"Healthier" Women in bathing suits?

Have fun:D Even if you have a Pooh shape like me, instead of like Ariel. Hey, I bet her clam shell top isn't very comfortable..;)
Just got back from the 3 day wonder and figured I'd chime in. Just wanted to confirm that there are ALL body types. I, too, feel self conscious sometimes so I am generally looking around to see who might be looking at me and I can honestly say that everyone seemed like they were having too much fun or too much into whatever they were doing to notice or care what anyone else was wearing. People really seem to be into doing their own thing. If you have nothing better to do on a disney cruise than be judgemental of other people in their swimsuits then you are probably missing the whole point of the cruise. Go and ENJOY!

Let me chime in again and add that the various body types goes for the spa too, not just the pools and beach. On our Wonder three-peat, I spent a lot of time in the Rainforest and saw just about every body type imaginable. Everybody seemed comfortable and nobody seemed self-conscious...they were all relaxing and having a good time. Don't worry about your size...take comfort in the fact that by the end of the cruise, a lot of the other people will have probably increased by a size anyway :D :D
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Where can i get one of those size '24' Red Mickey bathing suits? I've worn black far too long!

Thanx for asking. I got the suit at the Disney Store about 5 years ago. It is red w/ a little black trim around the neck and arms with a 6" embroidered Mickey in reds/ blacks and yellows in the middle of the chest. I just love it and have just about wore it out. My 17y/o DD thinks her mom is pretty "kool" dressing how she feels and not worrying about what others think. I'm even making sundresses out of Disney prints for our first Disney cruise in June 2003. It's going to be great !!! I love it.

You might just give Customer Service a call at WDW. Sometimes they can locate items if you can describe them that are no longer available in the catalog or in the stores.

800-247-8996 Guest Services or
800-237-5751 Catolog

Good Luck... Beth
I don't necessarily like the term "healthier" to describe overweight, because I feel much more fit and healthier in general at my goal weight than I did when I was carrying around an extra fifteen pounds.

That said, I wanted to say that I think that no matter what your body type, you should wear your bathing suit with confidence. I was a lifeguard all through college, so I watched people in swimsuits all day long without ever thinking about their bodies.

The only exception was when people were wearing extra clothes... t-shirts or shorts over their bathing suits. That to me pointed out that they felt uncomfortable and were trying to hide their bodies (and t-shirts and shorts don't even help with that!) A person with 50 extra pounds in just a swimsuit looks much better and happier than a person with an extra 10 pounds who is trying to hide.
Baking child #2 (I'll be in second trimester for cruise) and have never had the desire to put on a materinity swimsuit, but I refuse to miss out on swimming pool and beach fun next month on our first Disney cruise! Since it isn't exactly obvious yet what the reason is for my extra bulging (which seems to be happening in more places than my tummy) I've decided to just get over it and not worry about what others think!
I think it's definitely possible to be overweight but still healthy. I just did my fitness assessment at the health club and scored "Above Average" in cardio! That makes me especially happy because both my mom and dad had heart attacks and died in their 50s (mom overwight, dad skinny). But still, I will be happy when I get my weight back down...in the best of all worlds, I want to be healthy AND the right weight.
I have a friend at work who is overweight and is competing in triathalons...I can't even imagine the good shape her cardio system must be in!
I just ordered some swimsuits for our upcoming cruises, including one a size smaller than usual. Due to our regular health club visits, my clothes are getting looser, so hopefully I'll be ready for that smaller size real soon. :D
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Here's a reply from a non-healthy person.

No, just kidding I am healthy, a little under weight at the moment but I'm sure the cruise will take care of that.

So many people are self conscious of their body, me included. Even though I weigh only 100 lbs I could still find 101 flaws but it won't stop me from enjoying the pool, beach or sun.

I envy the people though that are "healthy" that don't cover up and seem to be enjoying themselves. It shows that they aren't self conscious. Who really cares what anyone else thinks? No one person is perfect, we all come in different styles and sizes and if some one doesn't like the site of someone wether they are "healthy" or "not healthy" then let them look the other way. Don't let people intimidate you.

If you really think about it, the majority of people probably really don't care what anyone else looks like. If you are taking your time to sit there and pick out who is fat and who is too skinny or too short then you're probably not really enjoying your time anyway.

Let's just go and not worry and have a great time :Pinkbounc
I have worn my bathing suit on 4 cruises so far and I am more like Cameron Manhiem than Brittney Spears. I don't think Cameron Manhiem would take a second thought about wearing a bathing suit.
Whew....glad somebody else has this concern besides me!DMIL is moving out of their old house and into a new one and I'm hoping she decides to 'give'(read:me cajoling her)me her old Nordictrak cuz I wanna be in shape before I go on this cruise in 04 but I will NEVER EVER EVER be a size 4(only wish!).I have hips like the Panama Canal and a chest Dolly Parton would be proud of and a butt to match.:DGlad to know there are more than just skinnyminnie moms on this ship.:D

I was just away on a business trip for 2 days and could not wait to get back to this board and all the great posts! Kinda on this topic: The hotel I was staying at was right by a busy airport and since I'm a lite sleeper, didn't sleep real well. At 4am this morning I gave up on the battle to sleep so I turned on the tv. LO AND BEHOLD, THERE WAS THE DISNEY MAGIC AND A FITNESS GURU EXERCISING ON THE PROMENADE DECK! LOL!
Thought that that would fit in nicely on this topic. It just seemed funny to me that early in the morning!

Back to the previous posts though. I think it is definately true that you can have some extra fluffing and be in good health.

:bounce: :p :Pinkbounc

Where do all you gals here with extra pooh bear fluffing get your swimsuits? I come from a small town and have a very limited selection.
I get mine at Dillards. A brand called Roxanne. They have all sizes. Especially for those of us who need a little support up top.
I've gotten some very cute swimsuits from both Lane Bryant catalog and Roaman's (same company). They're online, although some of the swimwear might be scarce since they're getting fall clothes in:

http://www.lbcatalog.com/ (Lane Bryant)
http://www.roamans.com/ (Roamans)

Just do a search for swimsuits.

They're very prompt in shipping the orders, and will take back anything that doesn't work out for you, although I've never had any problem. Sizes run a little big on most things, so be sure to check out the sizing charts.

Thanks for the links Sheleyrb (sp?)

Both stores have great stuff. Can't wait to get a swim suit!
I also did a search for plus size bathing suits and was amazed how many choices I had. I ordered 2 from Lane Bryant and 1 from a place called Junonia. www.Junonia.com they also had chloroban bathing suits that stand up to chlorine and don't fade.
Oh please - who gives a rootie patootie what ANYONE else thinks! You're on vacation - if they don't like the way you look in your suit, then let them buy a copy of "Vogue" and go back to their room. This is about YOUR vacation - it's not a fashion show!!!

However, I know what you mean and I understand how you feel. I was once a size 13 and lost more than 30 lbs. on Weight Watchers - at this point in my life though, after 2 kids and 43 years and more stress than I care to discuss, I can wear between a size 6 and a size 4, depending on where I shop. Personally, I think the clothing manufacturers are putting a smaller size label on clothes to give us women the illusion we're slimmer than we really are, 'cause frankly, if I'm a size 4, then I'm Cindy Crawford and don't know it (LOL!)

No, seriously, please don't worry about how you look. Who cares? Certainly not I. I will be at Castaway Cay, smiling and waving at you as you go by, enjoying my (insert drink of the day here) and absolutely NOT thinking about what you look like in a bathing suit. As for the guys, they're all hormonal buttheads anyway, so who gives a fig what they think...

Have a wonderful trip! I know I will and I'm rooting for big, gorgeous you too!!!



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