Hey you August-bound people...


I'm not in the book, you know.
Sep 21, 2003
Our counters are starting to go below the half-year mark! Woo-hooo!

Our trip counter will finally dip below the 180 day mark tomorrow... and after talking to MS last week to get our SSR-part of the trip scheduled, I'm obsessed with our trip all over again!

So butter my buns and call me a biscuit, but don't call me patient... I'm worse than a kid at Christmas, wishing and waiting for summer! :hyper:
We're in the same boat!! The counter is looking better every day. Especially when it's been so cold and icy here!! Bring on the heat and humidity!! We can not wait for our first trip home to BWVs!!!! Who else is going down in August??
:hyper: :hyper: I'm driving my family crazy with the planning and list making!! I can't wait!!!!!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Looks like we're a 50/50 split between BCV and BWV (we're actually hitting BCV on day one, then 8 at BWV and 4 at SSR... it's the first time we've ever switched resorts like that. It may or may not be the LAST... we'll see!)

Of those of you waiting anxiously like me -- how many of you have already gone so far as to get PS charted out (so when that 90 day timeframe hits, you'll already have it mapped out)?

I have our entire stay charted out on EXCEL, and when the weather gets bad (or I get bored/bummed/whatever!) I bring it up and play with it... moving around PS, things we'll do, etc.

AUGGHHHH! I can't wait! How pathetic am I??!?
Count me in, BWV we can't wait. Plus it will be the first time we get to share DVC with anyone as we are bringing my sister and her family.
Me too-can't wait.got our airfare,rental van, and airport limo transportation all confirmed.Now am starting to plan our itinerary.Even though we agreed that it won't be commando style there are still certain must do's like Illuminations cruise and Cirque du Soleil.Will go out this week to Barnes&Noble to buy new Passporter book. My family is used to my "OCDD"(Obsessive-Compulsive-Disney-Disorder) by now. :teeth:
Now my next trick is to annoy them with a million questions about what type of passes to get!:crazy:
I really can't wait for this trip! We have three things we are celebrating!

The biggest is 10 year wedding anniversary, then I will get my very own "It's my birthday today" button on 08/16, and then the other part is graduating from college (not until December, but why not celebrate it early??)

This trip will also be a necessary break. I am going to school full time, including summer. I'm currently taking 16 hours and will get out 5/4 and then I start my 15 hours for summer on 05/07 then I get out of summer on 08/04 and arrive at Disney on 08/07. Then we leave on 08/17 and I start my final semester on 08/23.

I will need this vacation more than I orignally thought. This is also a really special trip for us, because we will be staying at the BWV and this is a place we have wanted to stay at for our last 5 trips.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Can't wait until I see the other DIS members in August!!
We have three trips planned and they are each special and different in there own way.

Aug. 2004 trip is with my Sister and her family (they have never been). We will have 4 adults and 3 kids 11,9 and 7. Should be fun!
Rsschneck, looks like we have similar vacation plans this year! We have not had a vacation in a year, so we luckily before the August one will be going to HH for a week, we cannot wait! We did WDW 2 years ago in August and had a great time. My kids go back to school after Labor Day, and this year it is very late, so we will be there even for the first few days of September.
Just made res yesterday for HH for 9 days in late August.

Given how supposedly crammed that resort is for that entire month, I was amazed I got our first choice of one bedroom for our preferred dates; albeit I ran into some minor problems in the process of making the res.

Specifically, I called right when member services opened at 9; first CM I spoke to told me I wasn't yet within the 7 month timetable for a res that had check-out on September 4.

That wasn't correct (the seven month point was actually from last Wednesday), but I couldn't convince her otherwise, so I hung up and called back to get a different CM. That one understood how a calendar works, and after checking found that indeed a one bedroom was available for our dates. Yeah!!!!

:D Count us in:D

We will be at Vero August 20 - 24.
Then we move to SSR August 24 - 29.

This will be our first trip in August. Come rain or shine, we're ready!!!
Originally posted by mikeymars
...Specifically, I called right when member services opened at 9; first CM I spoke to told me I wasn't yet within the 7 month timetable for a res that had check-out on September 4.

That wasn't correct (the seven month point was actually from last Wednesday), but I couldn't convince her otherwise, so I hung up and called back to get a different CM. That one understood how a calendar works, and after checking found that indeed a one bedroom was available for our dates. Yeah!!!!


that sounds incredibly frustrating...when did she think the correct date was? Before hanging up did you ask to speak to a supervisor? People not doing their job correctly are a threat to all of us, so I am a bit concerned that this one was allowed to just "get away with it."

MinnieFan4ever, see you there in August (we'll be the crew with the two red-headed kids (girl, 10, boy, 7).

Paul, you have a good point, I could have (and probably should have) asked to speak to a supervisor.

However, I was concerned (as it turns out, too much so) about making the res ASAP (given how full the resort supposedly is at that time) and fell back on my prior experiences dealing with the service staff of large bureaucratic organizations on the phone, ergo:

"if for any reason you're not 100% comfortable with the person you're dealing with, just hang up and call back. You'll inevitably get somebody else who in all likelihood be better."


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