How bad is it really?

We've been to Disney twice the past year. Never had a CM be rude. As others have said, I think the perception of rudeness is often because the person on the receiving end has violated a rule and doesn't like being reprimaded, so they feel defensive. When we were on Star Tours, the CM advised us that we had to keep our masks on after the doors closed. One man promptly took his off when the CM left. Well, the ride shut down and the doors opened again and the manager CM showed up and told the guy VERY FIRMLY that if he took his mask off again, he would be asked to leave the park. Now, might this guy or his family go post on social media about a rude CM? Wouldn't shock me. But, the CMs were not rude. He was clearly and deliberately violating the rules after being warned. I kind of think a lot of these stories are stemming from those kinds of interactions.
We've been to Disney twice the past year. Never had a CM be rude. As others have said, I think the perception of rudeness is often because the person on the receiving end has violated a rule and doesn't like being reprimaded, so they feel defensive. When we were on Star Tours, the CM advised us that we had to keep our masks on after the doors closed. One man promptly took his off when the CM left. Well, the ride shut down and the doors opened again and the manager CM showed up and told the guy VERY FIRMLY that if he took his mask off again, he would be asked to leave the park. Now, might this guy or his family go post on social media about a rude CM? Wouldn't shock me. But, the CMs were not rude. He was clearly and deliberately violating the rules after being warned. I kind of think a lot of these stories are stemming from those kinds of interactions.
Yep we had a similar experience on Kilomanjaro Safaris where the driver repeatedly asked the same person to put their mask back on. Driver was extremely polite the first couple of times but you could hear his tone of voice get more exasperated each time. Probably got dinged as rude on social media for that.

Also occurs to me that “yelling” could be how folks interpret raising voice to be heard. Saw one CM follow and repeatedly try to get attention of young lady (teen/college age) walking maskless with a snack in Epcot and had to keep getting louder to be heard as the girl kept walking away oblivious.
We just returned on 3/6 and the mask compliance was very good. We're from NY, so we're used to wearing masks and feel like we're aware when masks are worn incorrectly. We did hear some CMs remind people (young and old) to wear their masks properly - never did we hear any of the CM's being rude. We ate lunch at Mama Melrose and the server told us we could remove our masks when seated, but that we needed to put them back on on if we need to use the restroom or when we left.

The social distancing in the lines was actually enjoyable - it's nice not having strangers packed into ride queues and the areas before you enter the theatre, like Mickey's Philharmagic. Most people followed the queue lines - we would usually give the people behind us a few "moves" to see if they just weren't paying attention before we would say anything. We only had to ask the people behind us to "please give us a bit more room" a couple of times over the week we were there. It was usually groups/families of about 6 people, just enjoying each others company and not paying attention to the queue lines. Once we asked they were much more aware of the distancing.

We had a great trip! Never had any issues with transportation to the parks (we were up and usually on the 1st bus to the parks - in line about 1 1/2 hours before official park opening. the 1st bus usually came about an hour before official opening. the parks started letting people in about 45 minutes before official park opening. We stayed at Bay Lake Tower, so I'm not sure how the other resort buses were running.

My DH and I are fortunate to be fully vaccinated, so we were very comfortable to take this trip now. It felt so good to get away from home after this long year.
As someone who had a lot of anxiety about masks (will it be hot? will we be miserable? when and where can we take them off?), I'm happy to report that the whole mask thing was a lot easier and less stressful than I expected during our visit last week. Here are a few experiences that may address some of your concerns:

On CM mask reminders:
CMs *are* reminding people about masks - frequently and politely. And it's effective!! We heard "masks up, please" and "keep that mask over your nose" around us so often, it became a reminder to all, not just those who were the target of the comment. I think this has to be part of the reason mask compliance is so exceptional throughout the parks.

Our daughters were in a stroller and sometimes lowered their masks or let masks slip below their nose, and we (walking behind the stroller) were not aware. CMs were always quick to remind us but also very friendly and casual about it.

I did see CMs chase down one woman who was deliberately ignoring them (a whole group of CMs, leaving their posts and crowding around her. It was wild! But she was clearly hearing them and not complying.) I think the woman was actually experiencing heat stroke, as she had an ice pack on her head, and by the time we caught up to the scene, CMs were giving her directions to a first aid location and were being VERY kind about it (and no longer forcing her to pull up her mask).

On rudeness:
We had only one experience with a rude CM, in which she chided us for taking a picture of our children eating (without masks, obviously). I think this was largely our location. We were in a grassy courtyard in front of the castle. They are being especially strict about castle photos with no masks. I didn't mind being given direction, even though I thought we were within the rules. However, I *did* mind the deliberately condescending tone and overdramatic pantomime she used when she said we take masks off "while putting food in our mouths, not while smiling at a camera." I'm sure she has to tell people this a hundred times a day, and it's probably tiring, but she would do well to remember that while it's the 100th time she's had to say it today, it's only the first time for us. And it's not like we were trying to get away with something. Our kids were literally eating while stationary and a lot more than 6 feet away from anyone. Apparently you are not supposed to photograph this?? However, this was an isolated situation in a full week in the parks.

On restaurants:
At multiple table service restaurants, we were specifically told, unprompted, that we could remove our masks once seated and needed to put them on when standing. I've heard mixed reports from different/people locations about the whole "masks on while seated in restaurant" thing, but our experience was that we could take them off immediately. As a courtesy, however, we opted to keep them on whenever interacting with wait staff.

In general:
  • We were used to our masks after the first day. We often forgot we even had them on.
  • I thought I would be worried about vacation photos with masks, but looking at my pics from the trip, it doesn't bother me or take away from the photos as much as I expected.
  • Bring a set of 3 masks per person to the parks each day, especially on hot days. It feels so good to swap out a sweaty mask for a fresh, dry one.
  • 32 degrees cool masks from COSTCO (or anywhere else you can find them). I cannot recommend these enough. They whisk sweat and keep your breath cool on your face. They were a LIFESAVER for us!
Don't worry about the mask. Yes, Please wear one because if I see you not I will say say something, and so will a cast member. Also, the heat and humidity have not been a big factor as of yet, but, if you are not used to it, too bad, so sad. If you've seen my previous posts, you know I don't mince words.

So, here's my bad part: if you don't want to wear a mask in heat and humidity, OK go somewhere else.

Good part: you can do it. It's not that bad. Really, I promise. You get used to it.

Also, you are 100% correct about the food. It has gas gone way downhill.

My very respectful opinion is to stay away. My wife and I are thinking about other destinations; kind of out of the way places.
I really feel like your mileage may vary depending on personal comfort level with guidelines and perspective on current events. My kids (7 and 5) had no problem wearing masks but we took lots of breaks and made the park days as laid back as possible. I’ve appreciated the time we had at Disney so much last month in bringing us all out of quarantine funk. It is possible to be safe and have fun!
I really feel like your mileage may vary depending on personal comfort level with guidelines and perspective on current events. My kids (7 and 5) had no problem wearing masks but we took lots of breaks and made the park days as laid back as possible. I’ve appreciated the time we had at Disney so much last month in bringing us all out of quarantine funk. It is possible to be safe and have fun!

I feel like "quarantine funk" is sort of a gateway-drug. An excuse, of sorts. Get those kids out playing hockey! Even better, get them in the kitchen! You might have the next Wolfgang Puck or Gordon Ramsey. Anything is better than XBOX. Of course, I'm being facetious. Make them read. If they're guys "A Man's watch." It's a collectible.
I feel like "quarantine funk" is sort of a gateway-drug. An excuse, of sorts. Get those kids out playing hockey! Even better, get them in the kitchen! You might have the next Wolfgang Puck or Gordon Ramsey. Anything is better than XBOX. Of course, I'm being facetious. Make them read. If they're guys "A Man's watch." It's a collectible.

Well at 7 and 5, we are working our way through The Magic Treehouse book series among some others. It’s been a rough winter confined indoors but we’re making it work. Toys and scooters and skates indoors, and art projects galore.
Don't worry about the mask. Yes, Please wear one because if I see you not I will say say something, and so will a cast member. Also, the heat and humidity have not been a big factor as of yet, but, if you are not used to it, too bad, so sad. If you've seen my previous posts, you know I don't mince words.

So, here's my bad part: if you don't want to wear a mask in heat and humidity, OK go somewhere else.

Good part: you can do it. It's not that bad. Really, I promise. You get used to it.

Also, you are 100% correct about the food. It has gas gone way downhill.

My very respectful opinion is to stay away. My wife and I are thinking about other destinations; kind of out of the way places.

I welcome you to Florida, the worst place you will ever be, but Disney will make it OK.

Just please PLASE don't venture outside of Reedy Creek. You will make my wife's life horrible! Ummm. mine, as well.
As someone who had a lot of anxiety about masks (will it be hot? will we be miserable? when and where can we take them off?), I'm happy to report that the whole mask thing was a lot easier and less stressful than I expected during our visit last week. Here are a few experiences that may address some of your concerns:

On CM mask reminders:
CMs *are* reminding people about masks - frequently and politely. And it's effective!! We heard "masks up, please" and "keep that mask over your nose" around us so often, it became a reminder to all, not just those who were the target of the comment. I think this has to be part of the reason mask compliance is so exceptional throughout the parks.

Our daughters were in a stroller and sometimes lowered their masks or let masks slip below their nose, and we (walking behind the stroller) were not aware. CMs were always quick to remind us but also very friendly and casual about it.

I did see CMs chase down one woman who was deliberately ignoring them (a whole group of CMs, leaving their posts and crowding around her. It was wild! But she was clearly hearing them and not complying.) I think the woman was actually experiencing heat stroke, as she had an ice pack on her head, and by the time we caught up to the scene, CMs were giving her directions to a first aid location and were being VERY kind about it (and no longer forcing her to pull up her mask).

On rudeness:
We had only one experience with a rude CM, in which she chided us for taking a picture of our children eating (without masks, obviously). I think this was largely our location. We were in a grassy courtyard in front of the castle. They are being especially strict about castle photos with no masks. I didn't mind being given direction, even though I thought we were within the rules. However, I *did* mind the deliberately condescending tone and overdramatic pantomime she used when she said we take masks off "while putting food in our mouths, not while smiling at a camera." I'm sure she has to tell people this a hundred times a day, and it's probably tiring, but she would do well to remember that while it's the 100th time she's had to say it today, it's only the first time for us. And it's not like we were trying to get away with something. Our kids were literally eating while stationary and a lot more than 6 feet away from anyone. Apparently you are not supposed to photograph this?? However, this was an isolated situation in a full week in the parks.

On restaurants:
At multiple table service restaurants, we were specifically told, unprompted, that we could remove our masks once seated and needed to put them on when standing. I've heard mixed reports from different/people locations about the whole "masks on while seated in restaurant" thing, but our experience was that we could take them off immediately. As a courtesy, however, we opted to keep them on whenever interacting with wait staff.

In general:
  • We were used to our masks after the first day. We often forgot we even had them on.
  • I thought I would be worried about vacation photos with masks, but looking at my pics from the trip, it doesn't bother me or take away from the photos as much as I expected.
  • Bring a set of 3 masks per person to the parks each day, especially on hot days. It feels so good to swap out a sweaty mask for a fresh, dry one.
  • 32 degrees cool masks from COSTCO (or anywhere else you can find them). I cannot recommend these enough. They whisk sweat and keep your breath cool on your face. They were a LIFESAVER for us!
Your pug in the picture is everything... that is all.
Well at 7 and 5, we are working our way through The Magic Treehouse book series among some others. It’s been a rough winter confined indoors but we’re making it work. Toys and scooters and skates indoors, and art projects galore.

I'm really kind of old compared to you... 44. But how about golden books? I fell in love with them as a kid.

EDIT: I used to love going to the bottom floor of the library to check them out. Holy crap I'm old.
Stay off of Facebook! It's the Devil's workshop!

Honestly if it wasn’t for my dad and a couple of really good friends I would get rid of mine. At this point I only stay for them and a couple of private groups that are aggressively moderated and therefore tolerable. The big ones I just read for the train wreck value
We've been to Disney twice the past year. Never had a CM be rude. As others have said, I think the perception of rudeness is often because the person on the receiving end has violated a rule and doesn't like being reprimaded, so they feel defensive. When we were on Star Tours, the CM advised us that we had to keep our masks on after the doors closed. One man promptly took his off when the CM left. Well, the ride shut down and the doors opened again and the manager CM showed up and told the guy VERY FIRMLY that if he took his mask off again, he would be asked to leave the park. Now, might this guy or his family go post on social media about a rude CM? Wouldn't shock me. But, the CMs were not rude. He was clearly and deliberately violating the rules after being warned. I kind of think a lot of these stories are stemming from those kinds of interactions.

Who cares? This person should be stormed and shamed on social media. I personally. would have stood up, refused the ride until he was ejected (yeah I guesss that was funny). but you know what I mean. I'm sick of these knuckleheads.

Edit: These type of people will never learn until a close family member is dead. I don't know how to make the angry face, but "angry face."

ANOTHER EDIT: I truly hope these masks will come down soon. Nobody likes them and I know that I can't comment politically here, but the law is the law. cowboy up and do the right thing.
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I'm probably going to get points for this, but even if it influences one person, I'm OK with that. Pete Werner says "stay out of the damn lakes." I'm saying wear a damn mask. nobody likes it. We're trying to kill a virus that likely will never be killed, just like influenza, but we can try to at least slow it. Put a mask on for now. Don't pull it down when no one is looking, cheaters. Have some values.


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