highchairs offered at WDW resorts for rooms?


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
I was wondering if a highchair can be requested to use in a hotel room at the WDW resorts. We will be staying at CBR with DS-9mos. and were wondering if we should purchase a portable booster seat for feedings in the room. If we have to, could anyone recommend one to me? I've looked at the Graco Tot-loc seat, anyone used this one? Does it attatch to most tables? Sorry for the twenty questions! Any info would be appreciated!! Leslie :cool:
We have the Safety first fold up booster seat (http://www.safety1st.com/) - it's excellent. It's pretty bulky when folded, but it would go in a bag.
It can be attached to any chair, or we have used it directly on the floor as a low chair (It is quite low, but it worked fine), and it has a tray table on the front.

When my dd was younger she ate very nicely when in a chair, and not at all when she wasn't, so this was an essential item for us.

I don't know the Tot-loc as I am from the UK, but if it's one that attaches to a table, I would be very wary - the table has to be very very sturdy or it can tip over.

We stayed at the Poly in '99 and they gave us a high chair to use. It was the typical all-one-piece wooden one that most restaurants have. Worked for us. I'm not sure about the other resorts.

I also have the safty first one. I agree it is a little bulky but it folds nice and you can carry it with one hand. I leave one in the trunk of my car for when we go out to eat or over a friends house. It is easy straps to a chair. Michelle
We are staying at Boardwalk Villas in May. We will be getting a high chair for the room. Actually -- when I made the ressie I was asked if I wanted one. I believe all the disney hotels offer them.


DVC Member !
they gave us the wooden kind you find everywhere else in wdw at OKW.

i wouldnt bother buying a booster. if they cant provide you with one, simply feed him in his stroller.


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