How do I put a DVC clippie in my Sig Line


Mar 6, 2004
Hi All,

I would like to put a DVC clippie in my Sig line and just don't seem to know where to find the clippie's. I have checked on the DVC member website, to no avial. Can someone please guide this newbie in the right direction.

Is there anyway to have all of them posted under this forum, so that we all have easy access. Unless of course they already are I missed it in my search.

schatz5k said:
Hi All,

I would like to put a DVC clippie in my Sig line and just don't seem to know where to find the clippie's.

Right click on someone elses's clippie and then
Save Picture as....

Keep in mind that DIS Signature Guidelines are a maximum of 3-images (including countdowns) in anyone's signature. You're already exceeding that.
I just tried and I got nowhere. anyone have specific instructions for us computer illiterates!
Using the link mentioned above or any picture you find on someone else's post that you like, right click with your mouse on that picture. At the bottom of the menu that pops up is the word "properties." Click on that. When the window pops up, you'll see a line that says "Address:". Highlight the (often long) URL ...aybe someone else has some other suggestions.
J and R's mom said:
Using the link mentioned above or any picture you find on someone else's post that you like, right click with your mouse on that picture. At the bottom of the menu that pops up is the word "properties." Click on that. When the window pops up, you'll see a line that says "Address:". Highlight the (often long) URL"

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