Has there been a locked thread on the new improved CB?

Something about this cheerful Christmasy background does not lend it self to locked threads, at least in my eyes. Its going to take some getting used to.
The mere mention of mugs may just get you your first locked thread of the new boards.
OK - I concede - someone just started a death penalty debate. Excuse me while I go over and do my part to make it go haywire! :rolleyes:
auntpolly said:
LOL why? What's taboo about a DIS mug???? I'm out of this loop!

Well, yes, there are the refillable mugs, they are the source of much controversy over the years. Then you have the DIS Con Mugs, which are also not something you'll want to be talking about on any thread you'd like to remain open. And thats all I am gonna say about the matter. :earseek:
I was thinking I had seen one. It was from someone looking to get rid of some MVMCP tickets. They were asking where to sell them. (Supposedly not looking to find someone to sell them to here.) Hmmh, wonder if that mention will get this thread in trouble?

I have to say, I have never been on a thread that got locked before.
Gee...I don't know how long it will last, but you know what I heard about democrats..........
;) Never mind about line jumpers...but I've been meaning to ask if you think anyone will mind if I take my grandbabies over to Storm Along Bay while we're at the Swan in January?? :scared1:
phorsenuf said:
Gee...I don't know how long it will last, but you know what I heard about democrats..........

That's not half as bad as what I heard about the Republicans...........;)
No...I am thinking it will be today... I guess that trolls don't observe the xmas season...
I_Know_You2! said:
No...I am thinking it will be today... I guess that trolls don't observe the xmas season...

OK, you're on! If you win, you get to post some kind of disparaging remark about me for a week in your signature. :D
All right, you're on! But I will refrain from posting from this point! Otherwise I am sertain I could close it!

Aunt Polly you are a joy to have around whether we are on the same side or arguing!


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