How far in advance should you book HR or Port.? And to get a good rate?


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2000
Like the Entertainment rate, how far in advance should I book for a Nov. 2002 trip?
I would book now at rack rate then call back periodically to see if any discounted rates have been released. Last year I booked in February for a June trip. I wasn't able to get the Passholder rate until April.
I just called today and got the HRH for Thanksgiving weekend at the Entertainment rate. Gotta love that Entertainment book!
Is that Entertainment rate ($117 of $129) per person, or per room??
The Entertainment rate is per room. I think the hotel allows for 2 adults at that rate. Extra adults cost an additional $10 each.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


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