How much did your first computer cost, and the one your using now

1st was a Compaq Presario (I think). We bought all the bells & whistles for gaming. Cost about $3000.

Currently have a Lenovo Thinkpad that I bought used for $150.
Well, I did buy a VIC20 from Toys R Us in 1982. But that never did anything other than teach some very basic code writing. I paid $150 for it

My first real computer was a Packard Bell 486SX that cost $1,200 at Montgomery Ward in 1994.

My current computer is a Dell dual core, but I don't remember what the processor is, but I bought it in 2007 for $1,500 and it still has more capability than I need. My wife things I should get a new one, but I don't see a reason too.
As for my next one, both my kids built their own PCs I may consider that. Or maybe an off the shelf unit from Walmart or Dell

A junior high friend actually programmed something with his VIC-20 and managed to turn that into a science project that made it to our regional science fair. We had a field trip to that fair and I got to see it. I think he maxed it out with a memory upgrade.

While I love Apple, one deals a lot with end of software support and how that affects things as simple as accessing secure websites. I can't use my old Apple laptops for banking or even accessing webmail because the sites don't consider my web browser secure. While Windows gets a lot of criticism for being newer versions being compatible with older machines where it runs poorly, at least that can allow

My second computer was a Sharp PC-1403 pocket computer. It was a gift and pretty much only used as a scientific calculator except for entertainment purposes where one could program BASIC.

Tandy 1000 was a Christmas gift in early 80s. Retailers around $1,000 I believe.

Current Linux machine has been built from salvaged parts, maybe invested $50 or so into it
Our first home computer was an HP desk top with a Pentium processor,4gb RAM and 1 GB HD-with perifferals and software it cost about 3200 purchased in 1998 .
Currently I am using an HP touch screen laptop with 32 gb RAM,a 750 GB HD and an I 7 processor. My father in law purchased it for himself in January and I inherited it when he passed in may-I believe he paid around 650 dollars.
1997, a store brand computer was around $400. Piece of junk but it was what my parents could afford so that I had one when I moved away to college. These days it's an HP laptop that I probably spent around $350 on in 2016. It's just about time to replace it.
1997, a store brand computer was around $400. Piece of junk but it was what my parents could afford so that I had one when I moved away to college. These days it's an HP laptop that I probably spent around $350 on in 2016. It's just about time to replace it.
I remember the good 'ol days when someone would go into a local PC shop and they would build something to order cheaper than once could get from Dell, Compaq, etc. They would price by board, processor, memory, add-ons, etc. Sure it had some weird brand name, but they worked as well as anything else. Some even prefered homebrewed setups, which can still be done today but is generally reserved for those doing gaming rigs with lighted cases and all these weird touches.

But these days there are more people buying laptop computers than anything else. A lot of these aren't even upgradeable except maybe for the drive and sometimes memory. However, many don't even have those upgradeable as they're soldered to the board.
My first computer was a Texas Instruments computer, followed by a Commodore 64!! The 80’s at their best!!!!!!
Commador 64.....although DH says it doesn't count as a computer ;) 84 or 85 about $200

I have a Dell laptop that was about $400 and a Gateway desk top that was about $350

Commodore’s totally count!!! My best friend, at the time, used to make me games to play! He was so smart! We used it mostly for gaming. (Oregon Trail, anyone?!) 😂
My first computer was an Atari 800 back in 1984. I believe the cost was around $3,500 with all the drives and accessories that were needed. My cell phone is now 100's of times more powerful than that antique.

I build my current gaming style PC for about $1,500 and a regular every-day use PC for right at $1,000. I'm trying to use my tablet or cell phone with smaller screens more often but I really prefer the bigger screen of my PC's.
Not sure on the cost of our first computer as my grandmother bought it for my parents. I do remember it had 32mb and the guy at the store told my parents they would never come close to using that much 😂. It did last for a good 6 or 7 years though.

Current computer is a macbook and cost me $900 in 2016. My 3 year warranty is up in October so I am sure it will die soon after 🙃😋
