Help-overwhelmed need advice


<font color=green> I think I could adjust!! <br><f
Mar 11, 2002
Okay, my family of 5 is going to Orlando Dec 1-11 or 12. For the 1-8 we are staying at Vistana Villages on a timeshare exchange. Had hoped to extend our stay there with a nightly rate but the best rate I am finding at this point is $182 per night and that is NOT in the budget!

So, what are the recommendations people have for those three or four nights. I need at least one totally separate bedroom as we have a toddler who won't go to sleep if he can see anyone else, especially at naptime. My preference would really be two bedrooms. The full kitchen is not a deal breaker, but we'll need a small fridge at least to store milk. I would like to keep the price around $100 a night.

I am open to houses but there is just so much out there, I can't even straighten it out! I'd be willing to even listen to a timeshare pitch, but most of them exclude MN residents and that's where we're from.

How long do you think I should wait and watch the prices for VV? Anyone think it's likely to come down before early Dec?

Thanks for the help!

Do you have the entertainment card?

I think you could get into a 2 br unit at the Vistana Resort for around $100 at that time of year with ent. discount..

It is worth a shot anyway. This is the older sister resort to the vistana villages.

Also, check the the Summerfield Suites by Wyndham. They also cary the enetertainment raate and have 2 brs.

p.m. me if nothing works out and you need more help.

Herc. is quoting the VV at $153.90 for your dates, a LITTLE less but not much.

On the other hand they have the Vistana RESORT for 118.90 for a two bedroom.

BTW, I will be down for the same dates for DISCon!
Hi Disneymom,
I stayed the last time at Emerald Island Resort, it was by far the best place I have ever stayed, definately within your budget.
You can get a 3 bed unit at that time for $100 or less.
Try this web site Emerald Island
Good luck,
Hi! Just checked Hotel Kingdom and the reates are $98.00 for a 1 bedroom and $120.00 for a 2 bedroom!

Another option is They have Orange Lake listed and that is a GREAT resort. You bid like you do e-bay. Read the FAQ and you should be able to get all the info you need. Remember with them, there is a $195.00 fee/week on top of your bid price. My SIL used skyauction and it went like a dream.
Okay, I have been web searching since my post earlier today and ended up finding with a rate of $128 a night for that time period at V V. So I did the rate champion thing at hotel kingdom and YES!! the rate is now $120 per night. That is cool. Now I just have to wait for my $10 credit voucher # and I can book it. I really am relieved to not have to switch resorts! Now I just have to hope we can stay in the same condo for the whole time!
Forget the $10.00. Just book it. It could go up in price again and you'll be paying more that $10.00 for the week.
yep, I decided that after I posted!! Got it all set--even booked the 12th too. Figured I'd take the chance for a $10 change fee that we'll want that extra night. Wow--11 days in the WDW area. We have never stayed so long and i am so excited!
We stayed at V V a few years back, it is very beautiful there! We felt like we we're " rich" staying in such a nice place, we've used hotel kingdom a few times now and never had any problems. Have Fun!...goof


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