Have You Ever Seen A Ghost/Experienced Anything Paranormal

A story that my mom told me; she had fallen asleep on her couch while watching tv late at night. She awoke suddenly to see an older lady in a nightgown standing next to the couch watching her. The lady didn't say anything, just stood there looking at my mom. My mom closed her eyes and when she opened them the lady was gone. My mom lived in a 55+ community so she thought that some resident must have gotten confused and came into her home. She got up and checked all of her doors and windows - all were closed and locked. The next morning she found out that an older lady around the corner from her had passed away. Talking to the older lady's next door neighbor, my mom described the older lady she had seen and her neighbor said my mom described her perfectly. Why she chose to visit my mom ............. who knows ..............
I am fascinated by the paranormal. The only thing that has even happened to me was in Savannah. DH and I had taken a trip for our birthdays' in Oct one year-- just a long weekend. We had booked a couple of ghosts excursions during that trip. One was at night where we would walk to several cemeteries and here the folk lore. At the first stop I started feeling sick. Like I was going to pass out- hot/light heated/nauseous. We got to the second cemetery and I couldn't take it anymore, I felt like I couldn't hardly stand. I told DH I wasn't feeling well so we started to walk back to our hotel-- only a couple of blocks away. We got less than a block from the tour group and all of the sudden I felt fine. It was the weirdest thing and I can't explain it.
A story that my mom told me; she had fallen asleep on her couch while watching tv late at night. She awoke suddenly to see an older lady in a nightgown standing next to the couch watching her. The lady didn't say anything, just stood there looking at my mom. My mom closed her eyes and when she opened them the lady was gone. My mom lived in a 55+ community so she thought that some resident must have gotten confused and came into her home. She got up and checked all of her doors and windows - all were closed and locked. The next morning she found out that an older lady around the corner from her had passed away. Talking to the older lady's next door neighbor, my mom described the older lady she had seen and her neighbor said my mom described her perfectly. Why she chose to visit my mom ............. who knows ..............
Has your mother ever seen anything before? This happens to my mother all the time, and has, all her life! She has had some interesting ones. Sometimes it's people she knows, and sometimes it's people she doesn't know. She has seen pets, as well. (Mine.) My understanding is that some people have this ability, and some people don't. I know I don't. But I do believe that spirits are around us.
I was about 20 years old. Had been to a party a couple of town's away. Stupidly had a bit too much to drink. Driving home on a dark winding country road. All of a sudden I hear a voice scream "STOP!". So I stopped. I was alone in the car. It was midnight. No one around. Car windows closed. As I looked out the car window I realized that I was about to drive off the road and into a decent sized stream/small river that was running alongside this rural road. Don't know who yelled stop. Didn't recognize the voice. But they yelled it with enough force to make me stop rather than drive into the river.

Working nights as a nurse a few years later. Go into the room of an elderly patient who was dying of cancer. The patient had been minimally responsive for a couple of days. When I went into the room the patient was sitting upright looked past me and said "thank God you've finally come for me Jesus". Needless to say I was unnerved, the patient was safe in the bed. I left the room. Got one of my colleagues to go back in with me and the patient was dead.

Another one where we had a patient pass away. He & his wife had been married 60+ years. A few months later his wife is a patient. She had failed somewhat since his death, as you might expect. One night myself and a colleague are providing care. The lights blink 3 times, the patient says "husbands name, you've come for me". My co worker and I finished what we were doing, left and when we returned she had passed.

After we put our very beloved dog down, that night I felt him jump on the bed and lay on my feet like he always had.

While the dog was still alive he would sometimes run into the kitchen and look up at the counter and start barking like someone was there. Now he was not barking at the area of the counter where we kept the dog treats, which I might expect. He was barking at the complete opposite end of the kitchen. The man, Stanley, who owned the house before us had built it and lived here till he died. I swear the guy would drop in to make sure we were taking good care of it. When the dog would start barking at the counter I'd say "Stanley we love the house and we're taking very good care of it". The dog would stop barking and walk away. I guess Stanley left once I reminded him that we loved the house.

I believe that there is a very thin veil between our world and the next and those that have gone before us are not far away.
Ah, got it. I agree with all of what you said, up until the last sentence. Sure, nature has a cycle, but in my eyes that's all biology/science. It's easily explained...well, easily explained by people smarter than I, or with better memories (my college degree is in human biology, but that was years ago and I don't work in the field). To me, that's very different than the human "spirit", on which a ghost or paranormal would be based. To me, the "spirit" is composed of all the cells in your brain working together, through electrical impulses. When that stops, the "spirit", stops. The human body decomposes, just like any other living creature, and could be part of that biological cycle. But I don't believe at all that the "spirit" is something completely separate.

I see exactly where you're coming from. I studied Asian philosophy in college, one of my favorite assignments was moving my "mind" to another part of my body for a week...I chose my knee :laughing: Believing that the spirit could be a system no different than our circulatory system, respiratory system is something I can completely understand, though I still feel there is an out put of energy. Because akin to water, all the energy that has every existed will always exist and needs to be released and moved on. The body will be worm food, it is just a container, like a battery cell, but the energy must go somewhere no matter what semantics were chosen to describe its functional processes while animated. I myself don't separate science and spirituality as they are one in the same, not one or the other to me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Einstein was right, relativity :hyper: He wasn't talking about spacetime he was talking about the human condition :laughing: I don't agree to disagree, I agree to enjoy conversation with someone who sees things differently ;)
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Has your mother ever seen anything before? This happens to my mother all the time, and has, all her life! She has had some interesting ones. Sometimes it's people she knows, and sometimes it's people she doesn't know. She has seen pets, as well. (Mine.) My understanding is that some people have this ability, and some people don't. I know I don't. But I do believe that spirits are around us.

Not like the older lady that she saw that night. The only other experience that she mentioned to me was similar to my experience at the Moon River Brewery in Savannah.
A story that my mom told me; she had fallen asleep on her couch while watching tv late at night. She awoke suddenly to see an older lady in a nightgown standing next to the couch watching her. The lady didn't say anything, just stood there looking at my mom. My mom closed her eyes and when she opened them the lady was gone. My mom lived in a 55+ community so she thought that some resident must have gotten confused and came into her home. She got up and checked all of her doors and windows - all were closed and locked. The next morning she found out that an older lady around the corner from her had passed away. Talking to the older lady's next door neighbor, my mom described the older lady she had seen and her neighbor said my mom described her perfectly. Why she chose to visit my mom ............. who knows ..............
Maybe because your Mom could see her? That'd be my guess as to why.
I've never seen a ghost but have had two unusual experiences.

1: When my Grammy passed away in 2001 I was a wreck; up until that point (17 years old) I'd never lost a close family member. The night before her funeral I had a dream where we were all sitting in the funeral home and she suddenly sat up, looked at all of us, and said, "It's okay, I'm fine now."

2: Early on in my pregnancy (~8 weeks) I had a dream with my Gampy in it. This was in 2008, he had passed in 2004. I was always worried what he would think of my current situation (25, left my daughter's father the night before I tested positive, etc). It was just him, holding a neon pink poster board that said "Congratulations!". I knew from that moment that I was having a girl.
Along the lines of Disney Dolls post about a voice telling her to stop:
The day my df died I had an experience that I still can't explain.
So my df was in ICU at the hospital and I had gone to say goodbye. The chaplain said I could come back at any time instead of the set times since he was going to pasd soon. My df and I knew he would be gone by what would be the next set time. I go home and after awhile I lie down and am not believing all this has happened.
I have this voice in my head say you need to take dd and mom back to the hospital. I then say well he is in ICU my dd can't see him because she was 5 at the time.
Well,whatever it whomever it was didn't like that answer, because the voice yelled YOU HAVE TO TAKE THEM NOW! And it was like I was a puppet on a string because it was like something pulled me up and before I knew it I was sitting on the side of my bed.
Once again I am wondering my dd can't go see him. So I quickly gathered them and we go to the hospital which was nearby.
Outside of the ICU is a phone that you pick up and they can let you in.
I pick up and they had just moved my df to a regular room. We got to see my df one last time. We left and came home and soon after I got the call that he passed.

Now, I have had experiences where I felt like something was going to happen and they did. I think I am very intuitive, but the experience with the voice was and the pulling me up, that was very different. I don't think that was me.

The next time I heard the voice, was a few years ago saying I needed to go back into my mom's room when I had been in there 10 minutes before. I just did it without questioning it, and I walked in my mom having a seizure.
Maybe because your Mom could see her? That'd be my guess as to why.

That is my guess too. I have heard that certain people have the ability to see spirits and the spirits seek them out. Kind like seeing a light in the darkness. They are drawn to those people.
A few years ago my boyfriend and I attended a wedding in the financial district in NYC. We stayed at a hotel that overlooked Ground Zero. The moment we arrived I could just feel an overwhelming heaviness and sadness. The night before the wedding I woke up to what I assumed was my boyfriend grabbing my shoulder. I opened my eyes to find him totally asleep and on the other side of the bed, facing away from me. I had been asleep facing the rest of the hotel room and he was facing the wall. The shoulder that was touched was the one closer to the rest of the room. I 100% felt someone grabbing me that night. It was such an eerie feeling.

We currently live in a house built in the 1800s. It is divided into 3 apartments, one on each floor. We live on the 2nd floor. We had our new neighbors over for drinks recently so their puppy could meet our dog. Apparently one of them works for a local university in the same office where the previous 3rd floor tenants had worked and his supervisor recognized the address. The supervisor told the new tenant the following story which the previous tenants had told him. We never heard the story from the older tenants and they had never spoken to the new tenants. Our landlord lives on the first floor and had never heard of any ghosts either but she said that if it happens again we are all out of there ;)
The story was that one night the older 3rd floor tenants had woken up to a woman dressed in clothes appropriate for the 1800's spinning on her back in front of their bed! Their dog was huddled in a corner facing the wall whimpering. Yikes! We were a little freaked out going to bed that night. I have never felt anything eerie in the house before and I do laundry all of the time in the very old basement. I love the house actually!
There have been a few times that our dog has weirded us out though while sitting in our living room. We noticed him doing this a few times before we heard that story. He will stop whatever he is doing and start looking up at the ceiling and start barking. There is nothing there, no shadows, no holes or cracks. We will shut the lights off and he still barks, turn them on and he still barks. It usually lasts 10 mins or so.
A few weeks ago he started his staring/barking at the ceiling. This was the first time he's done it since we heard about our neighbors story. My boyfriend went to flick the overhead lights on via the switch in the living room. It didn't work, which was a bit weird but I figured the bulb must have died. So he went to use the switch in the dining room and that switched worked. The light fixture in the apartment is just one bulb hanging down with a large paper lantern covering (it sounds cheesy but it came like that and I love it!). As soon as the light came on I noticed that there was a string or hair tied to the bottom middle part of metal frame of the lantern. My boyfriend went to take it off and it was a piece of fishing wire. He asked me what I had hung up there with fishing wire...I told him that I've never hung anything from that lantern before and I had never seen anything hanging from the lantern before. I would have noticed it because when the light came back on it was very easy to spot and I tend to notice everything. We dont even have any fishing wire in the house. We were 100% creeped out after that! And the light switch in the living room works just fine.
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My wife had an experience years ago when our 2 daughters were young. She was driving with both girls in the car and pulled up to a red light and stopped. When the light turned green, she started to go through it when a male voice in the car literally yelled "STOP!" It was such a commanding voice that she immediately hit the brakes ...................... just as a semi-truck ran his red light and shot right through the intersection. Had she not stopped, she would have been hit broadside by the semi. We figured that it was her guardian angel.


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