Here at the Carousel - SSR on the fly!

Big thanks to everyone who has left me a note. I appreciate them all! I will answer questions, but need to get to bed pretty soon here.

Thanks so much for the trip info and have fun!! Sounds like you already are!
We finally got blasted with some snow last night --6 inches--our grass was showing!!

16 days to go!!:yay:
I have not gone over to the new section yet - I can see that there is a red and white building over there that looks like it's about done, and I heard a rumor from one of the bell staff that the Grandstand is ahead of schedule and will likely be ready for occupancy in March - of course, I guess that we've heard that on here too, so it may be that he got his info from here, too. ;)

Yesterday went much better for us - we had a harder time that first day because we went in without a strategy, but yesterday went much better for us. We are traveling with these good friends of ours who probably won't be back to WDW for several years and are having a harder time slowing down because we keep wanting to meet up with them. Yesterday, though, my 3 year old and I left the park rather than wait in line for the backlot tour or get a spot for the parade, so I think we're getting there. I kept thinking how I'd rather be at the pool!

I rode the Tower of Terror with my friend yesterday. It was my first time. I rode it mostly so as not to be my mother (with whom we traveled in October, and who said, in MGM, "I like the rides better than the shows" when presented with the chance to see Beauty and the Beast with the kids and my grandma while I rode RnRC and possibly ToT with my stepdad. So then they wasted the fastpasses that I had gotten and didn't ride either one. Just chickened out after the preshow and looked at RnRC from the outside and decided it didn't look like something she wanted to ride - I am not sure how you can tell that from a building, but whatever). I laughed the whole time on the ToT and am grinning a big grin in the photo. I didn't buy it but took a bad picture of the screen.

Well, I'd better get ready for the morning. Early, early breakfast at Crystal Palace today!

Oh, and the carousel is growing on me. It IS quite a hike, for sure, but I figure that anywhere we stay after this is going to feel nice and close. However, we did stay at Ft. Wilderness last January and I must say that this resort is MUCH more manageable on foot that Ft. Wilderness.

Here are a few photos, for your edification. More to come later.

Our gorgeous fountain with the gazebo in the background:

One of the horses on the picnic gazebo

The courtyard of the closer-to-Paddock building

View walking toward the Carousel buildings:

View from the top of one of the stairwells:

High Rock Springs at night, just for fun:
Great pictures! The resort is really looking beautiful.
Glad you enjoyed ToT. It's one of my favorites.

Hope you enjoy your breakfast at CP!
Thanks for the trip report. I love reading it. I am homesick for my SSR. Going again for my 57th birthday in Feb. The rooms are not as large as OKW, but they are so beautiful and NEW! I think that as the landscape matures, SSR will be just lovely. Have a wonderful rest of your vacation and thanks again for taking time to give all of us back home a remembrance.
Thank you for the pictures!! Looks like you are having lovely weather. Soak it in for us!!
I enjoyed reading your live report! Maybe we will cross paths this week! (and not even know it ;))
I enjoyed reading your live report! Maybe we will cross paths this week! (and not even know it ;))

Perhaps so! Keep your eye out for a mom with a lime green baggalini with a LGMH on the front pocket zipper-pull and a red Macclaren stroller with a fabric paint decorated canopy and a LGMH on the frame!
Thanks for the pictures! Can't wait to actually see it for myself!
Glad you are having a great time! Looking forward to the next installment! Keep those pictures coming!:goodvibes
OK, I really am sorry to cause so much homesickness. However, I can't just stop now, can I? There are lots of great things about this resort that often get mentioned in trip reports. You can just ASSUME those as true for me as well. :-) I am now going to post a few non-obvious things that I have decided I really like about Saratoga Springs.

1. The bus stops are cleverly designed to accomodate TWO bus pick ups at the same time. I don't know that this is unique to SSR, but it was not the case at POFQ or OKW. I will have take a picture to illustrate this.

2. The landscaping, being a series of formal gardens invites a contemplative stroll or a relaxing repose on a well placed bench....not that I have seen a whole lot of people doing this, but it's what I want to do!

3. The wildlife is just everywhere - and again, maybe this is true elsewhere, but in addition to the little lizards I saw at POFQ last year, I have seen more plump little toads than I would believe! At least one or two on pretty much every venture out of the room in the evening. We have also seen rabbits, swans and - forgive my lack of ornithological accuracy, one of those big white water birds - a heron or an egret, not sure which, just walking along near the sidewalk.

4. Even from the Carousel, walking from DTD's West Side only takes a half an hour at a relaxed pace, and it's a very nice walk along the Paddock water feature.

Ack - I have to get these guys moving - 1900 Park Fair in just a little bit!
LOVE LOVE the pics. I can't wait to get there:hourglass , I am sick :crazy2: of winter!!! :sad:

Ooh it just makes the trip even better knowing how cold it is here!
Corrinna, with that description, you would be hard to miss!:goodvibes

Now you are making me homesick, and I just left last week!

Do you cross the footbridge of the Paddocks from the Carousel or do you follow the far right path around the Springs to the main bldg?

We were in Congress Park, but in the mornings we would take walks around the resort and DTD. On crossing the bridge, we discovered we could see small fish and around noon we could see the huge bass in the lake too. Dh and the boys got a kick out of that! We went 1 last time to see them before we left:sad:

I know what you mean about all the gardens and benches. I joked with DH that when he got old (a whole 5 years older than me), I was gonna drop him off on one of those benches with a bag of popcorn to feed the ducks! :rotfl2:

We also saw 6 swans over on the Paddock Lake. Last year there were only 2.

Thanks for posting while on your trip, and telling what's good in the neighborhood! Cant wait to read more!
The wildlife is just everywhere

It's true! In fact, last month at our stay in the CP section, we looked out at the trees at the end of our building and their was a bald eagle in the pine trees!! Very cool! (Don't have a picture to share from my camera - maybe I can get one from my in-laws....)

Anyway, great pictures! I especially love the ones taken in the evening and at night....WDW does a great job with lighting and your pictures really capture that!:thumbsup2
The landscaping, being a series of formal gardens invites a contemplative stroll or a relaxing repose on a well placed bench....not that I have seen a whole lot of people doing this, but it's what I want to do!

This is exactly why we are going back. Our trip last month was so exhausting. We never got the chance to enjoy the resort! DH and I love strolling around the resorts. Excellent pictures! Thanks so much. You can post more if you want. (hint hint)
Just a few notes back. I have never done this before, so I am trying to get the hang of it....on the fly, of course. ;)

bsusanmb: as I was walking around today, I imagined how the trees would look in 5 or 10 years and I think it is just going to be amazing. I mean, it is attractive now, and they didn't skimp on the trees - the put in really fairly large trees, considering. At the same time, we were noting that the patios on the 1st floor units were unlikely to be mostly obscured by greenery in the future due to the groomed and formal nature of the landscaping, in contrast to the more lush-style landscaping around Old Key West, where we had a first floor room on our last (and at the same time first trip) - not that there is anything wrong with that! Viva la difference!

lazydazy8,: Thanks for reading and the good wishes - we are having a great time and I'm glad to share a little bit of that good feeling with all of you.

GinaMattsMom Stop reminding me! LOL - I am going back there soon enough! LOL - seriously, I love the great North, but I saw that the weather there is about 70 degrees lower than it is here, and it is TOO sad a thought right at the moment to think about going home to that!!

LIFERBABE: Ha! Do you think I would be hard to miss? Don't other people write on the top of their stroller canopies and carry loud bags with pilfered paint chips tied on? Yeah, I guess they don't. :rolleyes1 I am officially over the edge.....

So far we have done both, though I have done the path around the springs a little more, I would say. The bridge is fun, though, and I think I might like the slightly longer distance with the bridge better than the slightly shorter walk without the bridge.

I will be sure to look for the fish next time we go over that bridge in the daytime. You had me cracking up about putting your husband on a bench with popcorn!:hourglass popcorn::

nhdisnut: An eagle! That's amazingly cool. Here's a wildlife photo of the springs for you!


Also, thank you for your kind words! I do love photographing in the morning and evening. You are so right about the lighting at Disney - it's all so carefully designed and artfully carried out. I have a degree in theater with the focus on design and tech, and I am constantly in awe of how lovely they make everything with light, and how technically perfect it appears to be. It's always jarring to go back to the real world where the lights (and everything)aren't designed for maximum beauty and effect.

DisneyFreaks I am glad you are enjoying my photos - I will post more. :goodvibes I am about theme-parked out. We have had some fun times with our friends and the kids have gotten to ride a lot of rides, but I think I'd just like to spend a couple of days taking it easy now. :rotfl: And just maybe I will! :) It is interesting to hear that that is something you actually regretted enough about your lasts trip to plan another trip (not that one needs regrets to plan another trip!

I will see about posting some more photos tomorrow. Here's one to hold you until then! :)
Today was truly "Mardi Gras" for us even though it's a little early and we aren't staying at the French Quarter at all this trip: We had two character meals planned, largely because today was our friend's day at Magic Kingdom and our favorite character meals seem to be over in that neighborhood.

It was misty this morning, which, of course, made for some amazing photo opportunities:

My family started the day with breakfast at Crystal Palace at 8:05am. Our friends had a slightly later breakfast at Ohanna. Ours was delicious and the kids had a good time and ate pretty well. We decided to split up and I took the 3 year (Henceforth Mr. Little) old to do his stuff and my husband and 8 year old (Henceforth Mr. Tall) went off to ride BTMRR twice and Haunted mansion and I actually forget if they did anything else. The little guy and I rode Dumbo, Tomorrowland Slow-way (including a stalled out vehicle ahead of us), Got fastpasses for Space Mountain, rode Peter Pan, and played in the Pooh play area. Then we went over for the opening of Toontown at 10am. We rode the barnstormer a couple of times and the kids played in the Donald's boat area. I have taken to dressing them in swim trunks with either a regular shirt or a water shirt, and a change of dry clothes in the backpack. Oh, and crocs, so if they want to get wet in these water play areas, I can totally let them. (I decided this after Mr. Tlal wore a poncho on Kali River Rapids and was nice and dry, and then got fully drenched in the little fountain play area just afterwards.)

Anyhow, after that, we took the train around to Frontier Land, where I rode BTMRR with the tall-enough-child, and DH took the little guy on a mission to get Jungle Cruise Fastpasses before playing in the little play area under Splash Mountain. My nervous little boy is getting into the mild thrills, apparently, and it is so nice to see his confidence growing.

Then we flouted the familial curse of Tom Sawyer Island! It is a family joke that whenever you go to Tom Sawyer Island, something goes very wrong. When I went with my mom in 1987, my 10 year old sister had a total meltdown on Tom Sawyer Island. It is the stuff of legend - almost as much as the time my brother tried to get killed by changing seats with my sister on World of Motion after we were already in our cars or the time he stopped in the middle of the pathway in World Showcase, China, I think it was, stooped down and refused to budge from that spot. Our only trip, 3 days, I think it was. Anyhow, last January, I took both boys to Tom Sawyer Island without my DH. It was a hot, sticky day, Mr Little was asleep in the sling and Mr Tall and I couldn't find eachother for a few minutes there, and I felt totally miserable and helpless. Luckily, he turned up fairly quickly and was fine, but the "find a cast member" plan doesn't work so great on TSA because they just aren't so plentiful over there. It is the lack of shops, I think. I think that the cursse is actually that if you go over to Tom Sawyer Island with fewer adults than kids, you WILL be sorry.

We went today with both adults and both kids, and my older son took great care that we all stayed together and he was on his best behavior. We were so happy when we stepped onto the dock back at Frontier Land with nothing terrible having happened!

After that, we went and rode that Jungle Cruise - our friends had called us about the time that we left Toontown, but they had arrived later and were wanting to do the rides in Fantasyland.

We rode the Jungle cruise and I wish I had a picture of our captain (silly me!) but I did get his autograph. Skipper Ryan was cute and funny and we all had a great time.

We went over to Tomorrowland in hopes of meeting up with our friends. I took Mr. Little on TTA while DH took Mr. Tall on Space Mountain - I was surprised that Mr. Tall wanted to go, but he had been considering it ever since he decided he loved BTMRR. And he rode it and LOVED it. Meanwhile, I called our friends to tell them that there was a 5 minute wait for Buzz posted, so they came down and rode that (We didn't really want to, for some reason) and then we all had some icecream together before my family left the park for a nice break. The kids all got Itsakadoozies, and BOY, was it a Kadoozie! And also a mess, because of the steamy weather, they were melting all over the place.

We had a LOVELY rest and then trucked off to 1900 Park Fair, and I wished we had left 20 minutes earlier. I won't go into the transportation, but I didn't actually allow quite enough time and we were 5 or 10 minutes late. Our friends talked to the people at the podium, though, and it seems to have been fine.

This was our second big-all-together meal this trip. The problem came when they wanted all the kids on the outside for the characters. My two kids can barely keep their hands off eachother when seated next to eachother, but there was no way to arrange things so that the two younger kids were near an adult and the two older kids weren't seated by eachother (They have been winding eachother up pretty badly on this trip), and finally, I took a seat between my two boys and made Mr. Tall get up and walk around to the characters when they came by. We LOVED that meal - the buffet was a good choice for vegetarians as there were many good selections. The Soups were probably the highlight - the Strawberry soup and Cream of Mushroom were like liquid heaven.

The characters at this meal were amazing, as well. Perla, one of the mice, came over and was playing with our friends - smelling their food and "getting drinks" from their little girl's cup. Then Cinderella and Prince Charming came over to talk with us. Mr. Little is really into the princesses at the moment - when he sees Cinderella or Little Mermaid, he always gets really excited and comments "Oh! That Cinderella! I like her!!!" But the fact is, he usually clams up around characters, and when he's really into something in the theme parks, he gets all quiet and takes EVERYTHING in. During the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show yesterday, he spotted the costume-change compromise they had to make and quietly asked me: "Why she is wearing a SHIRT!?!" Well, it's so she could be transformed from a mermaid into a girl wearing a blue dress, but I was amazed he noticed her costume incongruity.

Anyway, he was actually smiling and pleased as could be with Cinderella. He didn't say anything much to her besides his name, but be was smiling and captivated the entire time she was visiting us.

We all went back to the Magic Kingdom to ride a couple last rides and see wishes. It was not epecially remarkable, though we were all going to ride POTC together and a little way into the line, Mr. Tall says he has to go to the bathroom. Now he had gone when we left the Grand Floridian, but he insisted, so DH took him, which I promptly felt guilty about, but it really is easier for him to take him than for me, given his age and all. Well, there will always be another time for them to ride it. They ducked out an exit, that apparently led backstage. :eek: and went through a door that said "No Smoking" and it led to...the park!

After that, we trucked over to a truly mediocre spot near Liberty Square for Wishes. It was off to the side and largely blocked by foliage. Mr. Tall was really distressed about not being able to see well, so I grabbed his hand and I led him over into the edge of the masses (what would TGM say???) - there were people, but he was much happier with the view and gave me a big kiss on the cheek afterward. We rejoined the group and exited the park in a liesurely fashion. I ticked off Mr. Little on the way out of the MK because I took him into the bathroom. Ah, three year olds. Later I gave away "his" seat on the bus to a man holding a toddler, but he didn't melt down over that, thank goodness. We passed by a car accident on the way back to the resort - a white van or SUV on its roof - the police and ambulences were there. I hope everyone involved is OK.

Tomorow - break day for us and Epcot in the morning for our friends. My husband and I hope to make it over to the Adventurer's Club for the first time, but it is going to depend on a lot of factors. I always want to go there, and it seems like it just never happens.
Those pictures make me so envious, while I sit here all bundled up by the fire trying to stay warm. We had a little snow storm here today in the Northwest and it is somewhere in the teens!
Keep it coming!
Brother I can sleep on a concrete if I were tired enough, and let me tell you, After freaking out in the parks and gladly hitting every ride and seeing each act or show for the 5th 6th and 10th time I hit the pull out bed and pass out. But don't use me as an example, I have been told by my wife that I am much to similar to a sleeping Grizzly Bear.
Hope this help
3. The wildlife is just everywhere - and again, maybe this is true elsewhere, but in addition to the little lizards I saw at POFQ last year, I have seen more plump little toads than I would believe! At least one or two on pretty much every venture out of the room in the evening. We have also seen rabbits, swans and - forgive my lack of ornithological accuracy, one of those big white water birds - a heron or an egret, not sure which, just walking along near the sidewalk.

Corinna I just had to add how wonderful it was seeing all the wildlife at the resort. Be on the lookout for a cute little otter. DD and I were walking to AP one morning and saw something at the edge of one of the ponds. It took a while to figure out what it was but we were finally able to see enough of it to see that it was an playful otter sticking his head out. We watched him swim and play for quite a while before heading on our way.

Something I've never seen at Disney before!
Thanks for the pics!! The castle looked especially beautiful.
Two weeks from today I'll be at SSR !!:cool1:
P.S. It's much warmer today--almost 25!
Gotta get back to work! :laundy:

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