Hilaria Baldwin

I wonder what will happen next? Being from Spain is her entire shtick. How will she be just a basic white girl from Boston?

She has a severe need for attention, so being off Instagram has to be making her crazy right now. But I'm assuming she can't do that fake accent ever again. And every lie she tells about her heritage is going to be researched. Where does she go from here?
That's how I ran across her too. She kept popping up on my explore feed on IG because of her “controversial” post baby selfies and videos. I did realize she was “Spanish” and that all of her kids have Spanish names including two middle names that are very Spanish.

Amy Schumer recently poked some fun at her in a joking way about her post baby pics.
I knew nothing about her until Amy Schumer poked fun at her perfect body/perfect baby selfie. Then this whole cultural appropriation thing blew up right after that.

I don’t remember Alex Baldwin mistreating his older daughter so I have no opinion on that until I can learn more. I do have to say that the current Baldwin family seems to be quite happy. I don’t begrudge them for it.
I don’t remember Alex Baldwin mistreating his older daughter so I have no opinion on that until I can learn more. I do have to say that the current Baldwin family seems to be quite happy. I don’t begrudge them for it.
There was a recording of Alec Baldwin chewing her out when she was 11.
So what accent does she use when she visits Spain? Snooty rich Boston girl accent won't get her any street cred, neither will the snooty Rich Spanish girl accent.
The only thing I know about Hilaria is that she claimed when she first met Alec, she had no idea who he was. So she didn't act impressed when she first met him. She didn't own a TV and friends had to tell her to Google who Alec was.

Heather Mills did that same thing when she met Paul McCartney. She certainly knew who he was and how much he was worth when she divorced him and tried to take him to the cleaners.

We'll see how it goes with Alec & Hilaria if they ever divorce. Although, he had said that after his horrific divorce from Kim Basinger, that he did make Hilaria sign a pre-nup.
Sounds like Markle and Prince Harry, too.
The only thing I know about Hilaria is that she claimed when she first met Alec, she had no idea who he was. So she didn't act impressed when she first met him. She didn't own a TV and friends had to tell her to Google who Alec was.

Heather Mills did that same thing when she met Paul McCartney. She certainly knew who he was and how much he was worth when she divorced him and tried to take him to the cleaners.

We'll see how it goes with Alec & Hilaria if they ever divorce. Although, he had said that after his horrific divorce from Kim Basinger, that he did make Hilaria sign a pre-nup.

Sounds like Markle and Prince Harry, too.

Too funny - seems to be a winning formula. I remember even as a kid I had a crush on Erik Estrada, star of the TV show CHIPS which was huge at the time. I remember reading in Tiger Beat, or whatever, his wife said she had NO IDEA who he was when they met. Even as a kid my B.S. meter went off loudly.

Why no, Mr. Giant TV Star, Rock Legend and / or actual royal Prince....I simply have no clue who you are! That's refreshing right? Right? :rotfl2:
I just found the voicemail. Yup, he was very angry and said mean things to his child who apparently was repeatedly not picking up the phone to talk to him at the appointed time during a heated divorce.

Where is the anger and vitriol for Kim Bassinger who kept the recording and submitted it as part of her divorce? What about the person who "leaked" it to the media? What about TMZ who posted it?

He was certainly angry and I'm sure that his daughter Ireland was hurt but the continued reference to it in the guise of being concerned for his young daughter has probably done significantly more harm than the initial call itself.
Too funny - seems to be a winning formula. I remember even as a kid I had a crush on Erik Estrada, star of the TV show CHIPS which was huge at the time. I remember reading in Tiger Beat, or whatever, his wife said she had NO IDEA who he was when they met. Even as a kid my B.S. meter went off loudly.
Strangely enough, he wasn't even fluent in Spanish. He supposedly knew a few words that his parents would yell at him, but he claims that he took a crash course before he went to work on a Mexican telenovela.
I just found the voicemail. Yup, he was very angry and said mean things to his child who apparently was repeatedly not picking up the phone to talk to him at the appointed time during a heated divorce.

Maybe she was scared. Maybe he called her a pig in the past. He seemed very comfortable speaking to her like that. She was 11.

Where is the anger and vitriol for Kim Bassinger who kept the recording and submitted it as part of her divorce?

I would absolutely do the same to show the court that man should not be around my 11 year old. At least until he entered an anger management program.
Maybe she was scared. Maybe he called her a pig in the past. He seemed very comfortable speaking to her like that. She was 11.

I would absolutely do the same to show the court that man should not be around my 11 year old.
If it was done in an effort to protect her daughter, it failed miserably. It's probable that Bassinger leaked the phone call herself to use against Baldwin as a weapon and in that she was off the charts successful. People still talk about it and hold it against him.

At least until he entered an anger management program.

I am glad that Baldwin realized that what he said was wrong and got help. I hope that it made him a better father for Ireland and his other children.
I just found the voicemail. Yup, he was very angry and said mean things to his child who apparently was repeatedly not picking up the phone to talk to him at the appointed time during a heated divorce.

Where is the anger and vitriol for Kim Bassinger who kept the recording and submitted it as part of her divorce? What about the person who "leaked" it to the media? What about TMZ who posted it?

He was certainly angry and I'm sure that his daughter Ireland was hurt but the continued reference to it in the guise of being concerned for his young daughter has probably done significantly more harm than the initial call itself.

As I vaguely recall, their protracted divorce & custody proceedings were trotted out in the media by BOTH parties. I doubt Kim was the total innocent, whimpering victim she claimed to be, as SHE was doing some of the trotting out of their sordid details too. It's ironic, as she spent so much of her career trying to prove she was smarter and stronger than just a dumb, weak model-turned-actress.

Baldwin claimed for quite a while that Kim, who had primary custody of Ireland, (during an era when the mother usually 90% of the time was given custody, even if the father was fully capable of parenting too - not saying Baldwin was,) was brainwashing Ireland and turning her against him while she had her so much of the time. So Ireland WOULDN'T answer the phone and such, or want to go with him during scheduled visits.

If someone has tape of Kim doing something similar, I'd be happy to pronounce her a terrible human being as well.
I don't think kids ever really get over stuff like that.

Again, not excusing HIS behavior, but not all abuse is done through yelling and screaming. Children can be messed up for life too though the quieter, repeated degrading of one parent by the other, as the child is used as a pawn and weapon against the other spouse. It happens all. too. often. :( Just because there is no recording of what Kim may have also done to Ireland, as alleged by Baldwin, doesn't mean it wasn't as scarring and abusive.

Well the good thing is, Alec and his daughter seem to have a great relationship now...yes I've checked out both their Instagram accounts lol.

Maybe it's because she finally got to an age to understand the faults and foibles of BOTH of her parents? (And now a third [step]parent?) I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle and BOTH parents took it out on each other, and therefore Ireland. Or she may still be messed up due to one or both of them. Looney seems to be a common theme here.
We'll probably know in the upcoming years, if it comes out due to the type of partners she picks and they turn out to be nuts too. Hopefully, she's gotten some therapy.
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I just found the voicemail. Yup, he was very angry and said mean things to his child who apparently was repeatedly not picking up the phone to talk to him at the appointed time during a heated divorce.

Where is the anger and vitriol for Kim Bassinger who kept the recording and submitted it as part of her divorce? What about the person who "leaked" it to the media? What about TMZ who posted it?

He was certainly angry and I'm sure that his daughter Ireland was hurt but the continued reference to it in the guise of being concerned for his young daughter has probably done significantly more harm than the initial call itself.
People who treat children like that deserve to be put on blast. Let people see who they really are behind closed doors. Abuse and dysfunction thrive in the shadows — bringing it to the light is the only way it might change. If one is left shamed or embarrassed or suffering career consequences due to their abhorrent behavior, so be it. Maybe they’ll learn not to behave that way.
Too funny - seems to be a winning formula. I remember even as a kid I had a crush on Erik Estrada, star of the TV show CHIPS which was huge at the time. I remember reading in Tiger Beat, or whatever, his wife said she had NO IDEA who he was when they met. Even as a kid my B.S. meter went off loudly.

Why no, Mr. Giant TV Star, Rock Legend and / or actual royal Prince....I simply have no clue who you are! That's refreshing right? Right? :rotfl2:

It must be a thing some of them like. On a non-marriage/relationship level, I remember hearing that when actresses were auditioning for Jerry Maguire, that when they'd go in the room and meet Tom Cruise, they all get starry-eyed and act so impressed at meeting him. Whereas, Renee Zellweger went in and treated him as though he was a "normal" person, not a star, and that's why he wanted her.
People who treat children like that deserve to be put on blast. Let people see who they really are behind closed doors. Abuse and dysfunction thrive in the shadows — bringing it to the light is the only way it might change. If one is left shamed or embarrassed or suffering career consequences due to their abhorrent behavior, so be it. Maybe they’ll learn not to behave that way.
Alec never learned. He went from being verbally abusive with his child to being physically abusive with strangers.
I remember her being in The Today Show a couple of years ago maybe. She had just lost a baby. Or she was about to lose the baby. Something like that. I do not remember her having any kind of accent.
There was an odd situation where she never missed a period. But "just knew she was pregnant". And then she said she "Thought she lost a baby" when she got her period. It was strange. She is strange.
She did become pregnant later and did sadly lose the baby.

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