help with peak/ off-peak seasons?


Earning My Ears
Aug 3, 2000
i am trying to plan a trip for the end of march begining of april and can't quite decide as i don't know where "the line" is for peak season vs. off-peak season, can you help me? i want to plan it for an off peak season but with st. patrick's day and easter falling in that time frame i don't know what week to choose, help???? thanks!
I can tell you that Mar.23,01-Apr.7,01 is peak and is costing me a bundle, $2000. extra over my budget!

Southwest cheap airfares end 3/15/01 till 4/15/01. :eek: :eek:

You might want to consider a different time to go to WDW.


The Disney website has peak time listed as Feb 15th through April 28th. Sorry, for the bad news.
Picking another time would make a huge difference.


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