

Earning My Ears
Jan 3, 2003
:D HI! I'm Haley and i just signed up cuz i LOVE disney world....but i have no clue the first thing about this whole website thing:confused:....I just wanted to say Hi and i need a lil help!
HOWDY! :wave:

I'm Jules...I hope you enjoy your time here!

what do you need help on exactly? I'll be glad to help you! :)
:wave: Hey, welcome to the DIS!im tiff:wave:
Hey welcome to the DIS I'm Natalie hope you have fun here!!!
Hey! Welcome to the DIS!!!!
Im Jenn!
Feel free to ask any questions! I will be more than glad to try and help ya, and i think everyone else would be too!:jester: :jester:
Hiya Haley! :wave: My name is Maggie, hope you can find your way around these boards. They aren't that hard once you get the hang of it!


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