HELP - I'm confused - Should we rent a car or not?


Feb 19, 2001
We have ressies at the HIFS in November and were not planning on renting a car but instead planning on using Tiffany for transportation from the airport to the hotel(which for seven of us would cost about $90.00 round trip) and using the shuttles(which I've heard a quite reliable at HIFS - if you're heard differently, please let me know)to get from the hotel to Disney. We are a group of seven people and so would have to rent a minivan to transport all of us and I think would definitely save money by not renting a vehicle. HOWEVER, my kids expressed some interest in going to Universal and it seems that our only option for getting there without a car would be to use Mears which I'm told could cost us $20.00 per person round trip. We could just skip Universal altogether and stick with Disney only. I'm just SO confused right now! Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Julie :) <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
That is a tough question for 7 people because renting the minivan can be more expensive. We have 5 and went the rental car route getting a full-size for only $135 for a week all taxes and fees included. That is only slighly more than the Tiffany van w/ tip included. Our rental is for National's Emerald Aisle where it is "possible" you could have a minivan available for the full-size rate. Others may be able to give you an idea of your chances for getting a minivan on EA but that would be a gamble since you really need the van. Check out the Transportation Board for information on Emerald Aisle and other rental car company discounts. Having a vehicle would certainly be more flexible for you staying offsite as you could come and go as you pleased - but you also then have to add in the $6 per day for parking


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