"Healthier" Women in bathing suits?

Please - I don't want to be rude - but if the highest size you have ever been is a size 13 then you have NO IDEA what the rest of us are talking about.

We would kill to be a size 13 - My goal is to be a size 16 again so I can get clothes off regular size racks.

I haven't been a size 13 since I was 12 years old.

Some of us have metabolisms that don't burn calories. I'm doing better now after 25 years of low cal and low fat diets -
I found ATKINS and have lost 33 pounds and counting.....

I'm sorry I didn't mean to go off ... but we are sesitive and we do care ..... and other people are sometimes not kind.

The world is a thin place - and when you don't FIT in ........

Again sorry - Nothing Personal.
mareka, no need to get testy.

What this thread has demonstrated is that people are far more self-concious about their body type than anybody else is.

Your goal is to get back to a size 16. Somebody else hopes never to get as big as a size 13 again. Somebody else said she only weighs 100 pounds but can identify a dozen things about her body that she's unhappy about. The point is that very few people are happy with their bodies. We're very self-critical. We imagine that everybody is going to look at us and snicker about every flaw that we're aware of when in fact very few people will notice. And if they do, they won't care. You will see every body type on the cruise. And for every body type, there will be a soul inside that is unhappy with their bodies.

That's the whole point of this thread. Be happier about who you are. Enjoy your cruise. This is supposed to be fun, remember?
You're absoloutly right Dave! Someone who's a size 2 may be unhappier than someone who's a size 32. It depends on how you view yourself. I remember when I was a size 12....I was very self concious and thought I was really overwight when in fact I was not. Now that I am definately not a size 12 I am a little more happier than when I was a 12. And I feel good. I'm still bashfull when it comes to swimsuits because, frankly, that's about naked for me lol! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I did get on the roamans site and I just ordered 2:bounce:
swim suits and some shorts and some flip flops. I really liked the site!

I'm ready to go cruisin!!!
been dieting since Sept 2nd, hoping to loose a few pounds, get healthier. Eating more fruits & veggies. And I do feel better, hopefully I can continue this - the cruise is a great incentive
You do have a good point. I have a friend who is pencil thin. I have always been large. She said she would love to gain weight where I would love to give her some of mine. She is just as sensitive about being skinny as I am about being large. I guess we need to love ourselves and do the best we can to be as healthy as we can. I have been doing Weight Watchers for 6 weeks and have lost 22 lbs. I wish everyone happinessand a wish that you LOVE yourself!!!:D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
It's so nice to see so many people here with healthy views of their bodies! I definitely want to lose weight, but that doesn't mean that I'm ashamed of what I have now. Via my website I've heard from some people who want to try spa services but who are nervous because they are carrying some extra weight. I always reassure them that people of all sizes and shapes use the spa, and I'm sure the therapists are used to that...they do their best to make you feel comfortable. What a shame to miss some of the fun things in life because you are worried about how you look! Life is too short not to enjoy :D :D
If somone else is worried about how I look, all I can say is that their life must be pretty boring if that's the only thing they have to worry about.
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what anyone thinks. I used to be size 12 and I had to kill myself to do it. Now I am pooh sized and as healthy as I can be. My cardio system is in kick butt shape. I walk/run 2 1/2 miles a day. I have accepted that I will never be super model thin. All you can do is the best with what you've got. I just got off the Wonder and the only hard bodies I noticed were a few 18 year old girls. Just wait their metabolisms will catch up with them later.

I went every where in my Leopard bathing suit and never felt uncomefortable and I even hauled my pooh sized body into the spa and the girls make you feel comefortable no matter what size you are.

Like someone else mentioned EVERYONE is having way too much fun to notice how you look in your bathing suit.

Go have fun.
Just an FYI... Lands End also has great plus size bathing suits at semi-reasonable ($50-$90) prices.

Erin :D
Thanks Erin, I checked it out and that's another good site.

You know. I couldn't imagine not going to the spa! :)
Like you said before, these people are professinals and see every kind of body type under the sun everyday.:bounce:

I enjoy my massages too much not to go. I'm really looking forward to the spa on the ship, from what I've heard here on these boards, some of the treatments are too die for! :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hi Jenn!

Just remember, it's what's on the inside that really counts. ;) If people don't like what they see, then they shouldn't be looking to begin with! :p Be yourself, have a fantastic time. Life is too short to worry about what everyone else may think!
Dave, I agree totaly with everything you said and really, this thread shouldn't turn into a debate over wether someone does or doesn't understand how another feels.

But.....I think some of us thinner people know somewhat how you "healthier" people feel even though we've never been bigger than a size 6. If you feel so strongly about your flaw or flaws you still have that sence of insecurity.

Insecurity is insecurity, anyway you look at it. It's not a happy feeling especially when you are suposed to being having the time of your life.

I am not an unhappy person but I am a little insecure about certain things but by no means would I allow it to stop me from enjoying what I am suposed to be enjoying.

Like I said before, let's all just go and have a great time and don't worry about what someone else might think. :D


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