Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Question of the Day for June 21st:

We are still in the UK today and are moving from the tea shop to the Rose and Crown Pub. While this has a restaurant portion, it also holds up the tradition of British public houses and has a lovely old fashioned bar:


So, let's talk adult drinks today! While alcohol may have a number of not so healthy effects, it also has something very weight loss related: calories! So, how do you deal with alcohol while trying to lose weight? None at all, a little on occasion? What drinks are harder to resist then others? Have you found any satisfying substitutes for adult drinks?

OMG I feel like the super lush of the group haha! I usually have 3-5 cocktails on the weekend and 1-2 glasses of wine during the week. I've mentioned on here before (maybe a few months ago) that alcohol is a huge cultural thing for both mine and DH's families. It's just customary for us to get together and have drinks on the weekend-- and it's so hard for me to say no. I have gotten better at refusing at my family's house but I almost always accept at the in-laws house because, let's be honest, they can stress me out! On a hot humid Florida summer day by the pool (at the in-laws), I absolutely cannot resist a gin and tonic. I've tried diet tonic and it tastes disgusting. It's a corner I cannot cut-- try as I may. To try to cut back on the calories, I will occasionally just have a gin martini straight up, but that goes to my head too fast. If anyone could invent "diet" gin, I would be in hog heaven!!!

Now that I am writing this all out, I don't even think I drank this much in college---- DH's family is definitely a bad influence in this department!!!
OMG I feel like the super lush of the group haha! I usually have 3-5 cocktails on the weekend and 1-2 glasses of wine during the week.

It just means you're the life of the party - you're our fun friend in thread ;)


I've been reading about the Frozen ride opening chaos today and just blown away at the insanity. 300+ minute standby queues and multiple ride breakdowns. At one point cast members handed out free Mickey bars and ice water. Wow.

I was thinking about going on the ride in December, but I think I may skip that entire side of EPCOT and once we hit Italy just take a Friendship Boat back to the front of the lake or just walk backwards. May be time to avoid Norway like the plague. Lines already out to China and Mexico.

You're not alone there Courney - It doesn't take much for me either!

I'm really not a big drinker. I'll have the occasional drink, but it's so infrequent that I just consider it a treat and don't worry about it.

I with you Sarah - I don't worry about it either as it is not regular.

I drank in my younger years but have always had a limit compared to my friends - I just used to hit a wall where I would end up sick and in bed lol while the parties went on without me - and believe me it wasn't all that much that I had anyway. So I learned to sit on a drink longer and really pace myself otherwise what was the point? It was no fun at all anyway. I used to have social drinks on the weekend similar to you @Lady Marie and 1-2 through the week. My parents still have a drink each afternoon at the end of the day. I suppose things started changing for me a bit more when I had kids - I still had social drinks but less - then when I found myself on my own - I didn't see the point in having a drink on my own at the end of the day - plus the end of the day is a busy time with kids, dinner, bath, bed. I also, thought that as I was the only one in the house I needed to be able to respond to anything the kids needed and if I had to drive somewhere with them or for them well when your the only driver you can't be drinking. Also, I found that drinking can affect my anxiety at times - its related to the physiological changes I can feel in my body as some alcoholic drinks take effect - and rather than relax me it triggers my anxiety. It can be really unexpected too - I remember having a fabulous weekend with the kids at our Sea World on the Gold Coast - they had swum with the dolphins and we were having dinner in the restaurant - I got them a jug of soft drink and I thought why not I will have a glass of wine for a treat - well after only a few sips I was on the verge of a panic attack - so not what I expected!

When out for a special evening or on an island holiday I must admit I do enjoy a fancy cocktail!
LadyMarie, I'm sitting right here beside you :teeth:

We used to be more social seasonal drinkers, then we became empty nesters and discovered Tito's vodka on the Alaska cruise, and Moscow mules in Seattle. I actually do like diet tonic, and I've traded in wine for titos and diet tonic or diet soda of some kind.
Question of the Day for June 21st:

We are still in the UK today and are moving from the tea shop to the Rose and Crown Pub. While this has a restaurant portion, it also holds up the tradition of British public houses and has a lovely old fashioned bar:


So, let's talk adult drinks today! While alcohol may have a number of not so healthy effects, it also has something very weight loss related: calories! So, how do you deal with alcohol while trying to lose weight? None at all, a little on occasion? What drinks are harder to resist then others? Have you found any satisfying substitutes for adult drinks?
I ate at Rose and Crown during one of my trips last year, for the first time in probably 10 years. I have to say I didn't enjoy it. I was seated at a strangely situated table kind of right inside the door and not really part of the dining room - the pub, and considerable pub noise, was right behind me. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I rarely drink, partly because of growing up in an alcoholic household but also because I'd rather spend those calories on cake. Discovering the ice cream martini and rum infused dole whips opened up a whole new world to me. Every once in a while I do try a cocktail if something really interesting is offered, but it's rare.

I'm having a really off day today. I'm losing a lot of hair right now and the only thing I can think of is not getting enough protien. So I tested chicken yesterday to see if I could tolerate it since it has always been my go to protien. I still don't tolerate it and ended up coming home from work early and sleeping for four hours. Still feeling rummy (see what I did there...) but hope to have a good pilates session in a couple hours.
I'm having a really off day today. I'm losing a lot of hair right now and the only thing I can think of is not getting enough protien. So I tested chicken yesterday to see if I could tolerate it since it has always been my go to protien. I still don't tolerate it and ended up coming home from work early and sleeping for four hours. Still feeling rummy (see what I did there...) but hope to have a good pilates session in a couple hours.

Sending you lots of hugs and pixie dust. I'm sorry to hear that you're having an off day and you're losing hair. Sometimes it's due to natural shedding but yes, it can be due to protein. Is there another type of protein you can try?
When out for a special evening or on an island holiday I must admit I do enjoy a fancy cocktail!

To be honest glass of prosecco felt fancy to me. I was out with girls for lunch this and I went for a prosecco, they went for belinis. They all agreed that actually the prosecco is nicer and ordered prosecco on round 2 (which I skipped). I really didn't miss them at all and on all my previous holidays I drank cocktails.

But I am away on vacation at least 4 weeks each year. I have 2/3 meals out most weeks and we go out a lot in December so if I don't watch it it's just too many special occasions. I looked into my MFP in the last 3 years and I have gone through 3 full cycles of weight loss and gain all linked to vacations or December holiday season so if I want to enjoy the lifestyle I have including meals out and holidays without spending my life on diet I had to make some choices on what I view as special

Ireland is drinking culture but with over 64% either overweight or obese in Ireland if I go with what the culture is I will be in the majority group. I have no problem saying no lately.

But the truth test will be my October Orlando holiday! This will be the truth test on have I really learned my lessons

But you have to be able to say yes to things you want to without guilt and knowing how to balance it, right? You can't be miserable, that' wont work.
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I am not saying that opting for cocktail is bad, I hope it didn't come this way!

I am just saying that I felt it's very indulgent to buy 2 bikinis with 2 days left for my holiday and felt I am really treating myself well. It's just other type of fancy I plan to opt for
I'm losing a lot of hair right now and the only thing I can think of is not getting enough protien

Sorry to hear you are having an off day - I remember when my daughter was younger we were sitting at the table and she rubbed her eye and lots of eyelashes came out also around this time I remember a big chunk of hair coming out also - if I sent her to her room for being in trouble she would fall sound asleep - off the to doctor we went and it was Iron deficiency - so it may the type of protein you need - can you/do you eat red meat or pork? Maybe have your iron levels checked.

To be honest glass of prosecco felt fancy to me. I was out with girls for lunch this and I went for a prosecco, they went for belinis. They all agreed that actually the prosecco is nicer and ordered prosecco on round 2 (which I skipped). I really didn't miss them at all and on all my previous holidays I drank cocktails.

Ok don't laugh at me but I had to google Presecco! Now I know what you are drinking.

But you have to be able to say yes to things you want to without guilt and knowing how to balance it, right? You can't be miserable, that' wont work.

I agree yes as much as we are working hard to be healthier there are times we can say yes without the guilt - we still have to enjoy ourselves otherwise that's not healthy either.

I am not saying that opting for cocktail is bad, I hope it didn't come this way!

I am just saying that I felt it's very indulgent to buy 2 bikinis with 2 days left for my holiday and felt I am really treating myself well. It's just other type of fancy I plan to opt for

I think having whatever drink we enjoy on vacation or special night out can be an indulgent treat - yes cocktails can have more calories but I have them that rarely It doesn't worry me. And lucky you with your bikinis and working out ways to have a treat and still be bikini ready - I haven't bought one in years lol - man I used rock a bikini in my younger skinnier days aaahhhh.
My last pair I bought summer 2013 in Orlando when my 2010 bikini fell apart! I hate swimsuit shopping usually but felt great buying them this time! 3 and half new bikinis in less then a month, we don't live in sunny destination at all????

It's cheap champagne but in some cases I actually prefer prosecco and I don't like cava. But they are all basically white sparkling wine (french, Italian, Spanish).
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I really need to improve on my water. I have been drinking a lot of tea in the last couple of weeks. I like a tea with milk in the morning after breakfast. It helps me not to snack as much. I am on a herbal kick now. I have one called Passion and it has hibiscus in it which is supposed to help bring down blood pressure. I also like to start the day the day with a glass of water with lemon in it. And in the evening if my stomach is upset I will have water with apple cider vinegar, honey and ginger. It really has helped me stay away from tuns.

It has been a pretty quiet day. I just finished the squares for a quilt I am working on, just going down to press them and then I can put the top together. Pork chops have been defrosted and I just need to make stuffing and some veggie.

Dh has been dozing on and off. On our trip to Wichita he had a spell of vertigo. Since then he has felt off so he went to the doctor and he has an ear infection. The second one in three months. But to help the vertigo he is taking sea sick medication which is making him sleepy. The last couple of days we have been at parties and he was able to stay awake because he was talking to people but today it is just me and the dog so he has been taking it easy and dozing off and on. I am hoping this clears up soon.

Have a happy and healthy day

PS Pamela, Happy belated birthday

Sorry that DH hasn't been well. I occasionally get a round of vertigo, but I've never noticed it connected to an ear infection. But it is disconcerting! I often get it after I've traveled a lot... especially air travel. I pray he is better today!

Love to see pictures of all of these quilts! Thanks for the birthday blessings!!

I love that tea shop!

Pamela happy belated birthday! I feel your grad party stress, time for a to-do list for your son maybe!? Just remember you are your worst critic, everyone will have a great time and nobody will notice a weed

Lots of kudos to everyone here seems like June is become a very successful month! Just a quick reading check in before I'm off to the gym and then an outside day at my friends lake house. I'm continuing to do well on getting the workouts in, not so well on my food journaling goals and the scale hasn't budged for it

How about 1000 weeds???:rolleyes1 But I understand what you are saying! "Let it Go" will be my theme song for the next 3 days! And YES, DS also took these three days off of work with me to work here at home... and I left him a nice list for when I was at my WW meeting yesterday evening. And thanks for the birthday wishes!!

Hope the lake house day(s) are fun!!

Question of the Day for June 21st:

We are still in the UK today and are moving from the tea shop to the Rose and Crown Pub. While this has a restaurant portion, it also holds up the tradition of British public houses and has a lovely old fashioned bar:

So, let's talk adult drinks today! While alcohol may have a number of not so healthy effects, it also has something very weight loss related: calories! So, how do you deal with alcohol while trying to lose weight? None at all, a little on occasion? What drinks are harder to resist then others? Have you found any satisfying substitutes for adult drinks?

I'm not a big drinker, but as you all know, I occasionally enjoy a light beer..... I really like beer! I used to enjoy a glass of sweet wine once in a while, but I'm not enough of a wine lover that it is worth the calories to me. And my go-to mixed drink is a good margarita.... but I never have them at home. I used to bring them on vacation to the lake, but since we now have a family member along who has an addiction issue, we have a "dry" vacation.

On a more indulgent week I may have TWO beers on the weekend....but I often stick with just one. If this tells you anything about how little we drink (especially hard liquor), we had a housewarming party when we moved here 22 years ago..... and we did a full bar (it was an all-adults party). We still have bottles of that liquor left!! Scotch, rum, vodka, and Kahlua.... does that stuff go bad? It is in a little-used cabinet above my fridge.

The Rose and Crown is such a cute restaurant :lovestruc

As for the drinking -- I'm not much of a drinker so it wasn't hard to pretty much quit this. However I had my first alcoholic drink of the year at my Grad Dinner and let me tell you... LIGHTWEIGHT AHOY. I was having a ~great~ time after one drink and was so happy. :P

I guess giving up something that isn't a big part of your diet isn't too difficult. If you asked me to give up Ice Cream 100%, I'd come after you with a spoon!

You already said it, but I was going to say we would call you a "cheap date"!!

My drinking has gone down a lot since I started the diet. I wasn't a huge drinker to begin with, maybe 4-6 beers a week during football season and 2-3 a week during the offseason. I would say I might have two a month now. It's just not worth the extra calories right now for me.

We do have a couple of vacations coming up which will test my willpower. We are doing a long weekend next weekend in Cleveland. Going to hit Cedar Point one day, the Rock and Roll HOF one day, and the Pro Football HOF the last day on our way back. I might have a drink or two at the House of Blues for dinner Saturday night, but it shouldn't be bad calorie wise.

At the end of July we are going down to Orange Beach for a week. This will be tough. Beach = beers!!! I'm going to do my best not to gain that week, but I'm also going to enjoy myself too. We'll see what happens.

It's been a tough couple days. I haven't been able to run for the past few days due to a non running injury and it's driving me crazy. I can't really do anything physical which stinks. I'm actually doing better today, so I'm hoping maybe tonight or tomorrow I can get at it again. It's nothing that I can injure more or anything, it's just a pain tolerance thing. At least the scale hasn't gone up which I guess is a good thing! Sorry you are injured!

I ate at Rose and Crown during one of my trips last year, for the first time in probably 10 years. I have to say I didn't enjoy it. I was seated at a strangely situated table kind of right inside the door and not really part of the dining room - the pub, and considerable pub noise, was right behind me. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I rarely drink, partly because of growing up in an alcoholic household but also because I'd rather spend those calories on cake. Discovering the ice cream martini and rum infused dole whips opened up a whole new world to me. Every once in a while I do try a cocktail if something really interesting is offered, but it's rare.

I'm having a really off day today. I'm losing a lot of hair right now and the only thing I can think of is not getting enough protien. So I tested chicken yesterday to see if I could tolerate it since it has always been my go to protien. I still don't tolerate it and ended up coming home from work early and sleeping for four hours. Still feeling rummy (see what I did there...) but hope to have a good pilates session in a couple hours.

That sounds like an alarming symptom! Please have yourself checked out. Hopefully it is something as basic as needing more protein. Eggs? Beans? Protein smoothies??


Morning friends! I've already worked a chat shift this morning and I'm ready to get moving on my "to do" list! But that would be easier if my kitty wasn't sleeping on my list! For those who are cat owners, do you notice that your kitties like to sit/sleep on paper? Mine does! I hate to disturb her..... she looks so adorable!:cat:

Anyhow.... sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I got up a bit early to get a few things accomplished, then off to work where I painted for 6 hours, then home to shower and dress for my WW meeting and then home again for a quick dinner and some cleaning projects. Then I made up my grocery list for the party. I planned to paint my front steps this morning, but they are predicting possible showers this afternoon, so I'm not sure I should. But if I can get them painted early they should be dry enough to cover with a tarp by this afternoon.

With so much left to do and so little time, I'm going to officially excuse myself from chatting from you all for the next few days (if I can resist!). Otherwise it is just a big excuse to sit on my butt rather than get stuff done! I will report in Friday (and I am praying for a small loss from all of my activity, despite the weekend popcorn and movie candy) and then won't be back until Sunday. I'm sure you will all understand! Okay.... the day is getting older and I am starving! Laundry needs to happen and then breakfast!!...............P
I r
Dh has been dozing on and off. On our trip to Wichita he had a spell of vertigo. Since then he has felt off so he went to the doctor and he has an ear infection. The second one in three months. But to help the vertigo he is taking sea sick medication which is making him sleepy. The last couple of days we have been at parties and he was able to stay awake because he was talking to people but today it is just me and the dog so he has been taking it easy and dozing off and on. I am hoping this clears up soon.

Have a happy and healthy day

PS Pamela, Happy belated birthday

Hope he feels better soon
I've been reading about the Frozen ride opening chaos today and just blown away at the insanity. 300+ minute standby queues and multiple ride breakdowns. At one point cast members handed out free Mickey bars and ice water. Wow.

I was thinking about going on the ride in December, but I think I may skip that entire side of EPCOT and once we hit Italy just take a Friendship Boat back to the front of the lake or just walk backwards. May be time to avoid Norway like the plague. Lines already out to China and Mexico.

It will settle a lot until December! I hope. If not I hope it keeps Soarin and Test Track with lower waits, don't care much for Frozen

I didn't know you can take a boat back, need to look into it!
Sorry that DH hasn't been well. I occasionally get a round of vertigo, but I've never noticed it connected to an ear infection. But it is disconcerting! I often get it after I've traveled a lot... especially air travel. I pray he is better today!

Love to see pictures of all of these quilts! Thanks for the birthday blessings!!

How about 1000 weeds???:rolleyes1 But I understand what you are saying! "Let it Go" will be my theme song for the next 3 days! And YES, DS also took these three days off of work with me to work here at home... and I left him a nice list for when I was at my WW meeting yesterday evening. And thanks for the birthday wishes!!

Hope the lake house day(s) are fun!!

I'm not a big drinker, but as you all know, I occasionally enjoy a light beer..... I really like beer! I used to enjoy a glass of sweet wine once in a while, but I'm not enough of a wine lover that it is worth the calories to me. And my go-to mixed drink is a good margarita.... but I never have them at home. I used to bring them on vacation to the lake, but since we now have a family member along who has an addiction issue, we have a "dry" vacation.

On a more indulgent week I may have TWO beers on the weekend....but I often stick with just one. If this tells you anything about how little we drink (especially hard liquor), we had a housewarming party when we moved here 22 years ago..... and we did a full bar (it was an all-adults party). We still have bottles of that liquor left!! Scotch, rum, vodka, and Kahlua.... does that stuff go bad? It is in a little-used cabinet above my fridge.

You already said it, but I was going to say we would call you a "cheap date"!! Sorry you are injured!

That sounds like an alarming symptom! Please have yourself checked out. Hopefully it is something as basic as needing more protein. Eggs? Beans? Protein smoothies??


Morning friends! I've already worked a chat shift this morning and I'm ready to get moving on my "to do" list! But that would be easier if my kitty wasn't sleeping on my list! For those who are cat owners, do you notice that your kitties like to sit/sleep on paper? Mine does! I hate to disturb her..... she looks so adorable!:cat:

Anyhow.... sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I got up a bit early to get a few things accomplished, then off to work where I painted for 6 hours, then home to shower and dress for my WW meeting and then home again for a quick dinner and some cleaning projects. Then I made up my grocery list for the party. I planned to paint my front steps this morning, but they are predicting possible showers this afternoon, so I'm not sure I should. But if I can get them painted early they should be dry enough to cover with a tarp by this afternoon.

With so much left to do and so little time, I'm going to officially excuse myself from chatting from you all for the next few days (if I can resist!). Otherwise it is just a big excuse to sit on my butt rather than get stuff done! I will report in Friday (and I am praying for a small loss from all of my activity, despite the weekend popcorn and movie candy) and then won't be back until Sunday. I'm sure you will all understand! Okay.... the day is getting older and I am starving! Laundry needs to happen and then breakfast!!...............P
Unfortunately Eggs are also still off the list, I've tested them as well.
It just means you're the life of the party - you're our fun friend in thread ;)


I've been reading about the Frozen ride opening chaos today and just blown away at the insanity. 300+ minute standby queues and multiple ride breakdowns. At one point cast members handed out free Mickey bars and ice water. Wow.

I was thinking about going on the ride in December, but I think I may skip that entire side of EPCOT and once we hit Italy just take a Friendship Boat back to the front of the lake or just walk backwards. May be time to avoid Norway like the plague. Lines already out to China and Mexico.

:rotfl:Ok, I can live with that.

And WHOA! I had not read about the hot mess that is now Norway (I'm trying to stay spoiler free until I get to see it for myself!).... that's crazy! I have fast passes for it and the new Soarin' in July but....maybe I will reconsider until this calms down a little!

I used to have social drinks on the weekend similar to you @Lady Marie and 1-2 through the week. My parents still have a drink each afternoon at the end of the day. I suppose things started changing for me a bit more when I had kids - I still had social drinks but less - then when I found myself on my own - I didn't see the point in having a drink on my own at the end of the day - plus the end of the day is a busy time with kids, dinner, bath, bed. I also, thought that as I was the only one in the house I needed to be able to respond to anything the kids needed and if I had to drive somewhere with them or for them well when your the only driver you can't be drinking.

My FIL is very much like your parents in that respect. I'd say 2-3 days per week, we close up the shop and the guys have a drink before they head home. But I don't usually join them. They are all Mad Men about it with their straight whiskey and I'd rather not.... but I do join in occasionally-- mainly because our industry is such a boys club and I need to be in the club from time to time!

I completely see myself changing though like you said if kids come along-- all of those are great points and I completely agree.

but also because I'd rather spend those calories on cake. Discovering the ice cream martini and rum infused dole whips opened up a whole new world to me.

I laughed out loud about the cake comment. I can definitely turn down a drink with cake on the horizon. I don't like the two tastes together and would much rather have the cake! BUT you needn't have mentioned the rum dole whip...... I'm now on the hunt!

For those who are cat owners, do you notice that your kitties like to sit/sleep on paper? Mine does! I hate to disturb her..... she looks so adorable!

YES! Well, not mine, but my cousin's cat LOVES paper. So much so that her daughter leaves a sheet of paper on her bed all day and night for the cat to sleep on-- and sure enough, whenever he is sleeping in there, he is on the paper. Cats are so weird-- I love it! hahaha!
Sending you lots of hugs and pixie dust. I'm sorry to hear that you're having an off day and you're losing hair. Sometimes it's due to natural shedding but yes, it can be due to protein. Is there another type of protein you can try?
Thanks all for the suggestions. I've gone thru this before but in the past it was vitamin D deficiency, which I'm getting plenty of. I do eat red meat and seafood but just haven't had very much lately. I did have a protien smoothly last night, with frozen fruit so it satisfied the desire for ice cream as well, so a double win.
Feeling much better today... Perkier and mentally much clearer. And physically not as stiff and sore. I'm actually relieved it appears to have just been the chicken and not allergies triggered by other things.

Had a good food day yesterday... Managed to walk past Starbucks without going in, which is a challenge in this town with one in every block. Slept thru lunchtime so didn't eat until 5pm when I had a salad with shrimp. I did drag myself to pilates last night because I knew it would make me feel better. Mid-way thru I started thinking about fudge sundaes at McDonalds, which is right across the street. Their sundaes are small don't you know, so not too much damage, just a little bit of ice cream... Now here comes my Woohoo for the day. Instead of driving thru McDonalds I somehow managed to divert into the grocery store parking lot, walk right past the ice cream case and get frozen fruit and rice milk so I can start having frozen protien smoothies.

Planning on having salmon for lunch and getting as much protien in me as quickly as possible, as I would really prefer to not be bald! :)
Hi Everyone, I am back.. but it went from page 12 to 23, so I am just going to start here..
We closed on the 10th as expected! Thankfully! We moved all our stuff in one day on Sat the 11th and spent everyday last week unpacking - I myself have about 6 boxes left of scrapbooking stuff - I am waiting on my dad to build me shelves like I have in my old mobile.. but it's mostly in the closet! I will post some pictures if you all don't mind.. it's mostly of the new mobile empty

Master bedroom and Bath
master bedroom and batch.jpg

Master looking towards kitchen
master bedroom facing kitchen.jpg

Built in Kitchen Hutch
built in kitchen hutch.jpg

Rest of kitchen
rest of the kitchen.jpg

Living room.jpg

long hallway.jpg

Scrapbooking/spare room
Scrapping room.jpg

Kyle's room
Kyle's empty room.jpg

Master bedroom Queen with camo and pretty bedding
Queen bed with camo -  pretty bedding.jpg
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Chris in his Mickey Apron at our Father's Day BBQ
C in his Mickey Apron for Father's day.jpg

DQ Ice cream cake from Kids
DQ ice cream cake.jpg

Flowers, card and Mickey magnet from my friend Diane
flowers - card - magnet from Diane.jpg

Our Shed from Pinegrove
my shed from 16 Pinegrove.jpg
Part of our yard at the BBQ
Part of the back yard for the FD BBQ.jpg
Pretty Petunia's from my dear friend Cheryl
petunia's from Cheryl.jpg
Our stray kitties that came with the new house.. the totally black one is Baby, The middle one is missing her tail and is the Momma, and the littlest one with white feet, chest and one her face is Bandy.
stray kitties.jpg
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