How do you move to the next page of posts


Earning My Ears
Nov 28, 1999
I just looked through the last group of posts on this page. Now how to I move to the pages prior to this one?
Hi! These are new boards, or at least a new location for them. There aren't any prior pages yet -- we're still on page 1!!

I don't know how to get back to the old boards :(
Hi All!

Here is a LINK TO THE OLD BUDGET BOARD . That board is now "READ ONLY." You can get to any other of the "Old Boards" by the drop down menu that will be at the bottom of the OLD Budget Board.
Hope that this helps! :)
You'll notice that at the bottom it says "Showing threads 1 to x of y." If X and Y are the same that means it's showing all there is on this page. If there are more, Y will be greater than X and you'll have a page listing a little further down.


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