How much does the HRH charge for those snacks they leave in the pantry of your room


Mar 21, 2001
It looks like they really put a lot of snacks in the room but at what charge?? I know usually there pretty expensive? I want to know if I should immediately move them so ds doesn't get in their and start racking up a huge bill LOL
The refrigerator has a key to it so it can be locked up. ie. soda is $2.50 a can. Someone posted a listing and prices of items in the refrig about a month ago. Maybe you can find it doing a search.
Sodas and water are $2.25. I don't remember the prices, but the peanuts and "Intimacy Kit" (don't ask) were pretty expensive.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Roller coaster king

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Hey Jen,
You may want to consider bringing your son's favorite snacks from home, just to keep him out of that snack bar.
We had 1 yoo hoo, 1 tiny Bailey's Irish Cream, & 1 soda from our room fridge at HRH our entire stay. Total snack/fridge bill = $13.25!!
And, BTW, we made 3 phone calls to NY while we were there, that bill was just under $100.00. No kidding!! I talked w/my Mom for 20 minutes, bill was $28.00! So, beware. :rolleyes:


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