old girl. :cool1:

She is living proof that you should not give up and miracles do happen.

I am 39 years old and I have a 18, 15 and 10 year old. I had my first one when I was 20 and even though it's been a stuggle I would not do it different. I didn't have a relationship with the two grandparents I had left when I was born and I want my children and parents to have a great relationship and so far, they have.

I am glad I am going to be a rather young grandma although I do not know how long it will take the 18 year old to have kids, the 15 year old does not want kids, she knows she's too selfish (can't think of a better word) at this point. My 10 year old can't wait to be a mom but she will also be the one child that actually may go to college.

Best wishes Monica.
39 and my DW is 37. No kids but like others; not for a lack of trying. We do however have substitutes for kids in our 7 year old Cavalier Spaniel and our 1 1/2 year old Cocker Spaniel. They bring us lots of joy although we would love to raise a child.


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