How much US cash should I take out from the bank?


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, we are going to WDW in 4 days! I AM SOOOO HYPED! Car, hotels, air are pre-paid. We will put as much as possible on credit card (meals and souveniers) so we don't lose money on exchanging USF back to CDN. We don't really need too much cash, I was thinking of getting only $400.00 USF ($200.00 for dh and same for me). We are staying 9 days. Is that enough? Can I use my ATM card (it's a Canadian bank card) in Florida? THANKS

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
Yes I have used my ATM card in the states (TD BANK). Look for machines that have the PLUS system . Keep in mind the fees are very high to use ATM's I believe it worked out to almost $5.00 in transaction fees to use there machines. There is an ATM machine in every WDW Park generally near or at the entrance only. Also keep in mind that if you plan on driving to the parks each moring you will need cash to pay for parking. None of the "streat vendors" or food carts take credit cards and I don't believe you can charge to your room either. Of coarse all the counter and full service rest. will not be a problem. I have never had a problem inside WDW but some stores will ask for ID if using credit cards (usually smallish type places for souveniers). My DH and I always take travellers cheques as they can easily be replaced if lost or stolen but we have never had a problem.
Have a great Holiday!! :eek: :eek:
Hi Sandra. I just wanted to remind you to have small bills to rent the luggage carts at the airport. If I recall they were $1 each, and made the trek across to the car rental parking lot much, much easier.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Well personally we look at budgeting 50 dollars a day for food and drinks. We also take some cash but mostly travellers cheques. I would recomend around 400 US each just in case and split it 200 cash and the rest TC's just a thought. Also if you are on site all Disney hotels have ATM's in them and they do take our bank cards but the fees are quite high as was mentioned. Hope this helps
Darren & Lisa
Hi Sandra; I just bought my American the other day- OUCH. I did manage to get some at the casino where I work at 40%, but the rest I had to get from the bank. We are taking about $1600 for our trip(but that is also for food and souvineers), but my philosophy is this, If I have some left over I will just have to go back next year and spend it.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS


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